Pod dehiscence (PD), defined as the opening of pods along both the dorsal and ventral sutures, causes the seed to shatter in the field before harvesting and results in loss of seed yields. However, breeding for resistance to PD is difficult due to the complicated genetic behavior and environmental interaction. The objective of the present research was to analyze the genetic behavior of PD for improving the breeding efficiency of resistance to PD in soybean. PD after oven-drying the sampled pod at 40~circC for 24 hours was the most reliable to predict the degree of PD tested in the field. Keunolkong, a dehiscent parent, was crossed with non-dehiscent parents, Sinpaldalkong and Iksan 10. Using their F1~;and~;F2 seeds, PD was measured after oven drying the pod at 40~circC for 24 hours. The gene conferring PD behaved in different manners depending on the genetic populations. In the Keunolkong~times Sinpaldalkong population, PD seemed to be governed by single major recessive gene and minor genes, while several genes were probably involved in the resistance to pod dehiscence in the Keunolkong~times Iksan 10 population. Heritability for PD estimated in F2 population showed over 90~% in the two populations. High heritability of PD indicated that selection for resistance to PD should be effective in a breeding program. In addition, genetic mapping of quantitative locus (QTL) for PD in both populations may reveal that genes conferring PD are population-specific
유채의 협열개에 관한 기초자료를 얻고자 strain gauge를 이용하여 예취 후의 건조 중에 있는 유채 양질의 협열개 난역도를 측정하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 협실의 발육에서 협은 개화 후 3-4일째에는 육안으로 볼 수 있었으며, 협장은 20일째 중에, 종자의 장경은 35일째에 최대에 달했고, 40일째 쯤에는 종자가 거의 구형으로 되었으며, 45일째 쯤에는 협의 굵기가 최대에 달했다 2. 예취 후의 협실수분함량의 추이는 예취 당시가 70%였고 house내에서 5일정도 건조한 결과는 30%에 달했고 14일째까지는 10%정도였다 3. 협열개 난역도는 협실수분함량이나 상대습도에 대응한 일변화가 보였으며 협실수분함량 및 상대습도가 낮을 수록 협열개가 어려웠다.