To date, many researches have been done for maize QPM lines, there is little maize QPM varieties in Korea. In this reason, to develop maize QPM cultivars, investigation of the growth characteristics and amino acid composition among QPM inbred lines was carried out. For this study, QPM inbred lines were donated from CIMMYT. Analyses of growth characteristics changes for each line were investigated. The range of siliking days were ranged from 60 to 69 days. Silking days for 4 QPM lines such as CML140, CML141, CML152, and CML493 were 60 days among donated QMP lines, CML557 was 69 days. In plant height, CML492 was shortest(152 cm) while CML143 was the longest(295 cm). The ear height of CML492 was 66 cm and 175 cm for CML143. Protein content of each maize QPM grains was from 9.07% to 12.67%. CML556 have the highest proteins content, while CML493 was the lowest among maize QPM grains. Content of fat was from 3.38% to 5.25%, and CML141 was the lowest and CML147 was the highest. The content of ash ranged from 1.22% to 1.78%, CML555 was the least and CML142 was the highest. The content range of carbohydrate was from 71.7% to 75.5%, CML557 was the least and CML493 was the highest. The calories of each inbred line ranged from 346 to 365 Kcal, CML140 was the least and CML492 was the highest. Major amino acid composition in maize QPM grain is glutamic acid (16.34%), proline (9.80%). The mean of lysine composition was 3.64%, and CML140 showed the highest ratio of 4.34%.
국내 적응 Quality Protein Maize (QPM) 옥수수 교잡종을 육성하려면 효율적인 선발 체계를 확립하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 최근 국립식량과학원에서 육성중인 QPM1 등 4 교잡계 종실의 일반성분, 지방산 조성 및 아미노산 함량을 대비품종인 일반 옥수수 장다옥과 비교 검토하여 QPM 옥수수 신품종 육성을 위한 기초 연구 자료로 활용하고자 실시하였다. QPM 교잡계들의 단백질함량은 10.0〜11.40%로 장다옥의 8.1%보다 모두 많았다. QPM 교잡계들의 지방함량은 3.8〜4.0%이었으며 QPM1을 제외한 QPM 교잡계들은 장다옥과 차이가 없었다. QPM2 교잡계를 제외한 QPM 교잡계들의 회분함량은 장다옥보다 많았다. QPM 교잡계들과 장다옥 모두 linoleic acid의 조성비가 가장 높고 oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid의 순으로 지방산 조성비가 높은 것으로 나타났다. QPM 교잡계들의 포화지방산 함량은 17.2〜18.4%로 장다옥과 비슷하였다. QPM 교잡계들의 불포화지방산 함량은 81.6〜82.8%로 장다옥과 비슷하였다. QPM 교잡계들과 장다옥간 필수아미노산 중 isoleucine, valine, threonine, 황을 함유한 methionine, cystine 등의 함량 차이는 없었으나, lysine함량은 QPM 교잡계들이 장다옥(3.84g/100g)보다 4.05〜4.69g/100g로 많았으며 그중 QPM1 교잡계가 4.69g/100g으로 가장 많았다. QPM 교잡계들과 장다옥간 산성아미노산인 MMA(monoamino monocarboxylic acid), DMA(diamino monocarboxylic acid), 방향족 아미노산인 AAA(aromatic amino acid) 등의 함량 차이는 없었다. 본 연구에서 육성된 국내 적응 QPM1 교잡계는 옥수수의 경우 필수아미노산 중 가장 문제시 되고 있는 lysine 함량이 보통 옥수수보다 개선되어 식용 및 사료용 옥수수로 활용 가치가 높을 것으로 기대된다.