
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the greatest challenges for our society is providing powerful electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells are among the most promising candidates in terms of energy and power density. As the starting material, TiCl4·YCl3 solution and dispersing agent (HCP) were mixed and synthesized using ammonia as the precipitation agent, in order to prepare the nano size Y doped spherical TiO2 precursor. Then, the Li4Ti5O12 was synthesized using solid state reaction method through the stoichiometric mixture of Y doped spherical TiO2 precursor and LiOH. The Ti mole increased the concentration of the spherical particle size due to the addition of HPC with a similar particle size distribution in a well in which Li4Ti5O12 spherical particles could be obtained. The optimal synthesis conditions and the molar ratio of the Ti 0.05 mol reaction at 50˚C for 30 minutes and at 850˚C for 6 hours heat treatment time were optimized. Li4Ti5O12 was prepared by the above conditions as a working electrode after generating the Coin cell; then, electrochemical properties were evaluated when the voltage range of 1.5V was flat, the initial capacity was 141 mAh/g, and cycle retention rate was 86%; also, redox reactions between 1.5 and 1.7V, which arose from the insertion and deintercalation of 0.005 mole of Y doping is not a case of doping because the C-rate characteristics were significantly better.