
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study aims to discuss the relation between square-shaped Chinese Characters and the attitudes of life. There are six structures of Chinese Characters, which influence six kinds of attitudes of life of Chinese people. First, the right-and-left structure ( , ex.好) and the vertical structure ( , ex. 惡) demand symmetry and balance, which shows the love of equitable attitude of Chinese people. Second, the axis positioning of Chinese Characters, shows that Chinese people persist in moderation. Third, surrounding structures encourage Chinese people to be introverted and humble. Fourth, the Pyramid-shaped structures (ex.品) show the respect for seriousness and solemnity. Fifth, the components combined in layer strengthen Chinese people’s values of order and group. Last, the straight strokes and vertical writing reflects Chinese people respect for decency and uprightness. The six structures and the six attitudes influence and accomplish one another. This research is also hoped to inspire different thoughts on the cultural aspect of Chinese Characters. Most of all, the knowledge can lead us to know learn more about the Kaishu’s value in both the ancient and modern times.