
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        How high-mass stars form is currently unclear. Calculations suggest that the radiation pressure of a forming star can halt spherical infall, preventing further growth when it reaches 10 M⊙. Two major theoretical models on the further growth of stellar mass have been proposed. One model suggests the merging of less massive stellar objects, and the other is through accretion, but with the help of a disk. In ow motions are key evidence for how forming stars gain further mass to build up massive stars. Recent developments in technology have boosted the search for in ow motion. A number of high-mass collapse candidates were obtained with single dish observations, and mostly showed blue pro les. Infalling signatures seem to be more common in regions which have developed radiation pressure than in younger cores, which is the opposite of the theoretical prediction and is also very different from observations of low mass star formation. Interferometer studies so far confirm this tendency with more obvious blue profiles or inverse P Cygni profiles. Results seem to favor the accretion model. However, the evolution of the infall motion in massive star forming cores needs to be further explored. Direct evidence for monolithic or competitive collapse processes is still lacking. ALMA will enable us to probe more detail of the gravitional processes.