
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Failure of the functions involved in ingestion leads to, not only loss of enjoyment of eating, but also protein-energy malnutrition. Dysmasesis and difficulty of swallowing occurs in various diseases, but aging is a major cause. In the aging society, the proportion of elderly people with dysmasesis and difficulty of swallowing is expected to increase rapidly. Developing foods for the elderly that are easy to chew and swallow is thus required. This study was conducted to develop easily chewable and swallowable foods for the elderly who can crush foods and ingest with their own tongues, but occasionally have difficulty in drinking fluids such as water and tea. Various foods for the elderly with chewing and swallowing difficulties were used for sensory assessment. The sensory panel consisted of 10 dietitians (10 women) in nursing care facilities. The sensory optimal composite recipes were determined by central composite design (CCD). The sensory measurements were significantly different in saltiness (p<0.05), sweetness (p<0.05), and overall quality (p<0.05). The optimum formulation of stir fried anchovy calculated by numerical and graphical methods was 3.74 g of soy sauces and 30.17 g of oligo-saccharides. Stir fried anchovy had a moisture content, hardness and adhesiveness of 76.52%, 2.10, and -1.57, respectively.