
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Starting in 1990, the Jeju Branch of Teachers conducted a 4.3 history trip for the nation’s teachers. Discussion of 4.3 used to be prohibited but with the rise of conscious history teachers, they started to share the sites of pain from 4.3 along with sites of pain from modern history. Starting in 2001, Nationwide 4.3 joint classes were implemented; 4.3 learning CDs were produced and distributed to classrooms and other learning sites which cause a lot of friction with the Office of Education. It was painful but the groundwork for 4.3 education was being laid. In 2003, The Provincial Office of Education published “Jeju 4.3 Incident Education Materials: Overcoming Pain and talking of Peace” which provided an opportunity for teachers to officially educate about 4.3. After this in 2008, The third edition of “Overcoming 4.3’s pain and talking of Peace” Teaching materials for Elementary school students, Middle school students, and teachers and the 4.3 Damage Report were published. However, for eight years, 4.3 Educational materials have not been issued.