
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대한민국에 거주중인 새터민 391명을 대상으로 2022년 3월부터 2023년 7월까지로 1년 4개월간 북한에서 거 주할 당시 이용한 식물 이름과 형태, 이용방법에 대해 질의응답 하였다. 면담자들의 평균 연령은 58.76세로 50대가 주로 참여 했다. 면담조사를 통해 동정한 분류군은 48목 102과 310속 472종으로 확인되었다. 그 중 자생식물이 71.40%를 차지했으 며, 재배식물은 25.21%, 외래식물은 3.39%로 확인되었다. 이 용현황에 대한 양적분석을 수행한 결과, 미나리가 상대적인용빈 도(RFC=0.928)에서 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 이용 범주 별 인용 빈도를 분석한 결과, 21개의 범주가 확인되었으며, 가장 많이 활용된 범주는 식용이었다(23,656회 인용, 전체 60.48%). 면담 조사를 통해 확인된 분류군 수는 472종으로 확인하였는데, 또 한 민속식물 동정 시 면담자들의 기억에 의존하여 사진자료를 통해 동정했다는 점에서 한계점이 있으나 본 연구에서 구축한 민속식물 전통지식 DB를 활용한 추가적인 분석을 통해 북한지 역의 사회적・문화적・경제적 통찰이 가능한 다학제간 연구로 확 대할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 전통 천문 지식의 개념과 범주, 현재까지의 연구 현황을 살 펴보고 이러한 전통 천문 지식의 수집과 연구 방향을 제시해 보았다. 이를 요 약하면 아래와 같다. 우선, 전통 천문 지식은 우주, 해, 달, 별 등과 관련된 천문 현상에 대한 전 통 지식을 의미하고 구체적으로는 우주에 대한 개념, 하늘 혹은 우주 신화와 의례, 별의 밝기, 별자리, 달의 주기, 한해의 주기, 역법, 점성학 등에 대한 지 식을 말한다. 이러한 천문 지식은 천문학에 대한 인문학적 관점이 제시되면서 점차 관심을 받기 시작하였다. 서양에서는 민족천문학 분야가 생겨나면서 국제적인 협력 하에 각국의 천 문 지식에 대한 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 국내의 경우는 고천문학 분 야와 농학, 민속학, 한의학, 역리학 등의 분야에서 주로 역법과 절기, 관천망 기와 점후 등에 대한 연구를 중심으로 천문 지식에 대한 연구가 부분적으로 수행되고 있으나 각 영역에 한정되어 있어 천문 지식의 전모를 파악하기에는 한계가 있다. 전통 천문 지식은 그 대상에 따라 크게 우주, 해, 달, 별에 관한 지식으로 나 누어 볼 수 있다. 이들에 관한 지식은 다시 생성에 관한 지식, 형태에 관한 지식, 유물로 전승되는 지식, 점복과 관련된 지식, 의례와 관련된 지식 등으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 또한, 이러한 천문 지식은 다시 생산 주체에 따라 전근대 국가 기 관에서 생산한 지식, 전근대 지식인들이나 민간에서 생산한 지식, 근현대 민 간 전승 지식 등으로 나눌 수 있다. 이러한 자료들을 종합적으로 검토하고 체 계적으로 정리할 필요가 있다. 향후 전통 천문 지식에 대해서는 천문 대상별 종합적 연구와 함께 다른 나 라와의 비교 연구, 그리고 전통 천문 지식과 생업과의 관련성, 세시.의례와의 관련성, 미래 예측에 활용되었던 양상과 방식에 대해 집중적으로 연구될 필요 가 있다. 이처럼 전통 천문 지식은 전통 지식의 차원에서나 무형유산의 차원 에서도 중요한 의미와 가치를 지니고 있으므로 이에 대한 전면적인 수집과 정리, 본격적인 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다.
        2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최병헌의 종교관은 문명론과 기독교적 세계관이 만나는 지점에서 형성되었다. 여기서는 그의 대표작이라 할 수 있는 『성산명경』, 『만종일련』, 『한철집요』를 중심으로 그의 종교 담론이 지니는 의미를 전통 지식의 재편이라는 측면에서 고찰했다. 문명론과 기독교 세계관의 접합을 확인할 수 있는 『성산명 경』은 존 번연의 『천로역정』에 비견될 정도로 한국 초기 기독교 토착화에 기여한 것으로 평가된다. 유불도와 기독교 간의 대화는 세계 창조론, 인간 영혼론, 내세론을 주제로 진행되었는데, 기독교가 서양 문명의 원동력이며 보편적 가치를 지닌 것임을 확인하는 것으로 귀결된다. 『만종일련』은 기독교의 절대적 가치를 주장하면서도 제종교가 복음에 이르는 과정에 도움을 줄 수 있는 성취론적 관점을 취한다. 유신론, 내세론, 신앙을 종교의 3대 관념으로 제시했으나 3대 관념 가운데 일부를 결여하더라도 종교로 인정했다. 이는 전통적인 보유론과 적응주의와 구분된다. 기독교의 수용은 유학을 중심으로 했던 전통 지식 체계의 변형을 촉진하고, 근대적 지식 체계 형성에 기여했다. 화지안의 『성해연원』을 저본으로 한 유교 심성론 기술은 기독교적 관점에서 유교 지식체계를 재구축한 것이다. 동서양의 종교와 철학을 망라한 『한철집요는 비록 한문 교육을 목적으로 만들어진 것이지만 유교를 중심으로 한 전통 지식의 재편을 보여주는 사례이다. 유교 지식인이었던 최병헌의 기독교 수용은 한국 교회사뿐만 아니라 전통 지식체계의 탈구축이라는 점에서 독해가 필요한 이 유이다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to examine the knowledge about food culture and intakes of traditional food in Korean and Japanese elementary school students. In 2012 and 2013, a total of 265 students were surveyed, consisting of 73 Korean fifth graders and 192 Japanese sixth graders. The questionnaire comprised of queries on general items, the recognition and sampling of traditional and celebration foods, the knowledge about the partner country's food culture, and the frequency of consuming the partner country's foods. As a result of this study, the frequency of consuming their own country's traditional foods for Korean children (3.1 out of 5.0 points) and Japanese children (3.2 out of 5.0 points) was similar to each other. Japanese children reported to eat Korean foods (2.9 points) more frequently than those of Korean children to eat Japanese foods (2.4 out of 5.0 points) (p<0.001). However, the Korean children reported to have more experience on given typical Japanese foods than Japanese children reported about Korean foods. Further studies are needed for the perception on traditional foods in Korean and Japanese children. The results of this study can be used as a basic data to succeed and develop traditional food cultures.
        2010.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        종래 전통지식(traditional knowledge)은 지적재산권 보호대상이 아니라 누구나 자유롭게 이용가능한 공공영역에 속하는 정보로 이해되어 왔다. 그러나, 90년대 들어 인류학자 및 환경론자를 중심으로 이러한 전통지식에 대해서도 권리를 인정하고 보호해야 한다는 주장이 제기되어 왔고, 최근 들어서는 전통지식 보호를 위한 구체적 방안이 세계무역기구(WTO), 국제지적재산권기구(WIPO), 생물다양성협약(CBD) 등 다양한 국제포럼에서 활발하게 논의되고 있다. 전통지식 보호 관련 국제적 논의의 핵심은 전통지식에 대한 보유국의 권리와 개발에 따른 이익공유를 규정하는 독자적인(sui generis) 국제레짐 제정 여부이다. 현재로서는 이들 논의가 선진국과 개도국간 대립구도로 인해 매우 더디게 진행되고 있으며 언제 합의될 수 있을지에 대한 전망도 불투명한 것이 사실이다. 그러나, 전통지식 보호 주장이 국제적 논의의 장에서 점차적으로 힘을 얻어가고 있다는 점에 주목해야 한다. 특히, 2010.10월 타결을 목표로 하는 CBD ABS 국제레짐 협상이 가시적인 진전을 이룰 경우 결국 WTO TRIPS, WIPO에서의 논의 진전에도 상당한 모멘텀을 제공할 것으로 예상되는바, 전반적인 협상동향을 예의주시하면서 국가적인 협상대응전략을 재점검할 필요가 있다.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study was to investigate the perception and the knowledge of the Korean traditional foods in elementary school students. For the investigation, 373 fifth-grade elementary school students in Incheon were surveyed by a questionnaire, and the data were analized by the SPSS 10.0 program. The result showed that 85% of the surveyed schoolchildren showed the interest in the Korean traditional foods. It also revealed that female students are more interested in the traditional food than male students and the children of the career woman are more interested than those of the housewives. As for the motive of their interest, 39.7% of the subjects answered 'through mass media'. Male students and the children of the housewives got the interest through their mother, and female students and the children of the career woman got the interest through their hobby of cooking food. Among the traditional foods, 76.4% of the children designated kimchi as the most proud traditional food. As for the reasons of reducing traditional food use, 39.9% of students responded because of 'not-tasty' and 28.7% of students replied because of 'not enough time to cook'. But 62.2% of the subjects thought the traditional foods should be more used in the future. As for the succession and development of the traditional foods, 33.8% of the subjects said it should be carried out by the family. The basic knowledge score of the traditional foods was 5.78 on a scale of 10, which showed relatively low level. The lower their basic knowledge, the less their interest in the traditional foods was. The samgyetang, ogokbap and bindaetteok were the most perceived traditional foods. The cheonggukjang, nabakgimchi and jindallaehwajeon were the foods they had seen, but the they didnot have heard or seen the others. Among the traditional foods, susugyeongdan, jindallaehwajeon and dasik were more perceived by the schoolchildren in the rural area than those in the urban area. The jindallaehwajeon and dasik were more perceived by female students than by male students. Therefore, in order to make elementary schoolchildren take the traditional foods with pride by increasing their perception and knowledge of them, the family should give them many opportunities to eat traditional foods. The school also should try to establish a cooperative relationship to the family of schoolchilderen and use more Korean traditional foods in the school's meal program. Furthermore, the society's concern and support are necessary and also the role of mass media, which have great influence on children, is important.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge and the use of Korean traditional basic side dishes, dried side dishes and Jabans, by housewives. Among the 59 kinds dried side dishes and Jabans, the most well-known food (above 90% of subjects) turned out to be squid Po (dried strip), kong Jaban (seasoned bean), pollack Po, dried yellow croacker, build -dried anchovy Jaban and laver Boogag in the order. In cooking experience of dried side dish and Jaban, over 40% of subjects for build-dried anchovy Jaban, squid Po, dried yellow croacker and kong Jaban have cooked frequently. The proportion of subjects who has bought the marketed dried side dishes and Jaban products was 61.5%. Major problem of that products was pointed out for a sanitary condition and high price. If marketed dried basic side dishes and Jabans were improved over the aspects, the proportion of subjects who would buy the products was 70.0%. Preparation ability of these basic side dishes was influenced by age and educational level. The working housewives had higher frequency in use than the non-job housewives. The interesting degree for basic side dishes was not significantly different from age, resident area and educational level.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The survey was made to learn Yanbian Korean housewives' knowledge of Korean traditional holidays and foods. The questionaires were answered by 143 Korean housewives living in Yanbian region. The results are summarized below. 1. 94.6% of the respondents acknowledge that the Korean traditional holidays should be inherited. And 47.0% of them answered that the Korean traditional foods should be inherited as they have been, but 51.0% replied that the traditional foods need to be slightly modified. 2. The percentages of those who have knowledge of the Korean traditional holidays are 98.7% for Seolnal, 97.3% for Chusuk, 96.6% for Jongwol Daeborum, 94.6% for Dongji, 90.6% for Dano. However, the percentages of those who know about Jungyangjeol, Yudeu, Muojeol and Samjitnal are lower than 10%. 3. Regarding the Korean traditional foods, more than 80% of the respondents have knowledge of Naeongmyun (96.6%), Gejangguk (94.0%), SiruD'ock (94.0%), Ogokbab (87.2%), Mulmandu (86.6%), Patjuk (94.0%), and D'ockguk (82.6%). And Naeongmyun, Mulmandu, Gejangguk, Kalgulksu were consumed most frequently. 4. It is found that Kimchi (97.9%), Soy-sauce (88.4%), and Sseokjang (72.6%), Hot-pepper paste (69.1%) are mostly made at home. The number in the parenthesis indicates the percentage of those who make the food at home.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge and the use of Korea traditional basic side dishes, Jangachies, by housewives. Among the 58 kinds Jangachies, the most well-known Jangachies (above 80% of subjects) turned out to be Perilla leaf, Red pepper leaf, Garlic, Young stem of garlic, Green red leaf, Cucumber and dried Radish Jangachi in the order. In cooking experience of Jangachi, 40% of subjects in Perilla leaf, 28.0% in Green red pepper, 24.8% in Garlic and 24.1% in Red pepper leaf Jangachi have cooked frequently. The proportion of subjests who has bought the marketed Jangachi products were 51.6%. Major problem of that products was pointed out for a sanitary condition, high price and poor taste. If marketed Jangachies were improved over the aspects, the proportion of subjects who would buy the products was 76.2%. The frequency of Jangachi intake was very low on a average due to too salty taste and the difficulty in preparation. The older in age, the more in interest level for Jangachi (p<0.05). 39.6% of subject have had preparation ability of Jangachies. With increasing age (p<0.01), decreasing education level (p<0.01) and those who live in rural area (p<0.05), preparation ability of Jangachi tended to be higher.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The great part of the traditional knowledge on ethnobotanical plants and their uses is gradually vanishing due to industrialization, therefore ethnobotanical studies that explore and preserve the knowledge are in urgent needed before the knowledge are lost ever. This study was conducted to record and conserve the traditional knowledge of botanical taxa in Korea from 2006 to 2014. According to the survey results, derived from 17,328 sheets of 1,771 residents at 868 places, the ethnobotanical plants in Korea consisted of a total 924 taxa; 130 families, 493 genera, 813 species, 7 subspecies, 92 varieties and 12 form. Of them, herbs were 619 taxa (67.0%) and woody plants were 305 taxa (33.0%). 707 taxa (76.5%) out of 924 taxa grow wild, 44 taxa (4.8%) were cultivated wild species, 145 taxa (15.7%) were introduced for cultivation, and 28 taxa (3.0%) were naturalized plants. The analysis of usage for 924 taxa showed that the edible use was the highest with 58.9%, followed by medicinal with 26.9%, material with 3.7% and ornamental with 2.3%, respectively. The leaf of plant was the most useful part, followed by stem and root. Quantitative analysis of the ethnobotanical plants in Korea was performed by the basic values of FC, NU and UR, and indices of CI, RFC, RI and CV. As a result, The CI place Artemisia princeps in first position, followed by Aster scaber, Kalopanax septemlobus. The RFC place A. scaber in first position, followed by A. princeps, Aralia elata. The RI place A. princeps in first position, followed by Pinus densiflora, Morus alba. The CV place A. princeps in first position, followed by P. densiflora, K. septemlobus.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the food industry has evolved into a new and innovative trend according to its globalization and change of food consumption patterns. However, it is hard for the traditional food industry in Korea to meet the changing consumers' needs because of its poorer quality control and lower industrialization technology than other advanced industries. Also the knowledges acquired through a lot of time and efforts would be lost after the human resources with tacit knowledges leave by their too much aging. Especially, the 21st century would be called as knowledge based society which means that knowledge be the important contributing factor in the economic growth. In this regard, this study aimed at proposing the knowledge based system for systematically managing or preserving knowledges of Mosisongpyun industry in Yeonggwang County to seek for the sustainable development of the traditional food industry in Korea. The knowledge based system of Mosisongpyun industry in Yeonggwang County is finally proposed as follows; First, hardware is composed with the necessary unit facilities such as interpretive center, learning and experience room, library, etc. And the integrating facilities such as Mosisongpyun theme park, traditional village, and knowledge industrialization support center are proposed. Second, software is composed with the necessary unit softwares such as the preservation manual of traditional knowledge and skill, web-site administrator, development of graded textbooks, development database software, etc. And the integrating softwares such as development of innovation and management ability in Mosisongpyun industry are proposed. Third, humanware is composed with the necessary unit programs such as exhibition, own training program, incubator support system, etc. And the integrating programs such as the farm association corporation, the testing and research institute, the institution of learning and training are proposed.