A mathematical model is formulated to study the effect of wall mass on the thermal performance of four different houses of different construction. This analytical study was motivated by the experimental work of Burch et al. An analytical solution of one -dimensional, linear, partial differential equation for wall temperature profiles and room air temperatures is obtained using the Laplace transform method. Typical Meteorological Year data are processed to yield hourly average monthly values. These discrete data are then converted to a continuous, time dependent form using a Fast Fourier Transform method. This study is conducted using weather data from four different locations in the United States: Albuquerque, New mexico; Miami, Florida; Santa Maria, California; and Washington D.C. for both winter and summer conditions. A computer code is developed to calculate the wall temperature profile, room air temperature, and energy consumption loads. Three sets of results are calculated one for no auxiliary energy and two for different control mechanism -- an on-off controller and a proportional controller. Comparisons are made for the cases of two controllers. Heavy weight houses with insulation in mild weather areas (such as August in Santa Maria, California) show a high comfort level. Houses using proportional control experience a higher comfort level in comparison to houses using on-off control. The result shows that there is an effect of mass on the thermal performance of a heavily constructed house in mild weather conditions.
본 연구는 환경요인의 변화, 특히 겨울철 저온이 식물체에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 밝히기 위해, 저온감수성 식물인 문주란을 대상으로 겨울철 일주기에 있어서 항산화효소 활성과 O-J-I-P곡선의 변화를 조사하였다. 겨울철의 superoxide dismutase와 peroxidase의 활성은 여름철에 비해 다소 증가하였다. 특히, peroxidase는 겨울철 새벽과 밤에 높은 활성을 보였으며 초겨울에만 특이적으로 검출되는 isoenzyme들로 관찰할 수 있
The numerical model was developed to estimate the transient behavior of pressure waves in pipe systems. The computational algorithm was proposed to model the water hammer phenomenon in a pipe system with pump shutdown at midstream and sudden valve closure at downstream. To predict the pressure head and the flow velocity as a function of time as a result of rapidly closing a valve and pump shutdown, two boundary conditions at the ends considering pump operation and valve control can be implemented as specified equations of the pressure head and flow velocity based on the characteristics method. It was shown that the effects of transient flow make it determine the needs for protection devices, such as surge tanks, surge relief valves, or air valves, at various points in the system against overpressure and low pressure. It produced reasonably good performance with the results of the proposed transient model for pipeline systems. The proposed numerical model can be used as an efficient tool for the safety assessment of hydropower plants due to water hammer.
The changes of O-J-I-P transients were investigated using leaves of four subtropical plant species (Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum, Osmanthus insularis, Chloranthus glaber and Asplenium antiquum) under the natural conditions in winter, in order to select the stress indicators for diagnosing physiological states of plants under low temperature. In the O-J-I-P transients of these species, the fluorescence intensity was found to be higher in O-step and lower in P-step in winter than in summer. Particularly, the fluorescence intensity of the P-step in Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum was lower than those of other three plant species, indicating that Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum is the most sensitive to low temperature. Of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters derived from O-J-I-P transients of four subtropical plants, Fm, Fv/Fo, ABS/CS, TRo/CS, ΦPO and ΦPO/(1-ΦPO) decreased significantly with the increase of Fo, Sm, N, ETo/CS, ETo/RC and Ψo/(1-Ψo) depending on temperature drop in winter. Therefore, these parameters could be used as indicators for estimating low temperature stress and diagnosing physiological states of plants under the natural conditions in winter.