
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study is to investigate a generated traffic noise when vehicle pass over a transverse rumble strip at toll plaza of highway. METHODS: To investigate traffic noise at toll plaza of highway, Pass-by method which is the most common used for measuring traffic noise was adopted and the traffic noise at toll plaza was measured for 10 min per hour for 11hours(13:00~24:00). RESULTS: The measured traffic noise by pass-by method was changed as function of the transverse rumble strip configuration. Generally, the maximum difference among three noise measurement sections was 7 dB(A). It might be related with traffic speed. Also, the measured traffic noise was strongly generated from a passenger car which was 2 axle. It means that the most of traffic noise on the road is generated at tire/pavement interface of the passenger car. CONCLUSIONS: The traffic noise was strongly related with vehicle speed and transverse rumble strip configuration on the road. For driver safety, the transverse rumble strip is definitely necessary. However, the complaints from residents near highway was increased by traffic noise from transverse rumble strip. Therefore, To satisfy both safety and reduction of traffic noise, the development of configuration of transverse rumble strip is necessary in the further study.