
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of the developed ultra-thin-continuously reinforced concrete partition (UT-CRCP) overlay method through a comparative analysis of the early-behavior of the UT-CRCP with a 100 mm cutting overlay of the existing JPCP. METHODS : This study aims to minimize the vulnerability of the existing JPCP (joint section behavior) by overlaying the continuous reinforcement form to constrain joint behavior. For this purpose, the early-behavior of the JPCP section was measured and the early-behavior of the UT-CRCP section was compared with that of the cutting overlay of the same section. The testbed was constructed for comparative analysis of the two types of pavements and the early behavior was measured using the pure environmental loads, i.e., situations where there was no traffic load. For the UT-CRCP, which is a comparative test group, UT-CRCP was constructed approximately one year after the JPCP was constructed by milling the top of the existing JPCP by 100 mm. RESULTS : 1) UT-CRCP was shown to effectively reduce the amount of crack width change on the surface by 17 %, compared to JPCP, by placing reinforcement inside the pavement. 2) The restricting effect of the UT-CRCP was analyzed by comparing the strain generated by the cross-section depth for the two pavement types. As a result, the restricting rate by depth (20, 80, 120, and 280 mm) was 68.4 %, 80.2 %, 89.2 %, and 26.7 %, respectively. 3) We reviewed the comprehensive gauge restricting rate at depths of 80 mm and 120 mm (80.2 % and 89.2 %, respectively) and the absolute value of behavior that is located at the ±20 mm of the interface of JPCP and UT-CRCP. Thus, it was possible to estimate that both layers of pavements exhibit the same behavior (tied) at the interface between the two pavement layers. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, the early behavior of the BCO concept UT-CRCP overlay technique was analyzed and quantitatively presented to overcome the limitations of JPCP with relatively weak point behavior and to increase the commonality of aged concrete pavement to the performance of the new pavement.