
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2020.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The standardization of the veterinary terms carried out so that Japanese or Chinese terms established in the Japanese Emperor Era modified into Korean character (Hangeul). The standardization of the terminology has been performed in veterinary medicine as well as various fields of study such as medicine, food sciences, biology, chemistry etc. The most appropriate terms were selected according to ‘the principle of establishment on veterinary medical terminology’ following a comparison between veterinary medical and medical terminology, and references with various dictionaries and specialty publications. Thereafter, the opinions of various organizations and academies on the selected terms were converged through the public hearing. The standardization of the veterinary terms has made progress, for example the publication of ‘Veterinary Anatomical Terminology (2013)’, which is Korean version of NAV/NEV. The Korean-English terms for veterinary medicine, which has contained approximately 46,900 terms, published at 2018. Veterinary terms are widely related with not only medicine and pharmacology but also with various fields of the society including livestock industry, food industry and quarantine. Therefore, the discretion should be required in the selecting appropriate Korean veterinary terms. The standardization of the veterinary terms should be progress in the regularly revision in a timely manner.