
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Investigation of the quality characteristics of Takju brewing mashes prepared with several different yeasts was carried out during the 42-day brewing process, including examination of titratable acidity, amino acid content, sugar contents, alcohol contents, pH, reducing sugar, yeast population, lactic acid bacteria, and sensory evaluation. Fermivin yielded the highest titratable acidity, while la parisienne had the lowest. Fermivin also had the highest value of amino acid content (14.33%), while other yeasts shows period tended to increase over exclude Instaferm and Song chun. The amount of sugars in instaferm (11.33˚Bx) and instaferm red (10.53˚Bx) were higher than those in La parisienne red and Song chun (9.57˚Bx). The alcohol contents of instaferm was the highest value (15.20%) while the alchol content of the other yeasts tended to increase the fementation period. Fermivin had the highest pH at 12th day among the yeasts(4.02), Instaferm red had the lowest pH among the yeasts (3.87) while safbrew wb-06 had the highest reducing sugar content(117.60 mg/mL). Instaferm obtained the highest preference in the sensory evaluation for all items.
        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저장(貯藏)사과주의 산막(産膜)을 방지(防止)할 목적(目的)으로 사과주 양조장내(釀造場內)의 산막(産膜)이 형성(形成)된 저장(貯藏) 사과주에서 산막효모(産膜酵母) 45종(種)을 분리(分離)하고 그중(中) 가장 뚜렷한 산막생성능(産膜生成能)을 나타내는 균주(菌株) FY-4, FY-5를 선별(選別)하였다. 2균주(菌株) 중(中) FY-5는 분류학적(分類學的) 제성질(諸性質)로 보아 Hansenula beijerinckii 또는 그 근연균(近緣菌)으로 동정(同定)되었다.