An Analysis of Interaction Patterns in a Korean Elementary English Classroom
Yunjin Kim
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NS and NNS Teacher Identities: An Analysis of Teacher-Student Interaction in EFL Classroom
Seojin Park
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EFL 상황에서의 상호작용 - 교실환경과 준자연환경의 비교 연구
임자연, 심영미
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Factors that Negatively Influence Oral Interaction in-and-out of the Classroom
Chongwon Park
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Teacher Questioning and Classroom Interaction Patterns in Advanced EFL Classes
Tae Eun Kim
외국어교육 제11권 제3호 (2004.09) pp.59-83
교사의 피드백이 언어수행에 미치는 영향
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