한국 소나무림의 군락분류와 군락지리 Syntaxonomy and Syngeography of Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forests in Korea

Young-Moon Chun, Ho-Joon Lee, Ichiroku Hayashi
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262459
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제21권 제3호 (2007.06)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

Z-M방법으로 한국 전역의 소나무림에 대한 식물사회학적 연구를 수행하였다. 소나무림은 크게 1군집, 3군락, 7아군락으로 구분되었다. 한국 소나무림의 분류체계는 다음과 같다. Rhododendro-Quercetalia mongolicae Kim 1990 I : Lindero-Quercion mongolicae Kim 1990 em. Kim 1992 A : Quercus mongolica-Pinus densiflora community A-1 : Typical subcommunity A-2 : Vaccinium koreanum subcommunity A-3 : Rhododendron micranthum subcommunity B : Quercus serrate-Pinus densiflora community B-1 : Typical subcommunity B-2 : Juniperus rigida subcommunity B-3 : Styrax japonica subcommunity B-4 : Eurya japonica subcommunity C: Saso-Pinetum densiflorae Yim et al. 1990 Camellietalia japonicae Oda et Sumata 1966 II : Ardisio-Castanopsion Miyawaki et al. 1971 D : Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii-Pinus densiflora community 소나무-신갈나무군락은 한반도 중북부지역의 산지에 주로 분포하였으며, 소나무-졸참나무군락은 한반도 중부와 남부의 저산지와 구릉지에 넓게 나타났다. 소나무-제주조릿대군집은 제주도의 소나무림에서 조사되었다. 그리고 소나무-구실잣밤나무군락은 남서해안과 도서를 포함하는 난 온대역에 분포하였다.

We carried out a phytosociological study on pine forests in Korea with the method of Zurich-Montpellier School. We collected the data of 252 relevés from 45 sites in the pine forests throughout the Korean Peninsula and its attached islands. The vegetation of the pine forests was classified into one association, three communities and seven subcommunities as follows: A: Quercus mongolica-Pinus densiflora community, A-1: Typical subcommunity, A-2: Vaccinium korean urn subcommunity, A-3 : Rhododendron micranthum subcommunity, B: Quercus serrata-Pinus densiflora community, B-1: Typical subcommunity, B-2: Juniperus rigida subcommunity, B-3: Styrax japonica subcommunity, B-4: Eurya japonica subcommunity, C: Saso-Pinetum densiflorae Yim et al. 1990, and D: Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii-Pinus densiflora community. The former three communities were integrated into the Lindero-Quercion mongolicae Kim 1990 em. 1992. The Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii-Pinus densiflora community remained to be studied in future to determine the association. The communities of Quercus mongolica-Pinus densiflora community was distributed throughout the montane zone in central-northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Quercus serrata-Pinus densiflora community occupied widely in the sub-montane and hilly areas in central and Southern Korean Peninsula. The association of Saso-Pinetum densiflorae was found in Cheju Island. Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii-Pinus densiflora community were distributed in the warm-temperate zone including islands off the south-west coast of the Peninsula.

  • Young-Moon Chun
  • Ho-Joon Lee
  • Ichiroku Hayashi