지구온난화 조건 하에 한국특산식물 섬자리공과 귀화식물 미국자리공의 발아, 식물계절 그리고 잎의 형태학적 변화 를 알아보기 위해 CO2농도(+380~420ppm)와 온도(+3.0℃)를 증가시킨 CO2+온도상승구(EC-ET)와 대조구(AC-AT)에서 실험하였다. 두 종의 발아율은 CO2+온도상승구에서 높았으며 발아개시일 역시 빨랐다. 그리고 섬자리공은 미국자리공에 비해 낮은 발아율 보였다. 섬자리공은 2년 통안 영양생장만 일어난 반면 미국자리공은 2008년과 2009년 한 해에 영양생장과 생식생장을 모두 하였다. 두 종의 식물계절은 CO2농도와 온도가 증가할수록 개업, 꽃대형성, 개화, 열매발달과 성숙시기가 빨라졌으며 잎의 노화 시기는 늦춰졌다. 섬자리공의 잎몸 길이는 CO2농도와 온도에 대한 영향을 받지 않았다. 반면 미국자리공은 CO2+온도상승구에서 높았다. 잎몸 폭 길이는 두 종 모두 CO2+온도상승구에서 높았다. 두 종의 총 잎 수는 구배별 차이가 없었다. 그리고 비엽면적은 섬자리공이 대조구에서 높은 반면 미국자리 CO2+온도상승구에서 높았다. 이상으로 볼 때, 지구온난화가 되면 미국자리공이 섬자리꽁보다 CO2농도와 증가에 대하여 더 민감하게 반응을 할 것으로 판단된다.
This study was conducted to find out how the germination, phenology and leaf morphology of Phytolacca insularis(endemic species of Korea) and P. americana(alien species) react to the global warming situation. Seed and seedlings of two species were sampled and placed under two separate conditions for the experiment. One of the seed and seedlings was treated in the glass house with control(ambient CO2+ambient temperature, (AC-AT), and the other with control(elevated CO2+ elevated temperature, EC-ET), over the period of one year, 2008-2009. The germination rate of two species was fast, and the time of their germination started early, when they were treated at EC-ET than at AC-AT. Furthermore, the germination rate of Phytolacca insularis(endemic species of Korea) was found to be comparatively lower than that of P. americana(alien species). The former showed only vegetative growth whereas the latter showed both vegetative growth and reproductive growth in one year period. The more CO2 degree and temperature increased, phenological responses of two species, including leaf growth, the formation of flower stems, flowering, and fruit maturing, became much faster, and the time of their leaf-yellowing was delayed. The lamina length of P. insularis was not significantly affected by elevated CO2 and temperature. The lamina length of P. americana, on the other hand, became longer at EC-ET than at AC-AT, but the leaf width of both species increased at EC-ET. As for the number of leaves, both species showed no difference. Finally, the ratio of the leaf area of P. insularis was high at AC-AT, but P. americana was high at EC-ET. These results indicate that P. americana, aliens species, reacts more sensitively to global warming than P. insularis, endemic species, does.