In the history of visual art the images were often combined with linguistic text, as it is exemplified by the early egyptian mural, medieval religious painting with biblical quotation and the cubist paintings in 20st century. In those works the image and text cooperated complementarily with each other, pursuing the representation of the real. But in the second half of 20st century the poststructuralists proclaimed that the real doesn't exist at all and it is no more than the construction pursued by the signs such as language and image. Facing the crisis of representation the role of image and text in the visual art should have been changed. One of the leading video artist Gary Hill explored in his single channel video works in 1980's the working mechanism of image and text and their interaction, treating them as open signifier, which can be related numerous changeable new meanings. He also concentrates his inquiries on the role and meaning of language within our culture and other human context and destructed the existing mechanism of representation, which based on the solid relationship between signifier and signified. So, in