The purpose of this study is to investigate how Korean primary school L2 readers construct intertextual meaning and how they relate their conceptions or beliefs about reading to their intertextualtity. School instructions or home literacy environments in English reading might influence L2 readers' reading conceptions and their reading processes which are in turn associated with their intertextual connections among the multiple texts. Though current literature in L2 reading has focused on great interest in the reading processes of a single story or text, little interest was given to L2 readers' intertextuality among the multiple stories. The researcher first diagnoses four Korean primary school readers' reading conceptions, followed by retrospective miscue reading analyses to investigate their reading processes. Finally, their intertextual connections among the five stories of adventure are examined by conducting think-aloud procedure. The results showed that L2 readers have their own reading conceptions and behaviors, which are influenced by their home literacy environment and school instructions. In addition, Korean EFL readers' conceptions of reading and behaviors are strongly connected with their intertextuality among the multiple stories.