문화 간 의사소통 관점에서의 한국어교재 분석 The analysis of Korean textbook from the viewpoint of intercultural communication

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/282621
제14권 제2호 (2007.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

The aim of foreign language learning is to develop the communicative competence, it can be said that speakers might communicate their own ideas with each other according to the appropriate linguistic context and condition. Surely considering this ability is deeply related with culture, it has been focusing on the importance of learning culture. Language is part of a culture, so we have to accept naturally to program the teaching culture as a part of teaching language. Actually, such that thinking is apparently not proper. In other words, we need the education of the incorporating both culture and language. Currently, it has been growing the importance of teaching culture in Korean educational context influenced by the movement of teaching foreign language, as reflecting of that above, most of the textbooks published since 2000 have included the cultural content and materials specially with the emphasis on the communicative competence. After looking into the situation in teaching language of culture about such that textbooks, this study tries to present the educational way on the basis of the result of those facts. To do so, as the aspect of the communication in language teaching, this research intends to examine whether the cultural content in the textbooks has played a critical role in the real communicative situations where participants from the different culture and language will be able to communicate with one another effectively. This point of analysis depending on the criteria of the cultural content, the origin of culture, and the cultural activities is to distinguish three parts briefly, the pragmatical part, the area of cultural information and the learning of culture.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기존 연구 검토
Ⅲ. 언어문화 교육을 위한 문화 간 의사소통능력
Ⅳ. 문화 간 의사소통 관점에서의 교재분석
Ⅴ. 결론
  • 김정은(숙명여자대학교) | Kim Jeongeun