대립의 ‘그러-’형 접속부사의 한국어 교육적 접근 - 문법적 제약, 의미 분석, 대치사용 여부를 중심으로 Conjunctive Adverbs and Their Implication for the Korean Language Education for Foreigners - Focused on Opposition Conjunctive Adverb Type of ‘Keureo(그러-)’

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/282640
제14권 제3호 (2007.09)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study is aimed at applying conjunctive adverbs of type of "그러-‘ for education site of Korean language by clearing up syntactical condition and contextual meaning and mutual replacement relation of conjunctive adverbs having similar meaning to be able to use opposition conjunctive adverb of type of "그러-’. According to inclination of foreign learner who want to learn Korean by rule and formula instead of meaning explanation. So this study was represented table and chart as suggesting way of each items, and it could be called as new tryout that we could not find in existing studies. This discussion might be little different with meaning of conjunctive adverbs explained in the study of Korean language. In the selection of example, used example of Korean language text book for foreigners by considering level of learners. Therefore, this study was inconvenienced by impractical sentence and non-suggestion of concrete plan to be able to be used in practice lesson. But if teachers fully understood schematic pictures and used them in class, it could become a little help to reduce learner"s confusion occurred by using opposition conjunctive adverbs of type of "그러-."

1. 서론
2. 한국어 교육에서의 ‘그러-’형 접속부사의 개념과 분류
3. 대립 접속부사
4. 결론
참고 문헌
  • 함계임(한국외국어대학교) | Haam Kye Im