고등학교 영어에세이 쓰기 수업에서 포트폴리오 사용의 효용성 및 학습자 인식 연구 The effectiveness and learner perceptions of portfolio-based-instruction at secondary English-essay-writing classes

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283007
제21권 제1호 (2014.02)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study explored the effectiveness and second language (L2) writers' perceptions of process-oriented writing, using portfolio-basedinstruction in a secondary English class at general school settings. The participants were 110 high school students enrolled in a private independent school in Gyeonggi. They learned to produce a four-paragraph-English-essay based on the process-oriented writing methodology, keeping a portfolio note for the entire semester. The instructor was a bilingual teacher of English whose native language is Korean. The 17 weeks' records written in the portfolio note were analyzed to portray whether the approaches enhanced overall performance and understandings about essay-writing. Findings revealed that the participants were satisfied with this approach and improved their writing skills using portfolio-based- instruction. For the sake of implementing the new assessment appropriately at public school settings, further studies are suggested to develop how to enhance classroom environment in order to increase the degree of learner-satisfaction in the essay-writing classes.

 I. 서론  II. 이론적 배경   1. 결과 중심 vs. 과정 중심 영어쓰기(Product vs. Process-Oriented Writing)   2. 포트폴리오를 활용한 과정 중심 영어쓰기 교육의 효과성   3. 학교 현장에서 포트폴리오를 활용한 영어에세이 쓰기 교육 현황  III. 연구 방법   1. 연구 환경 및 연구 대상   2. 포트폴리오를 활용한 과정중심 영어쓰기 지도방법 운영과정 및 내용   3. 데이터 수집 및 분석 방법  IV. 연구 결과   1. 포트폴리오 영어에세이 쓰기 지도방법이 학습자 쓰기 능력 향상에 미치는 영향: 사전·사후 평가 결과   2. 포트폴리오 영어에세이 쓰기 지도방법이 학습자에게 미치는 부정적 영향   3. 포트폴리오 영어에세이 쓰기 지도방법이 학습자에게 미치는 긍정적 영향 및 역할  V. 제한점 및 결론  참고문헌  부록
  • 정성희(숭실대학교) | Cheong, Sung Hui