문맥 추론 전략과 어휘 연상 전략이 초등학교영어 학습자의 어휘 능력 향상에 미치는 영향 Effects of contextual inference and word association strategies on the development of Korean elementary school students’ vocabulary knowledge

조윤희, 이상기
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283024
제21권 제2호 (2014.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study examined the effects of teaching contextual inference and word association strategies on 5th grade elementary school students' vocabulary knowledge development. A total of 56 students participated in the current study, as divided into either the contextual inference group or the word association group. The vocabulary proficiency levels of the participants were also considered and the students in each group were further divided into either the upper level group or the lower level group. The participants experienced six treatment sessions, and in each session they had to study five vocabulary items using each of the two vocabulary learning strategies. The posttest and delayed posttest results indicated that both strategies were effective for the vocabulary knowledge development of the upper level group as well as the lower level group. Some possible implications for elementary school English classrooms in Korea are discussed.

 I. 서론  II. 이론적 배경 및 선행 연구   1. 문맥 추론을 통한 어휘 학습   2. 마인드맵을 활용한 어휘 연상 학습  III. 연구 방법   1. 연구 참여자   2. 목표 어휘 목록의 구성   3. 영어 학습 기초 정보 조사 설문   4. 어휘력 검사지 구성   5. 집단별 학습 절차   6. 자료 분석 방법  IV. 연구 결과   1. 처치 전 집단 간 동질성 검증 결과   2. 각 실험 집단별 사전·사후 어휘 능력 평가 결과   3. 상·하위 수준별 어휘 학습의 효과   4. 집단별 중간 어휘 평가 결과   5. 집단별 사전·지연 사후 검사 결과 비교  V. 논의 및 결론  참고문헌
  • 조윤희(동해북평초등학교) | Jo, Yun-Hui
  • 이상기( 한국교원대학교) | 이상기