An Exploration of Grammatical Metaphor in Korean EFL Writers’ Texts

Moon, Youngsook
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283029
제21권 제3호 (2014.09)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

Nominalization is regarded as one of the most salient features of native speakers’ texts according to studies investigating academic discourse. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) identifies grammatical metaphor, which is often identical to nominalization as a key linguistic resource for achieving matured writing. This study examines Korean high school EFL learners’ deployment of grammatical metaphor (GM) by the method of a text analysis and attempts to demonstrate what extent learners from two different proficiency levels use GM in terms of occurrence of nominalization and the nominal group. Six argumentative texts were chosen from the database of over 1200 texts after a genre-based instruction of a semester. The outcome of the study shows that more skilled students used more GM and nominal groups than less skilled students do. It reveals the effect of GM use in writing quality and the probability of GM in pedagogy and assessment of secondary school writing in Korea. Therefore, this research for GM based on SFL is meaningful in the relevant area as the functional role of language is regarded as central.

 I. Introduction  II. Literature Review   1. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)   2. Previous Studies   3. Description of Nominalization and the Nominal Group  III. Methodology   1. Participants   2. Procedure   3. Data Analysis  IV. Results and Discussion   1. Advanced Students   2. High Intermediate Students  V. Conclusion  References
  • Moon, Youngsook(Korea National University of Education)