전동식 액추에이터를 적용한 무논정지기 개발 및 위치제어 Development of the Paddy Harrow by using the Electric Actuator and PLC Position Control

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/291872
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제16권 제4호 (2014.08)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Paddy harrow machine used hydraulic actuator system has been changed to the electric actuator system method. Because driving system of the agricultural equipments has been changed to electric power system. Besides, the effort to reduce the tractor machine's horse power is proceeding rapidly. In this paper, pressure, load scale factor and loading force(dynamic, static force) are considered to determine the cylinder diameter of the electric actuator. The algorithms of paddy harrow machine was studied to control and test the components of link by using the PLC diagram. Also, the electric actuator mechanism system was evaluated through the PLC algorithm. These test results can be attributed to select the actuator capacity and to determine the reliability of the electric actuator system

 1. 서론
 2. 무논정지기 메카니즘, 액추에이터 구성
  2.1 무논정지기 구성 및 메카니즘
  2.2 액추에이터 기본 구조
  2.3 전동식 액추에이터 사양
  2.4 액추에이터 실린더 이론식
 3. 전동식 액추에이터 직경 산출
  3.1 전동식 액추에이터 실린더 직경 산출
 4. 메카니즘 구현 및 구동부 평가
  4.1 구동부 메카니즘 및 제어장치 회로 구성
  4.2 구동부 내구성 평가
 5. 결론
  • 이학성((재)한국탄소융합기술원, 전북대학교) | Haksung Lee