Teaching to Become Users of Intercultural English Language: Eight Workable Guidelines

Kang-Young Lee
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/316754
제23권 제1호 (2016.02)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

The world Englishes framework gravitating around many recent models of English has initiated sharp interest in adopting intercultural awareness and its teaching/learning in English language instruction. This is because English has become ‘a heterogeneous language with multiple norms and grammars’ (Canagarajah, 2006) and no longer an international language but an ‘intercultural language’ (Sifakis, 2004). Intercultural English language teaching (IcELT) aims to create interculturally multidialectical English users among world Englishes by not only developing cultural tolerance and linguistic and cultural diversity but abating the so-called native-speakers’ linguistic and cultural dominances. For this, this article suggests eight workable IcELT guidelines which could facilitate users’ IcELT competence. This article, for its organization, first addresses why IcELT in relation to the world Englishes framework should be dealt in the contemporary ELT arena. Secondly, it suggests the eight IcELT guidelines along with some classroom techniques; thus, teachers of English language will benefit in his/her future lesson plans.

1. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Background
 III. Guidelines and Techniques for IcELT
  1. Eight IcELT Guidelines
  2. Techniques to Promote IcELT
 IV. Conclusion
  • Kang-Young Lee(Chungbuk National University)