딕토글로스를 활용한 기능통합적 지도가 어휘 지식 및 파지에 미치는 영향 The effects of integrated language teaching using dictogloss on vocabulary knowledge and retention

김지영, 김정렬
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/319417
제23권 제3호 (2016.09)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study examined the effectiveness of integrated language instruction using dictogloss on vocabulary knowledge and retention. Forty EFL students from two classes of an elementary school participated in the study. The integrated language class and segregated language class were examined by looking into the effect of each instructional type on the vocabulary knowledge development and retention. A total of 10 target words were selected from a storybook related to their textbook. Four types of vocabulary knowledge were measured: passive recognition, passive recall, active recognition, and active recall. The pretest and posttest were performed to measure the vocabulary growth. The retention rate of each instruction was examined by conducting a delayed posttest on the same words after two weeks. The results of this study indicate that integrated language instruction using dictogloss works better in vocabulary retention. They also suggest that further classroom research is required to prove that dictogloss is an effective way for vocabulary learning.

  • 김지영(한국교원대학교 영어교육과) | Jiyoung Kim
  • 김정렬(한국교원대학교 영어교육과) | Jeong-ryeol Kim