초등학교 영어수업 도입부 상호작용 사례 연구

김솔, 박선호, 최희경
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/325137
제23권 제4호 (2016.12)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study investigates the opening stage of English class in the elementary school. It specifically explores the significant features of the interactions among teachers and students. A non-native Korean English teacher, a native English teacher, and 25 elementary students participated in the study. Twenty-three opening parts of the English classes were collected, transcribed, and analysed for the study. Data analysis showed that 1) the openings consist of greetings, reviewing, promoting motivations, and giving class objectives, 2) students had authentic communication, in that they moved out of the I-R-F sequence and even took the lead in the conversation as in Waring (2009)’s study, and 3) there were three types of learner initiatives in the class opening, which were reported by Waring (2011). It is also worth while to note that students self-selected, volunteered to respond, and began a sequence on the assigned turn regardless of their English competence. Some implications were suggested for meaningful interactions in the opening stage of English class in the elementary school.

  • 김솔(수영초등학교) | Kim, Sol
  • 박선호(경인교육대학교) | Park, Seon-Ho 교신 저자
  • 최희경(경인교육대학교) | Choi, Heekyong