영어교사의 핵심역량 함양을 위한 연수 요구조사

임수연, 임은영
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/341337
제24권 제4호 (2017.12)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

The present study investigates English teachers’ needs in relation to competency-enhancing in-service teacher training program. Two different surveys were conducted with English teachers in three school levels from primary to high school. The first survey consisted of an open-ended question to collect unstructured responses from teachers. The second survey was constructed based on the analysis of the first survey. A total of 1,111 teachers participated in the study (124 for the first survey, 987 for the second survey). The survey results are as follows: The needs analysis survey consisted of six factors that are English proficiency (five items), school curriculum (four items), teaching methodology (seven items), contents of teaching (six items), value (three items), and method for teacher training (six items). Second, there were statistically significant differences according to three school levels and years of teaching experience. This result suggests that more attention needs to be paid to different needs of English teachers so as to develop effective competency-enhancing English teacher training program. Pedagogical implications have been discussed.

  • 임수연(진주교육대학교, 영어교육과) | Su Yon Yim
  • 임은영(한국교육과정평가원, 교육평가본부) | Eun Young Lim 교신저자