EFL College Learners’ Attitude toward Flipped Classroom Approach

AeJin Kang
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/355892
제25권 제2호 (2018.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study was an attempt to explore how EFL college-level learners perceive flipped learning or flipped classroom approach which would be practiced with Content-Based Instruction (CBI) courses. As an effort to find a way for the CBI learners to be served more effectively in terms of earning content-knowledge and improving L2-using skills, the new approach of flipped learning has been tapped into first of all by looking into their expectations and concerns that they might have if the new approach would be employed in their CBI classroom. The analysis of the data provided by the 159 participants revealed that they did not show clear preference or strong negative attitude toward the new approach. While the young college-level learners appeared technology-savvy, they did not seem confident enough in the new approach mainly due to the on-line component of the flipped classroom approach, which would require more responsibility of their learning. The study also made suggestions on what should be considered if the new approach can be successfully implemented and help the learners earn better learning experience.

I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
 III. Method
 VI. Research Findings and Discussion
 V. Conclusion
  • AeJin Kang(Sookmyung Women’s University)