초급중국어회화 학습을 위한 상호작용식 교수법에 관한 사례연구 A case study on the interactive teaching method for elementary Chinese conversation

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/366082
제25권 제4호 (2018.12)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study is based on a case study, in which an interactive teaching method has been applied to teach beginning level of Chinese to Korean college students. One of the lessons from the textbook, Speaking Basic Chinese (2013) has been used for teaching 21 students. The method suggests three stages of interactions by including: (1) word learning, 2) sentence production, and (3) sentence application. The stage of word learning is further divided into 3 steps: (1) pronunciation and understanding meaning, (2) inducing student participation, (3) confirmation and self-inspection. The second stage of sentence production is also divided into 3 different steps: (1) sentence production using learned words, (2) practicing sentences, (3) practicing sentences by role-plays. Likewise, the final stage of sentence application includes 2 practical steps: (1) interpreting basic sentences, (2) interpreting more complex sentences. This case study has found that the students feel more interested and motivated in learning activities through diverse interactions between the instructor and the students, and also interactions between the students. It is suggested that this kind of interactive approaches be applied to teaching the beginning Chinese conversation and higher levels as well. Finally, the finding of the present case study should be examined with more and in-depth studies and experiments in the future.

本文以韩国大学初级汉语的实际课堂活动为例详细地阐述了互动教学法的具体 应用过程。选用的课堂教材是 Speaking Basic Chinese,以其中一课的教学 活动为例, 针对21个授课学生进行了课堂研究。应用该教学法所进行的课堂活 动划分为如下三个阶段:1)词汇学习,2)造句练习,3)实际应用。词汇学 习阶段再可细部分类为如下三个级别:(1)发音与字义,2)激发课堂参与, 3)核实与自测; 同样,造句练习阶段也细部分类为三个级别:1)词汇活用 造句,2)熟练掌握成句,3)练习情景对话;实际应用阶段则细部分类为如下 两个级别: 1)基本口译练系,2)应用口译练习。通过这一课堂教学的案例 研究发现在课堂上教师与学生之间,学生与学生之间所进行的互动活动能够带 动学生们的学习热情和兴趣。本文所建议的互动教学法模式可试用于初级汉语 会话课程或初级以上的课程。总而言之,该课堂教学法的案例研究有必要通过 进一步的考察和研究来更加完善。

I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
 III. 교실학습의 구체적 적용
  1. 단어 학습법
  2. 문장 만들기
  3. 응용 및 실전
 IV. 결론 및 제언
  • 김명순(세명대학교) | Kim Myeongsun