본 연구는 백두대간(닭목령-댓재 구간) 마루금 주변을 대상으로 식물사회학적 식생유형분류, 층위별 중요치와 평균 상대우점치, 종다양도, CCA 분석을 통해 산림식생구조를 파악하기 위하여 2017년 5월부터 9월까지 총 245개소의 산림식생조사를 실시하였다. 식생유형분류 결과, 8개의 식생단위로 구분되었으며 최상위 수준에서 신갈나무군락군, 신갈나무군락군은 층층나무군락, 회양목군락, 조릿대군락, 분비나무군락, 신갈나무전형군락으로 세분되었고, 층층나 무군락은 다시 떡갈나무군, 터리풀군, 일본잎갈나무군, 층층나무전형군으로 세분되었다. 중요치 분석결과, 식생단위 1에서 떡갈나무가 19.1, 식생단위 2는 신갈나무가 22.7, 식생단위 3은 일본잎갈나무가 27.6, 식생단위 4∼8은 신갈나무가 각각 38.3, 25.6, 41.3, 27.9, 41.6으로 가장 높게 나타나 백두대간(닭목령-댓재 구간) 마루금 주변이 신갈나무군락 으로 대표되는 것으로 사료되었다. 종다양도는 식생단위 1과 2가 3.305, 3.236으로 다른 식생단위에 비하여 상대적으로 높게 나타났으며, 높은 출현종수에 의한 영향 때문인 것으로 사료되었다. CCA분석 결과, 생물적 환경요인과 식생 유형과의 상관관계는 식생단위 1과 교목성 식물 비율, 덩굴성 식물 비율이 상관관계를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 비생물적 환경요인과 식생유형과의 상관관계는 식생단위 7이 해발과 상관관계를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 적으로, 식생단위 5의 회양목군락은 석회암 지대의 종조성과 입지환경으로 유형화되어 지질학적 특성상 다양한 식물이 자생하고 있는 지역이며, 식생단위 7의 분비나무군락은 아고산식생으로 유형화되어 지질시대에 살았던 유존종과 고유종 또는 특산종이 많이 분포하는 지역으로 나타나 이들 단위에 대한 차별화된 생태적 관리방안이 필요할 것으로 사료되었다.
The purpose of this study was to analyze forest vegetation structure in Marugeum (the ridge line) area between Dakmokryeong and Daetjae in Baekdudaegan through vegetation classification, importance value, species diversity, and CCA using the data that were collected from 245 quadrates through Braun-Blanquet vegetation survey method from May to September in 2017. The results of the forest vegetation classification identified 8 vegetation units with Quercus mongolica community group at the highest level. Q. mongolica community group was classified into the Cornus controversa community, Buxus koreana community, Sasa borealis community, Abies nephrolepis community, and Q. mongolica typical community. C. controversa community was further classified into Quercus dentata group, Filipendula glaberrima group, Larix kaempferi group, and C. controversa typical group. The result of the important value analysis showed that Q. dentata had the highest importance value at 19.1% in vegetation unit 1 while Q. mongolica had the highest importance value at 22.7%, 38.3%, 25.6%, 41.3%, 27.9%, and 41.6% in vegetation unit 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, respectively, and L. kaempferi had the highest importance value at 27.6% in vegetation unit 3. As such, Q. mongolica species generally represented the communities of Marugeum (the ridge line) area of Dakmokryeong to Daetjae in Baekdudaegan. The results of species diversity showed that vegetation unit 1 and 2 were 3.305 and 3.236, respectively, which were relatively higher than other vegetation units. It was considered that this result was due to the influence of high emergence of present species. The results of the CCA analysis of the correlations between biotic environmental factors and vegetation types showed that vegetation unit 1 was mainly correlated with the megaphanerophyte ratio and vine plant ratio. In the correlations between abiotic environmental factors and vegetation types, vegetation unit 7 was significantly correlated with altitude. From the perspective of ecological management, vegetation unit 5 represented by B. koreana community was inhabited by a variety of plants due to the species composition and location environment due to the geological characteristics that are typical of limestone area. Vegetation unit 7 represented by A. nephrolepis community was typified as subalpine vegetation widely distributed by relict species and endemic species. We concluded that it is necessary to manage these vegetation units with an ecologically differentiated approach.