중국의 일반고 교육과정(2017년판 2020 수정) 고찰: 외국어과(영어, 일본어, 러시아어, 독일어, 프랑스어, 스페인어)를 중심으로 A study on general high school curriculum in China (2017 curriculum 2020 revised): Focusing on the foreign language (English, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish) curriculum 分析中国普通高中外语课程-以英语、日语、俄语、德 语、法语、西班牙语为中心

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/405363
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.15334/FLE.2021.28.1.199
제28권 제1호 (2021.02)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This paper analyses the foreign language curriculum of general high schools in China. The Chinese educational authority announced an experimental version of its language curriculum in 2003, revised it in 2017, and revised it in 2020. In 2003, the foreign language curriculum included only three foreign languages: English, Japanese, and Russian. German, French, and Spanish were added from the 2017 curriculum. The 2017 curriculum consists of three categories: ‘required’, ‘required optional’, and ‘optional’. The required courses meet the requirements for graduation by all students. Students intending to go to college must complete all required optional courses. The six foreign language curriculums equally set four core competencies: language ability, cultural consciousness, thinking ability, and learning ability. In addition, this paper investigated curriculum structure of the six foreign languages, learning vocabulary, and items included in the appendix, and compared the foreign language curriculum in China and Korea. In conclusion, Korea’s next curriculum suggested that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be more specific in preparation for the high school credit system, and that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be described so that the curriculum and college entrance can be linked.

本论文分析中国普通高中外语课程标准。 2003年,教育部印发了普通高中课程方案 和课程标准实验稿。之后教育部印发了2017年版和2020年修订版。2017年普通高中 课程标准有两大变化。一是调整外语规划语种,在英语、日语、俄语基础上,增加德 语、法语和西班牙语。二是将课程类别调整为必修课程、选择性必修课程和选修课 程。六门外语课程标准共同具备四种学科核心素养:语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和 学习能力。本文还对六种外语课程结构、包括语法项目和词汇表等的附录进行了研 究, 并比较了中国和韩国的外语课程。 因此,韩国下届课程建议,在准备高中学分 制度时,应更具体地制定课程标准, 各类课程的功能定位与高考互相衔接。

I. 서론
II. 중국의 최근 일반고 교육과정의 특징
    1. 중국 2017년 일반고 교육과정 총론
    2. 중국 2017년 2020년 수정 일반고 교육과정 총론
III. 중국의 2017년(2020 수정) 외국어 교육과정 분석
    1. 교과 핵심소양
    2. 교육과정 구조 비교
    3. 교육과정 내용 체계 및 학습 어휘량
    4. 부록
Ⅳ. 중국과 한국의 교육과정 비교 및 결론
    1. 중국과 한국의 교육과정 비교
    2. 결론
  • 손민정(한국교육과정평가원) | Shon, Min-Jung