韓中美 스마트 디바이스 기반 어린이용 중국어교육 어플리케이션 현황 분석 연구 An analysis of smart device-based Chinese educational applications for young learners in Korea, China, and the U.S. 基于韩中美智能终端儿童汉语教学软件的现状分析研究

김선영, 신승희
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/408395
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.15334/FLE.2021.28.2.107
제28권 제2호 (2021.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

With the development of technology, innovations are taking place in the education field, with smart device-based Chinese educational applications drawing attention. This study examines the current status of Chinese educational applications in Korea, China, and the U.S., and explores possible directions to design effective applications for Korean young learners. A total of 179 applications from three countries were investigated and classified based on educational application criteria. Among them, the top five applications were selected from each country using ratings and reviews. Each application was then evaluated and analyzed according to the evaluation criteria. The results demonstrated that applications from the U.S. were the highest scoring overall and highest in terms of content, with applications from China highest in terms of function. The result also presented three common problems, which are limited types of applications, the absence of camera function utilization, and the lack of learning activities to experience Chinese culture. This study recommends further discussions on Chinese educational applications with the broadened scope of application types and target learners.

随着技术的发展,教育领域正在发生新的革新,以智能终端为基础的汉语教学软件 也备受关注。为了给韩国儿童学习者提供汉语教学应用的设计与发展方向,本论 文对韩国、中国和美国的儿童汉语教学软件现状进行了调查,并按照教学软件评 价标准进行了分类。根据调查分类结果,由评分和评论数量选定了各个国家排名前 五的应用软件,并针对每个软件进行了评价与分析。据结果显示,美国的汉语教学 软件综合评分最高。在功能方面,中国的教学软件功能最为突出,而美国的软件的 内容质量是最高的。本论文从分析的结果出发,提出了扩大教学应用软件类型的改 进方向,有相机功能利用不足以及缺乏学习活动来体验中国文化的待改进之处。本 论文探索现有汉语教学软件基础的同时,预计未来将继续进行对汉语教育软件的 进一步讨论,扩大应用类型和受众范围。

I. 서론
II. 분석방법
    1. 분석대상
    2. 분석 기준
III. 韓中美 어린이용 중국어교육 어플리케이션 현황분석
    1. 韓中美 중국어교육 어플리케이션 유형 분류
    2. 韓中美 상위 중국어교육 어플리케이션 평가분석
IV. 결론 및 제언
  • 김선영(이화여자대학교) | Sun-Young Kim 제 1저자
  • 신승희(이화여자대학교) | Seung-Hee Shin 교신 저자