터키어권 한국어 학습자를 위한 ‘-고, -어서’의 의미지도 모형 연구: -Ip과의 대조를 중심으로 A study on semantic map model of –ko, -ese for Turkish speaking learners of Korean: Based on contrast with Converb –Ip

류보람, 정해권
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/408403
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.15334/FLE.2021.28.2.287
제28권 제2호 (2021.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This paper analyzes the Korean conjunctives –ko and –ese, and the Turkish converb –Ip, which have various meanings, and reveals their similarities and differences visually using the semantic map model. –ko and –ese are learned at the beginner level but Turkish learners have shown many errors. Those two Korean conjunctives express different temporal meanings, however, the corresponding Turkish converb expressed them in a single form. Korean textbooks have introduced the meanings of –ko and –ese as [sequential] and [continuous], but it can be made more confusing for learners by presenting the meaning using the same term. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the meanings of the two connectives in more detail according to their syntactic characteristics. Since most textbooks of Korean do not clearly present the differences between the –ko and –ese, effective teaching methods for Turkish-speaking learners based on the Focus-on-Form approach are proposed. To teach the conjunctives –ko and –ese, distinguishing between features of different meanings and to recognize those differences is encouraged.

I. 서론
II. 연결어미 ‘-고, -어서’와 부동사 –Ip의 다의성
    1. 연결어미 ‘-고’의 다의성
    2. 연결어미 ‘-어서’의 다의성
    3. 부동사 –Ip의 다의성
III. 연결어미 ‘-고, -어서’와 부동사 -Ip의 의미지도
IV. 연결어미 ‘-고’, ‘-어서’에 대한 교육적 제언
    1. [나열]과 관련된 ‘-고’
    2. 시간과 관련된 ‘-고’와 ‘-어서’
V. 결론
  • 류보람(한국외국어대학교) | Boram Ryu 제1 저자
  • 정해권(한국외국어대학교) | Haegwon Jeong 교신 저자