The Analysis of Peer-Peer Interaction Through L1 Group Discussion

Seon Kyung Kim
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/409727
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.15334/FLE.2021.28.3.29
제28권 제3호 (2021.09)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

The purpose of this research is to examine the significance of peer-peer interactions on L1 discussions for L2 reading tasks. This research was designed to see how college EFL students interact during a L1 group discussion assigned as part of an L2 reading task by a means of CA (conversation analysis). Five college EFL students engaged in an L1 group discussion on L2 reading comprehension questions and their conversations were video-recorded for transcription. The peer-peer interaction CA analyzed discussions through a turn-taking system and contextualization cues and has provided pedagogical implications. Observed interactions among students showed that a team leader playing a role as a mediator attempted to focus on the issues arising during the discussion to solve and foster the engagement from other team members. The findings of this study suggest that students effectively find the best ways of reaching desirable conclusions through negotiation-driven interactions. Group discussions with L1 can encourage students to use their linguistic resources to perform the L2 task effectively, which leads to successful completion of the given tasks.

I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
    1. Cooperative Group Discussion
    2. The Positive Role
    3. Conversation Analysis for Group Discussion
III. Method
    1. Participants and Context
    2. Procedures
    3. Data Collection
    4. Data Transcription and Analysis
IV. Findings
    1. Segment 1: Time
    2. Segment 2: Day
    3. Segment 3: Reservation
    4. Segment 4: Conflict
V. Discussion and Pedagogical Implications
    1. Discussion
    2. Pedagogical Implication
VI. Conclusion
  • Seon Kyung Kim(Korea Polytechnic College)