칼데콧 메달 수상작(1938-2022)의 교육철학 경향과 언어교육 함유 A study of prevailing trends in Caldecott medal winners’ (1938-2022) educational philosophies and their implications for language education

박윤희, 어도선
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/421970
제30권 제2호 (2023.06)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

Caldecott medal winners have been recognized as best picture books, and they become one of the most predominantly selected literary works for children. Impacts they have on children’s emotional, social, and linguistic development are well-recognized in various areas such as literacy, literature, and sociology. As educational philosophies embedded in Caldecott medal winners may contribute to their ‘didactic’, sociocultural, and linguistic impacts, this study explores what educational philosophies are embodied in 85 Caldecott medal winners from 1938 to 2022. It classifies them in terms of five major educational philosophies (progressivism, essentialism, perennialism, existentialism, and postmodernism including multiculturalism, feminism, ecology, and metafictive devices). Finally, it traces their prevailing trends from the chronological order in which they are introduced. The findings of this study are as follows: 1) Some educational philosophies such as essentialism and multiculturalism have appeared most frequently while perennialism and progressivism are no longer prevalent modes presented in Caldecott winners; 2) The changes in overall chronological flows of educational philosophies are made from essentialism to postmodernism, especially promoting picture books of metafictive devices. This study assumes that using appropriate Caldecott winners that can meet children’s different educational needs would better result in their emotional, sociocultural, and linguistic development.

I. 서론
II. 현대 교육철학으로 보는 칼데콧 메달 수상작(1938-2022)
    1. 진보주의 교육철학이 담긴 그림책
    2. 본질주의 교육철학이 담긴 그림책
    3. 항존주의 교육철학이 담긴 그림책
    4. 실존주의 교육철학이 담긴 그림책
    5. 포스트모더니즘 교육철학이 담긴 그림책
III. 칼데콧 메달 수상작의 교육철학 시대별 경향과 교육적 함의
IV. 결론: 교육철학 기반 그림책 이해의 필요성
  • 박윤희(고려대학교) | Park Yun-Hee
  • 어도선(고려대학교) | Eur Do Seon corresponding author