이미지 생성 AI를 활용한 영어 학습이 대학생들의 정의적 요인에 미치는 영향 The effect of using AI image generator on the affective factors of college students’ English learning

윤택남, 이유진
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/431319
제31권 제1호 (2024.02)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study aimed to explore the impact of AI image generators on the affective factors of college-level English learners and the correlations among these factors. During a four-week instructional period, 65 participants were asked to use Midjourney as an AI tool for their user experiences. Affective factors including interest, confidence, and participation were measured through pre- and post-surveys. Using Jamovi for analysis, significant improvements were discovered across all affective factors. Noteworthy improvements occurred in confidence, indicating a favorable impact by AI-generated images on English learning. Additionally, correlation analysis demonstrated significant positive relationships between interest and confidence, as well as confidence and participation. This confirms the interconnected nature of these affective elements in the learning process. The findings suggest that the educational use of image-generating AI tools can beneficially influence English learners’ affective domains. The study calls for further investigation into the pedagogical applications of image AI to foster a more interactive, engaged, and self-assured attitude towards language learning.

I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
    1. 이미지 생성 인공지능(AI)의 개념과 특징
    2. 이미지 생성 AI와 영어교육
    3. 정의적 요인과 영어교육
III. 연구방법
    1. 연구대상
    2. 연구절차 및 수업도구
    3. 연구도구
    4. 데이터 수집 및 분석
IV. 연구결과
    1. 이미지 생성 AI 활용 영어 학습에 대한 정의적 요인 분석 결과
    2. 정의적 요인 간의 상관관계
V. 결론 및 제언
  • 윤택남(춘천교육대학교 영어교육과 교수) | Tecnam Yoon
  • 이유진(강원대학교 사범대학 영어교육과 교수) | Yoo-Jean Lee Corresponding author