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전자빔을 이용한 PFCs 분해 및 부산물 생성에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on Decomposition and By-products of PFCs using Electron-beam

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/286938
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한국폐기물자원순환학회지 (Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management)
한국폐기물자원순환학회 (Korea Society Of Waste Management)

Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) are usually used as novel etching and cleaning gases in semiconductor industry and electrical equipments. Recently, the many studies about PFCs decomposition have been performed due to high global warming potential (GWP). This study is to identify the effects of the hydrogen on the destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of NF3 and SF6 when using the electron-beam. The experiment was conducted at a flow rate of 10 LPM with NF3 and SF6 of 1,000 ppm. Absorbed dose (electric current) was 1,028 kGy (5 mA). The DREs of NF3 and SF6 gases increased about 54% and 68% respectively with hydrogen injection. By-products formed by NF3 and SF6 destruction were mainly HF and F2 gases. In addition, the particles were generated during the NF3 and SF6 destruction due to corrosion of reactor and SF6 decomposion, respectively.

  • 류재용(경남대학교 도시환경공학과) | Jae-Yong Ryu
  • 손영일(한국환경산업기술원) | Young-Il Son
  • 장성호(부산대학교 바이오환경에너지학과) | Seong-Ho Jang Corresponding author