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Rapid Identification and Validation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) by using PCR-amplified Phage Integrase and Transposase A Gene KCI 등재

Phage integrase and transposase A 유전자의 PCR 방법을 이용한 벼 흰잎마름병균의 신속 진단

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284390
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한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

벼 흰잎마름병균의 정확한 진단을 위하여 PCR용 진단 kit를 개발하였다. 본 PCR kit를 개발하기 위하여 벼 흰잎마름 병균 유전체 정보 중 phage-related integrase and transposase gene의 염기서열을 이용하여 프라이머를 각각 제작하였다. 프라이머 염기서열은 XOP-F (5-CGG TCT GCT CAA TGA GGA AGA-3)와 XOP-R2 (5-TGC AAT TGG TGT TCTCCA GG-3), XOT-F (5-GTC ATA GGT GAG GCT TCCC-3)와 XOT-R2 (5-AGT GCG ATC TTT CAG CAG G-3)로 벼 흰잎마름병균의 DNA를 401bp와 492bp를 증폭하게 제작하였다. PCR 증폭은 벼 흰잎마름병균만 증폭하였으며 다른 세균인 Escherichia coli, Agrobacterim, Pectobacterium caratovora subsp. cartovorum, P. atrosepticum, Pseudomonasputida, P. syringae, P. savastanoi pv. phaeolicola, P. savastanoipv. savastanoi and P. marginalis pv. Marginalis 등은증폭되지 않아 특이성이 인정 되었다. 본 프라이머로 병이 의심되는 벼잎과 논물에서 병원균을 3시간 이내에 검출할 수 있었다.

PCR-based specific identification of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), the pathogen responsible for bacterial blight (BB) of rice, was developed by amplifying the Xoo-specific phage-related integrase and transposase gene. Therefore, dual primers, XOP-F (5-CGGTCTGCTCAATGAGGAAGA-3) and XOP-R2 (5-TGCAATTGGTGTTCTCCAGG-3) and XOT-F (5-GTCATAGGTGAGGCTTCCC-3) and XOT-R2 (5-AGTGCGATCTTTCAGCAGG-3) were designed and found to specifically amplify 401bp and 492bp fragments from all strains of Xoo isolates from diverse regions in Korea. The PCR products were only amplified from Xoo among other bacterial strains including Escherichia coli, Agrobacterim, Pectobacterium caratovora subsp. cartovorum, P. atrosepticum, Pseudomonas putida, P. syringae, P. savastanoi pv. phaeolicola, P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi and P. marginalis pv. marginalis. This method could also be applied to detect the pathogen in infected rice leaves and paddy field water within 3 hr.

  • Geon-Hwi Lee(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS) | 이건휘
  • Chae-Hoon Paik(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS) | 백채훈
  • Kuldeep Tyagi(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS)
  • Byoung Moo Lee(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA) | 이병무
  • Du-Ku Lee(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS) | 이두구
  • Young-Jin Park(College of Biomedical & Health Science, Konkuk University) | 박영진
  • Mi-Hyung Kang(National Institute Crop Science, RDA) | 강미형
  • Tae-Hwan Noh(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS) | 노태환 Corresponding author
  • Hyeong-Kwon Shim(Department of Rice and Winter cereal Crop, NICS) | 심형권