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고종 연간 주위퇴칸식 비각의 출현과 의의 KCI 등재

Appearance and Significance of 4-Side Corridor Type of Stele Pavilion During King Gojong Period(1863-1907)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/391357
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

This study focuses on the architectural changes of stele pavilion at the royal tombs of Joseon Dynasty. Throughout the survey on overall forty two stele pavilions, they were classified into basic type, expanded type, and 4-side corridor type. Basic type was usually used for general small stela, while expanded type was for extraordinarily large ones. 4-side corridor type, however, turned out to be used for both small and large stela and has appeared only during King Gojong period(高宗年間, 1863-1907). When it was first applied at Geonwolleung(健元陵) in 1870s, the purpose of 4-side corridor type seemed to stabilize the enlarged structure due to the size of the larger stele. Later, 4-side corridor type was repeated for small stela at Hongneung(洪陵) and Yureung(裕陵) in 1898 and 1904 respectively, to express higher dignity of Daehan Empire(大韓帝國). This type of plan continued to other pavilions in the center of Seoul such as Kinyeombijeon(紀念碑殿) and Seokgojeon(石鼓 殿) that were built in 1903 with sophisticated proportion and multiple brackets. This architectural change implies that stele pavilion itself has become more significant than stele inside.

1. 서 론
2. 조선왕릉 비각의 평면형식
    2-1. 기본형 비각
    2-2. 확대형 비각
    2-3. 주위퇴칸식 비각
3. 주위퇴칸식 비각의 출현
    3-1. 기본형에서 주위퇴칸식으로
    3-2. 확대형에서 주위퇴칸식으로
4. 주위퇴칸식 비각의 의의
    4-1. 산릉 밖 주위퇴칸식 비각의 확산
    4-2. 종속적인 보호각에서 독립적인 전각으로
5. 결론
  • 전봉희(서울대학교 건축학과) | Jeon Bong-Hee Corresponding Author
  • 허유진(서울대학교 건축학과) | Huh Yoo-Jin