
韓國食生活文化學會誌 KCI 등재 한국식생활문화학회지 Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture

이 간행물 논문 검색


제19권 제4호 (2004년 8월) 11

2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was performed to investigate the change of biologically functional compounds and antioxidant activities in Ecklonia cava with blanching times. As biologically functional compounds, the contents of minerals(K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn), vitamins(vitamin C, β-carotene and α-tocopherol) and total polyphenol were analyzed. And antioxidant activity was determined through free radicals(DPPH radical, superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide) scavenging activity and linoleic acid peroxidation inhibitory activity. As the blanching time increased, the contents of minerals, vitamin C, β-carotene and total polyphenol were decreased however α-tocopherol was not affected by blanching time, and antioxidant activities were decreased with blanching time.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Korean tea culture appeared in a variety of ceremonies of the royal household. It was a method of religion for scholars and Buddhist monks, and sometimes it also was a refinement, too. in addition, it played an important role as a household medicine for the common people. As mentioned above, the Korean tea culture has a deep-rooted effect on the Korean traditional culture from the spiritual aspect, art, learning, to the practical life. Recently the tea culture has been rapidly coming into vogue. So the tea culture has been recognised not only to be an index of the cultural level, but also to be an important cultural phenomenon. Besides, It came to be a major role as a reception method by which we can communicate with quests from ail over the world. Because preferred tea was different according to the times and to the regions, tea utensils have been changed along with the tea culture. The present Korean tea culture has a tendency to go to the somewhat different way from the traditional one. This study has the purpose to let us apprehend the Korean traditional culture and hold the national pride. In addition, the value of the Tea should be assessed more properly, and our own Tea that is unique, simple, and natural, should be settled in the our culture.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purposes of this study were to: a) investigate how other countries brought up their traditional food into the commercial market for tourists b) analyze present marketing status of the Korean traditional food in dealing with foreign tourists as consumers. Present marketing status of the overseas and domestic tourism products focusing on traditional foods was investigated through literature reviews and face-to-face in-depth interviews conducted with professionals in tourism business. As a result, the foreign tourism products focusing on traditional foods were diverse and these products were representative of the regional heritage brought together in an effect to increase understanding of traditional foods. In case of the tourism products focusing on Korean traditional cuisine, the popular programs were 'Making Kimch', 'Making ricecake' and 'Making Bibimbap' in which tourists participated have expressed great satisfaction. The results of this study would be used as an important data in developing unique tourism programs focusing on Korean traditional cuisine attracting foreign tourists.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
율피, 솔잎, 호프로부터 70% 아세톤 추출물을 획득하여 대두유, 돈지, 대두유 유탁액, 돈지 유탁액에 대한 항산화력을 토코페롤과 비교하였다. Rancimat의 유도기간에 따른 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유에서는 솔잎〉율피〉호프〉토코페롤〉무첨가구, 돈지에서는 토코페롤〉율피〉솔잎〉호프〉무첨가구로서 항산화력이 있었다. Peroxide value의 측정을 통한 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유나 대두유 유탁액, 돈지나 돈지 유탁액에서 이들 세 추출물은 같거나 우수한 항산화력을 나타내었으며, 율피가 가장 좋은 것으로 판단되었다. 폴리페놀화합물의 분석결과, 율피 추출물에는 ellagic acid가 솔잎 추출물에는 flavanol이 항산화력에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A study of the comparison of customers' satisfaction and loyalty at McDonald's two types of outlets is presented. The objective of this study is to test correlation among selection attributes, customer satisfaction and loyalty of customers patronizing two types of Mcdonald's restaurants - stand alone and co-branded, as Mcdonald's is known to be actively participating in co-branding with discount stores such as E-Mart. In order to measure customer loyalty, benchmark scores from customers showing extreme satisfaction are compared to the mean scores of total sample customers at each outlet. Meeting or exceeding benchmarking scores does not automatically bring in and create loyal customers but in doing so will certainly help build up strong customer relationship which will create additional loyalty. Marketers should be well aware that statistically significant difference do exist between these two groups of customers and should take into consideration these findings in opening up new outlets or renovating existing outlets.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
다시마 분말 첨가식이가 당뇨쥐의 당질과 지질대사 및 항산화효소계에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 SD계 횐쥐에 17% 다시마 분말을 급여하여 7주간 실험 사육한 후 혈청의 포도당 및 지질농도와 주요장기의 항산화효소의 활성도를 관찰하였다. 다시마 당뇨군(TI)에서 다사마 섭취는 당뇨에 의한 체중감소 현상을 보였다. 당뇨군의 혈당 농도는 다시마 섭취에 의한 혈당강하 효과는 3주째에 나타났다. 당뇨에 의한 산화적 스트레스로 인해 증가한 GST 활성도가 다시마 섭취로 인해 정상 수준으로 저하됨으로써 다시마의 섭취가 당뇨시 산화적 반응에 대한 방어기전을 제공할 수 있음을 유추할 수 있었다. 또한 중성지방이 감소하고 HDL-콜레스테롤의 증가하는 경향으로 심혈관계와 관련되는 당뇨합병증의 억제 가능성을 제시하였다.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
대두 탈취부산물(scum)로부터 분리 정제한 식물성스테롤 처리 식이를 휜쥐에게 4주간 공급하며 혈장지질, 포도당 농도 및 혈장, 췌장, 근육조직의 인슐린 함량에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 대두 탈취부산물로부터 분리 정제한 식물성스테롤 성분의 순도는 68.3%였으며, 그 조성은 campesterol 21.4%, β-stigmasterol 62.3%, sitosterol 11.0% 및 미확인물질 5.8%였다. 식물성스테롤 처리량의 증가에 따라 0~3%(w/w) 처리군 에서의 중성지질, 총 콜레스테롤 및 인지질 함량의 감소는 비례관계가 성립하였으나 그 이상의 처리는 큰 차이가 없었다. 따라서 식물성 스테롤 처리가 혈장지질 농도와 밀접한 상관관계가 있으며, 식물성 스테롤의 적정 처리량은 3%(w/w)내외인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 한편 혈장, 근육조직의 인슐린 함량변화 등의 탄수화물 관련 조직에는 거의 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A self completed survey of 250 housewivies living in the Seoul. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions and preferences of 20's, 50s housewives to Korean traditional cookies. The result is as follows. As to the preference of Korean traditional cookies, 86.0% answered they liked it. The frequency rate or eating Korean traditional cookies showed that 2 times a year reached the highest 45.6%. They usually purchase Korean cookies on the market rather than making them by themselves. The study showed that 50s housewives preferred Korean cookies are yakwa(74.3%), maejackwa(35.7%) and kangjung(34.3%) otherwise 20s housewives preferred Korean traditional cookies are yakwa(79.4%), hanging(60.0%) and yeat gangiung(39.4%) This survey study may contribute to the improvement of Korean traditional cookies.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Fortified foods are consumed widely in modem society according to increased concern on health oriented foods. This study investigated the patterns of vitamin-and/or mineral-fortified food use among 677 teenage students(13-18 years of age) in Chungnam province and Daejeon city in Korea using questionnaire. More than 63.7% of total subjects consumed more than one package of fortified foods belonged to more than three categories of five categories including sweets/biscuits, ramyons, beverages, milk and dairy products, and breads as a frequency of more than 1-2 times/week during previous three months prior to present survey. Consumption of fortified foods was higher in middle school students than in high school students(p<0.05), and in females than in females(p<0.001). Users of fortified foods took the snacks more often(p<0.001), and they tended to believe more positively that fortification can be helpful in health maintenance than did non-users. Users preferred vitamin C and Ca(calcium) as a fortified nutrient. Major fortified nutrients in fortified foods taken by users were various; vitamin B-complex and Ca from sweets/biscuits, Ca from ramyons, vitamin C and Ca from beverages, Ca and iron from milk and dairy products and breads. These results suggest that fortified foods are used commonly and are influenced by several factors among teenagers. Types of fortified nutrient, in fortified foods taken by subjects, are various and fortification is performed unspecifically. As a consequence both nutrition education and government regulation on fortified foods should be enforced to maximize the benefits and minimize the hazard of their use.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Survey on the usage of commercial poggi Kimchi was run and consumer's acceptance test of the Kimchi in the various regions of Korea including Seoul(SE), Kyonggi Province(KG), Kangwon Province(KW), Kyungsang Province(KS), and Jeonla Province(JL) were investigated. Survey result of 34% of consumer showed that they eat Kimchi very much, and 19% answered they ate Wimchi whenever they had chance to eat. The most desired points of improvement in commercial poggi Kimchi were as following; Taste and degree of fermentation should be standardized. Order of preferences of minor ingredients of Kimchi were radish, hot pepper, welsh onion, and leek, respectively. Consumer acceptance test of KS sample group showed higher preference in whole color, salted condition, spicy hot flavor and crispness than the others. In whole color and pickled seafood properties, KG sample group showed significantly higher values than the others. In salty flavor, SE sample group showed lower preference than the others.
2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was evaluate the perception on the relationship between feeding and atopic dermatitis of infants. The results are summarized as follows:. The feeding method of atopic dermatitis infant was composed of breast feeding 26.9%, bottle feeding 50.9%, and mixed feeding 22.2%. 95.3% of the subjects recognized mother's meal during breast feeding were transmitted to infant, but 30.8% of breast feeding restricted their foods. Weaning food was recognized as a nutritional supplement primarily. 61.5% of the subjects perceived the relation between food and atopic dermatitis and 58.8% of the subject perceived atopic dermatitis infants will be cured by growing. 39.9% of the subjects answered that special food developed and made worse atopic dermatitis in their infants. Egg, mackerel, milk, pork, chicken scored high as doubtful food related with atopic dermatitis. It is necessary to find out the food that develop atopic dermatitis symtoms and make guidelines for diet therapy for the infants with atopic dermatitis.