
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 112

        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focused on analysis of the satisfaction level of specialty shops for environment-friendly agricultural products (EFAP). To analyze the satisfaction level of EFAP, a series of household surveys were conducted. Questionnaire was prepared on the basis of the SERVQUAL model and the structural equation modeling was made on the basis of the contents surveyed. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. Firstly, tangibles structured with store clearance, neat uniform, information and others is the factor of service quality satisfaction. Secondly, reliability structured with service practice, problem solving, and service in accurate time is the factor of service quality satisfaction. Thirdly, assurance structured with the reliability of employees, sufficient knowledge of employees, courteous and good manner is the factor of service quality satisfaction. Fourthly, responsiveness structured with prompt service, voluntary help, customer response service and the like is the factor of service quality satisfaction. Fifthly, the sympathy structured in interest for each customer, provision of service in time convenient to use, encountering the customers with genuine feeling are the factors of service quality satisfaction. And sixthly, the service satisfaction factors would influence on the consumer behavior factors.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to find out determinant attributes of selecting Environment-Friendly Agricultural Products (EFAP) and to analyze the degree of consumer’s satisfaction by using factor analysis. To identify determinant attributes of EFAP, a series of household surveys were conducted on housewives residing in Seoul. The sample size of the survey is 247 respectively. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. Firstly, the degree of consumer’s satisfaction and loyalty is higher than before. Secondly, the consumers recognized that the most important attributes in selecting EFAP is a ‘taste’. Thirdly, ‘price policy’, ‘diversity of purchasing items’ and ‘package design’ will continuously speed up the development of EFAP in order to improve the consumer"s satisfaction.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to assess water movement in paddy-upland rotation soil scheduled for ginseng cultivation through the measurement of infiltration and permeability of soil water. Soil sample was divided with four soil layers. The first soil layer (to 30cm from top soil) was loamy sand, the second and the third soil layers (30~70 ㎝) were sand, and the fourth (〈 120 ㎝) was sandy loam. The soil below 130 ㎝ of fourth soil layer was submerged under water. The shear strength, which represents the resisting power of soil against external force, was 3.1 kPa in the first soil layer. This corresponded to 1/8 of those of another soil layer and this value could result in soil erosion by small amount of rainfall. The rates of infiltration and permeability depending on soil layers were 39.86 cm hr-1 in top soil, 2.34 cm hr-1 in 30~70 ㎝ soil layer, 5.23 cm hr-1 and 0.18 cm hr-1 in 70~120 ㎝ soil layer, with drain tile, and without drain tile, respectively. We consider that ground water pooled in paddy soil and artificial formation of soil layer could interrupt water canal within soil and affect negatively on water movement. Therefore, we suggest that to drain at 5 m intervals be preferable when it makes soil dressing or soil accumulation to cultivate ginseng in paddy-upland rotation soil to reduce failure risk of ginseng cultivation.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to analysis the nutrient cycles of agricultural by-products. The region, in which agricultural by-products are circulated for use within the agroecosystem for minimizing the input of artificial nutrients as well as generation of wastes, and where ecologically industrial diversity is formed, was defined as the regional agriculture focused on eco-industrial approach. Plan in stages for promoting ahead with the regional agriculture focused on eco-industrial approach is as follows: First of all, "The Consultation Body for Circulating & Using By-products" should be formed. Secondly, usage of agricultural by-products is identified to select the facilities of recycling and its location including the type and amount. Thirdly, the facilities for recycling of resources and infrastructure are installed. Finally, the facilities for recycling and resource circulation system within the area are efficiently managed.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        디지털 방사선 검출기의 주된 연구동향은 영상의 해상도 향상, 대면적화, 동영상 구현 등… 이라 할 수 있다. 이런 연구는 방사선 변환과정에 따라 크게 직접변환 방식과 간접 변환 방식으로 나눌 수 있으며 각각 고유한 장단점을 내포 하고 있다. 간접변환 방식의 경우 형광체의 사용으로 인한 Light scattering 문제로 해상력의 저하 그리고 직접방식의 경우는 낮은 system 안정성과 동영상 구현의 어려움 등이 대표적이라 할 수 있다. 이런 문제를 해결하기 위한 연구로 써 액정을 이용한 엑스선 검출기 연구가 진행되었으나 그 구조의 특성상 균일한 액정의 주입이 어려워 제작에 있어 많 은 어려움이 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 기존의 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 구조를 제안하고 이를 Simulation 통해 제안 된 구조의 가능성을 검토해 보았다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        눈동자개, Pseudobagrus koreanus의 성분화 과정을 밝히기 위해 부화 직후부터 250일령까지 생식소의 분화 및 발달을 조사하였다. 원시생식세포는 부화 후 1일(전장: 6.63~6.95 ㎜)에 나타났으며, 부화 후 5일(7.50~9.36 ㎜)에 생식융기를 형성하는 원시생식소 구조를 나타내었다. 부화 후 25일(11.58~13.21 ㎜)에서는 생식소 후단부 한쪽 끝에서 신장된 체세포 돌기가 생식소와 융합되어 작은 난소강이 형성되었다. 부화 후 30일(12.19~13.72 ㎜)에는 생식소 하단부에 정소관 원기가 출현하여 정소의 분화가 시작되었다. 부화 후 50일째 자어(16.28~17.06 ㎜)의 난소내에서는 주변인기 난모세포로 채워지기 시작하였으며, 정소내에서는 정원세포(spermatogonia, SG)의 활발한 증식을 관찰할 수 있었다. 부화 후 250일째 자어(35.49~51.12 ㎜)에서는 난소의 크기가 더욱 커지고 난모세포들로 가득 채워져 있었고, 정원세포의 수가 증가하기 시작하였다. 이상의 결과 눈동자개의 성분화 양상은 자웅이체형 중 분화형이었다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        고등어를 습식법으로 인공 수정한 난을 대상으로 난발생 및 자치어 발육과정을 관찰하였다. 수정란의 형태는 구형의 분리부성란으로 유구는 1개를 가지고 있었으며, 난경은 0.94~1.02 ㎜(평균 0.95±0.03 ㎜)였다. 부화에 소요된 시간은 수온 20±0.5℃에서 51시간이 소요되었다. 부화 직후 자어의 전장은 2.52~3.0 ㎜(평균 2.75±0.04 ㎜)로 난황을 달고 있었고, 입과 항문은 아직 열려 있지 않았으며, 근절은 28~31개였고, 눈에는 흑색소포 소포가 착색되어 있었다. 부화 후 2일째의 전기 자어는 3.12~3.63 ㎜(평균 3.39±0.05 ㎜)로 난황이 완전히 흡수되었다. 부화 18일째 후기 자어는 전장이 8.45~12.32 ㎜(평균 10.85±4.36 ㎜)로 꼬리말단이 굽어지기 시작하면서 가슴지느러미, 등지느러미, 꼬리지느러미의 줄기가 형성되었다. 부화 25일째에는 44.12~58.72 ㎜(평균 55.95±6.74 ㎜) 외부 형태가 성어와 같은 치어기에 도달하였다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼 재배 시 녹비작물 투입은 화학비료의 대체뿐만 아니라 토양 물리・화학성을 변화시킨다. 특히 두과 녹비는 토양의 내수성입단 형성 등으로 토양 물 이동 특성에 많은 영향을 미친다. 본 시험은 두과 녹비작물인 헤어리베치를 2007년부터 2008년 5월까지 재배하였다. 투입 시기는 5월 14일이었고 투입량은 2,100 kg/10a를 투입하여6월2일에 중생종인 풍미벼를 기계이앙하였다.물 소요량은7월8일부터 벼 수확기까지 시험구에 계량기를 설치하여 물소요량을 산정하였다. 조사기간의 강수량은 7월 541 mm, 8월 217 mm, 9월은 10일간 강수량이 51 mm 였다. 물관리 처리는 관행 물관리와 7일에 1회 간단관개를 처리하였다. 관행 물관리는 녹비작물 헤어리베치를 투입한 구에서 많이 소모 되었고 주1회 물관리는 관행물관리가 헤어리베치 투입구보다 많았다. 따라서 녹비작물 헤어리베치 투입 시 주1회 물관리를 할 경우 물절약이 가능할 것으로 생각되었다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 중등학교 현장에서 요구되는 전문상담교사의 실제적 역할과 그 기능을 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 학생 323명, 학부모 323명, 교사 307, 전체 953명을 대상으로 자료를 수집한 후 전문상담교사의 역할에 대한 요인분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 개별 및 집단 상담활동, 교사 및 부모를 위한 자문활동, 학교상담 관련 행정업무, 학생이해 및 지도를 위한 정보수집 및 제공활동, 전반적인 학교 생활지도 및 상담체제에 대한 지원, 학교 및 학급 생활지도를 위한 교육과정 구성과 실행 등 여섯 요인이 산출되었고, 각 집단별 요구구조가 안정적인 것으로 나타났다. 이를 토대로 학생, 학부모, 교사들이 요구하는 전문상담교사의 공통적인 세부 역할 및 기능에는 개별 및 집단 상담활동 중 바람직한 진로선택 및 진로결정을 위한 상담이 가장 높게 나타났다. 한편, 세 집단간 차이를 비교한 결과, 학생은 개별 및 집단상담 활동 중 바람직한 진로선택 및 진로결정을 위한 상담, 학부모는 학교상담관련 행정업무 중 학교상담실의 운영, 교사는 개별 및 집단상담 활동 중 집단 괴롭힘(왕따, 학교폭력)의 가해 및 피해 학생을 위한 상담에 대한 요구가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Competitive power of pelagic fishery in Korea has been weakened by the domestic and international problems such as wage increase and exclusive economic zone. To make it worse, fishing fleet spends more than 80% of fishing time on searching fishing grounds. Real-time information on oceanographic data, temperature in particular, are likely to contribute to raise efficiency of fishing. However, available data obtained by satellite remote sensing, fixed buoy and drifting buoy, limited to sea surface or fixed positions. ARGO (Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography), an international program, has delivered vertical profiles of temperature and salinity in the upper 2000 m of the world ocean every 10 days using freely moving floats. We have developed real-time oceanographic information system for pelagic fishery based on the Argo data which has the contents of vertical profile, horizontal distribution and vertical section of temperature around fishing grounds and searched data can be download unrestrictedly. Comparison of skipjack catch with sea surface temperature and depth of 20℃ derived from Argo data in the West Equatorial Pacific revealed that Argo data are able to help fishing fleet to find fishing grounds and to increase catch.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Producing Korean organic beef cattle costs a great deal because it needs breeding conditions like the organic feed, an uncontaminated breeding farm and so on. So the price of Korean organic beef (KOB) is more expensive than that of Korean general beef (KGB). To overcome this adverse price condition, a case production organization in Asan will choose direct marketing routes for consumers or the shop under direct management of the organization, or franchise shops. As a result, these marketing routes are expected to narrow the price gap between KOB and KGB. And consumers will accept the price of KOB if quality of KOB is very high level, for example the first grade++.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to analysis the farmer’s attitude on agriculture and rural area where is developed Environmentally Friendly Agriculture (EFA). To analysis satisfaction level and prospect about EFA, farmer’s survey were conducted. The sample size of the survey was 176 respectively. Of the farmers surveyed, 85.9% thought their income is higher than general farmer in the same area. However, when asked how the future income change, 40.7% responded that will be decreasing step by step. 89.2% of the farmer respondent thought that they want dwelling in rural area and continuing agriculture in the future. However, 29.9% of the farmer respondent thought that rural area is not proper to their children as the future residence. In order to training of new farmer, it is very important to set up stable income structure, improving of welfare facilities, medical facilities and education infra and so on. In addition, it need to develop and spread of environmentally friendly agri-technology, price preservation of environmentally friendly agri-product and supply extension of environmentally friendly agri-material etc.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The works of the special economic zone for regional development(SEZone) have been promoted for developing the regional economy corresponding with its own peculiarities by not national, but local level of government. Namely, those set the goal at specialized development of regions through an appeasement policy against regulations. So local governments must originate the local works, get financial sources by itself, and then revitalize the regional economy. The policies of many local governments aim at increasing farmers’ income by developing rural society to cope with open economy system. By the way they have tried to revitalize agriculture and rural society by promoting actively the works of SEZone through an appeasement policy against regulations. And it is important to search for specialized factors based on regional resources, and to make connected with them together so as to obtain good results in the works of SEZone. This study examined regulations related to environmentally friendly agriculture and green tourism. And it researched about the effect of SEZone works on regional economy and develops indices of result estimation. So schemes for strategies for increasing demand and development issues were presented.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Governance systems are basically an autonomous cooperation type among the government, civil society and market, also a new paradigm for efficient and democratic administration of policies. The governance mainly consists of the central operating body, institutions, operating principles and so on. The constituents are the nation(government), civil society(NGO) and market(firm). Institutional conditions are a legitimate base, financial stability and independency. And as a operating principle, governance systems have common goals and issues from a national and social point of view. This governance has been recently emerged due to financial risk of government, diffusion of new liberalism going with the globalization, localization-decentralization, and development of civil society and information-oriented society. We have to grope for the framework of participatory agripolicy confronting globalization and localization as well as developing our agriculture and rural village. This agri-policy governance should be theoretically focused on policy network or self-organizing network or multi-lateral governance (MLG) based on NPM. Also, it is proper to have connection of nation-central type and civil society-central type. And it is necessary to have a MLG type with local governance corresponding to localization and decentralization. Governance should have the type whose participants have authority and responsibility as well. Basic directions of environmentally friendly agri-policy governance are as follows : first, its purposes are constructing the democratic and efficient framework of participatory environmentally friendly agri-policy based on consensus of all the related groups, embodying environmentally friendly agri-policy adjusted to local field, raising farmer’s real interest, and improving their position. Second, its form should have a council or an agreement system, not an advisory or a consultation organ. Thus, public sector(eg. government) and voluntary sector(eg. farmers’ organization) jointly execute agricultural policy and are responsible together. Environmentally friendly agri-policy governance is mainly made up of farmers’ organization, cooperative and civil society(NGO). And secondary bodies are agribusinesses and academic groups. Government interacts with the main bodies on administrative execution. And environmentally friendly agri-policy governance has MLG type with a central unit, province and county units. Environmentally friendly agri-policy governance has several main functions such as agri-policy partnership, speaking for farmer’s rights and interests, investigation and research on domestic and foreign agricultural streams, and etc. Especially, local unit will play roles in activation for regional agriculture, consulting on technique and management, education and training services, services entrusted by government, and so on.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to find development process and strategies for school lunch program using environmentally friendly agri-products (EFA). In order to improve the quality of school lunch program from elementary school to high school, the demand of EFA is increasing step by step such as a parent’s association and the citizen group. For that reason, establishment by regional ordinance for school lunch program using EFA is rapidly expanded throughout the country. To develop school lunch program using EFA, we have to consider WTO regulations and product reliable EFA under the demand-supply stabilization. Moreover, environmentally friendly agri-policy to be more focused on the promotion the consumer’s interests and food safety need.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to analysis willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental-friendly agri-product (EFAP) food service of child-care centers. To analysis preference about EFAP and WTP, parent’ survey were conducted residing in Asan city. The sample size of the survey is 143 respectively. As a result, most of parents really recognized that EFAP is good for their children as well as they want to change food material from general agri-product to EFAP. Moreover, additional willingness to pay for EFAP food service is 8,360 won on average per month. Therefore, environmental-friendly agri-policy to be more focused on the promotion of the consumer"s interests and food security needs.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to analysis satisfaction and additional cost scale about environmental-friendly agri-product school meal program. To analysis satisfaction about environmental-friendly agri-product (EFAP), parent’ survey were conducted residing in Cheonan city. The sample size of the survey is 304 respectively. As a result, parents of students recognized that EFAP is good for their children as well as they really want to change food material from general agri-product to EFAP. Therefore, environmental-friendly agri-policy to be more focused on consumption behavior and food security needs. In order to perfectly change food material to EFAP, about 1 trillion won will be additionally needed. It means that the market demand of EFAP will be dramatically increased. On the other hand, safe school meal program is one of the most important in a child’s life, vital for proper growth and development.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study are an establishment of developing strategies of environment-friendly agriculture(EFA) around the Daecheong and Chungju Dam. To establish strategic target, a series of farm household survey were conducted for farmers residing around the Daecheong and Chungju Dam. The sample size of the survey is 233 respectively. As a result, the farmers recognized that EFA is fit for around Daecheong and Chungju Dam as well as the prospects is very bright. In conclusion, the main streams to develop EFA are come up with vision and purpose around dam area, systematic connection of environment-friendly agricultural capability around dam area, construction of organic resource circulation system, and connecting propulsion with green tourism including quantitative and qualitative upgrade of environment-friendly agricultural products.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Foci of this thesis are an estimation of willingness to pay and an establishment of green marketing strategies for environment-friendly agricultural products(EFAP). Estimations of willingness to pay for grain, vegetables, fruit and processed foodstuffs are respectively 20.6%, 20.2%, 19.3% and 17.2% higher than agricultural products produced by conventional farming method. And a green marketing mix for EFAP is as follows; first, a product strategy focuses on producing safe and high-quality foods by environment-friendly agriculture(EFA) to point to consumer"s health and desire for environmental preservation. Second, in a price strategy, the balance of three factors should be kept, namely the environmental value, the true quality as food materials and the price of EFAP. Third, a place strategy is to reduce waste matters, resource and energy uses in marketing chain, and to simplify marketing channels. Also, it is necessary to choose the marketing channel for price discrimination. Fourth, a promotion strategy make use of programs that emphasize the multi-function of EFA.
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