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        검색결과 253

        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Transgenic chickens have been spotlighted as an highly potent bioreactor for their fecundity, short generation time, and eggs associated with mass production of protein. In this study, we generated transgenic chickens exhibiting oviduct specific expression of human growth hormone fused to human transferrin for oral administration. Gene of the modified growth hormone located at downstream ovalbumin promoter (∼3.6 kb) was introduced to stage X blastodermal cell employing retrovirus vector system. Several transgenic chickens were successfully generated. However, genomic analyses showed unexpected deletion within the transgene. The modification of the transgene seemed to occur during germ cell formation because the deletion was detected only from the sperm DNA of the G0 founder animal. There was no evidence of deletion in the somatic cell DNA samples of the same chicken. Consequently, same pattern of the deletion was confirmed in both somatic and germ cells of the G1 progeny.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was to analyse the usability of morphological evaluation of vitrified-thawed oocyte before somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using Oosight imaging system to show spindle. For the vitrification, in vitro matured bovine MII oocytes were treated by two-step freezing medium without (control group) or with 5 ug/ml cytochalasin-b (CCB group). In Exp. 1, after thawing, recovered oocytes in each treatment group were assessed by live image using Oosight imaging system or/and cytoskeletal protein image using immunostaining. In Exp. 2, in each treatment group the in vitro developmental potential of frozen-thawed bovine oocytes post evaluation using Oosight imaging system and then SCNT was investigated. The SCNT embryos were cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 1 mM EGF and 1 mM IGF at 38.5 C in 5% O2 and 5% CO2 in air for 8 days. In Exp.1, the rates of in vitro survival, morphological good grade and spindle normality of CCB treatment group (91.1%, 54.2% and 55.5%) were better than those of control group (86.1%, 48.5% and 48.5%). After SCNT using vitrified-thawed oocyte, the rates of fusion, reconstructed embryos and blastocyst development were also high in CCB treatment group (66.6%, 36.4% and 3.0%) than control group (60.0%, 27.3% and 0%). These results demonstrated that the identification of morphological spindle image of the vitrified-thawed bovine oocytes using Oosight imaging system helps to predict the SCNT embryo quality.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae is a worldwide crop pest with a high insecticide resistance and an extensive host range. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of PaeciPora®, which was formulated from the aerial conidia of an entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus strain HY-4, to control T. urticae in cucumber field. In the field study, conidia of P. lilacinus HY-4 and a chemical acaricide azocyclotin were investigated for their control of the adult females of T. urticae. The strain produced a mortality of 56.0% on day 3 and 63.6% on day 7 post-treatment respectively at 1×107 conidia/mL, and no evidence of a mortality benefit was seen in the control group. Additionally, in the pesticide injury test, no agrochemical damage was found in hot pepper, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, oriental melon or strawberry by spraying PaeciPora® on them. The results indicated the possibility of the use of P. lilacinus HY-4 as a microbiological control agent against T. urticae in the Integrated Pest Management program.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Growth hormone (GH) is obligatory for growth and development. But, there is controversy on the GH effect about reproductive processes of sexual differentiation, pubertal maturation, gonadal steroidogenesis, gametogenesis and ovulation. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of GH on estrus, ovulation and embryo implantation. The results obtained were as follows. GH stimulated to increase estrus rate (p<0.05), pregnancy rate (p<0.05), and total fetus number in mice treated for superovulation. Also, the correlation between GH and steroids, E2 and P4, at peri-estrus stage/ peri-ovulation stage/ peri-implantation stage of the superovulation-induced mice was examined. Consequently, GH co-injected with PMSG especially increased P4 level (p<0.05) at peri-estrus stage of superovulationinduced mice. In conclusion, GH co-treatment in superovulation system boosted the rate of estrus, pregnancy and total fetus by increasing progesterone level at peri-estrus stage of superovulation-induced mice.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The production of transgenic animals using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been widely described. A critical problem in the production of transgenic animals is the uncontrolled constitutive expression of the foreign gene which occasionally results in serious physiological disorders in the transgenic animal. In this study, we designed three different expression vectors that express the hEPO gene. hEPO is a hormone produced by the kidney that promotes the formation of red blood cells by the bone marrow. For the in vitro production of transgenic embryos, the different expression vectors were transduced into holstein ear fibroblast cells, respectively, and GFP expressed donor cells were transferred into enucleated oocytes, and then the reconstructed SCNT embryos were developed into pre-implantation stage. From three replicates, GFP expressed 112 transgenic SCNT embryos were produced. When their cleavage rate and blastocyst rate were compared with non-transgenic SCNT embryos, the results were presented into 73.2% vs. 76.9% and 26.8% vs. 30.6%, respectively, there were no differences. Also, total cell number and ICM cell numbers of day 8 blastocysts were statistically not different between the transgenic SCNT groups (120.6±7.9 and 31.4±8.2) and control SCNT group (128.3±4.8 and 35.3±4.0). The GFP expression levels were presented consecutively high during the culture of transgenic SCNT embryos. By analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR, the relative expression levels of hEPO mRNA and pluripotent gene were determined. These results demonstrated that the hEPO expressed transgenic bovine embryos can be efficiently produced in vitro by SCNT technique, while their potential of cloned animal production have to be examined in further study.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Stem cell therapy is undoubtedly the most promising therapeutic approach for neurological disorders. Adipose tissue is ubiquitous and it can be easily harvested in large quantities under local anesthesia with little patient discomfort, making adipose tissue into the ideal large-scale source for research on clinical applications. In this study we monitored the neuronal cell differentiation potential of human adipocyte in the following condition; i) N2 medium containing 200 uM ascorbic acid (AA) and/or 10 uM flavonoid (F) and ⅱ) N2 medium containing AA and/or 10 ng/ml brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and/or, 200 ng/ml sonic hedgehog (SHH) plus 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8. Adipose stem cells were cultured in above described differentiation condition for three weeks. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the mRNA levels of neuronal cell markers in differentiated adipose stem cells. Under the culture condition using N2 medium containing AA, the expression level of nestin (neural progenitor marker) m- RNA was high in all groups, while those of Neuro D, and LEP and FABP4 (adipocyte marker) mRNA were significantly decreased. Also, the addition of BDNF or SHH+FGF8 in N2 medium containing AA enhanced the neural cell differentiation from adipose stem cells, the expression level of Map2 (mature neuron) mRNA was increased, and that of TH (dopaminergic neuron marker) mRNA was high. In addition, we confirmed that the flavonoid addition has effect on the increase of Map2 expression. These results demonstrate that our designed culture condition has effect on the neural cell differentiation of adipose stem cells and this stimulatory effect may be further enhanced by transplantation.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is an efficient technique which has been successfully applied to developmental biology, and resulted in the production of offspring from various species. It offers many opportunities in basic and medical research as well as endangered species preservation. On the other hand, embryonic stem (ES) cells are useful research tools for genetic engineering and developing disease models. In previous study, we established bovine IVF embryo derived ES cell line which can be grow indefinitely as undifferentiated cell state. In this study, we compared the effect of two different age cells (bovine ES cell; JNU-ibES-05 or adult ear fibroblast cell) on in vitro developmental potential of bovine SCNT embryo. To produce SCNT embryos, the ES cells or somatic cells were dissociated and transferred into enucleated MⅡ oocytes, and cleaved reconstructed embryos were cultured in CR1aa medium containing 10% FBS, 1 ug/ml epidermal growth factor (EGF) and 1 ug/ml insulin growth factor (IGF) for 8 days. In the result, blastocyst development rate was similar between ES cell treatment group and somatic cell treatment group, 27.7% (10/36) and 28.9% (11/ 38), respectively. However, there was particular difference in development speed from day 5 post SCNT, blastocyst expanding was 1 day faster in ES cell group than in somatic cell group. This difference was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR using pluripotency, growth and cell cycle gene markers. These results demonstrated that SCNT embryo using ES cell as a donor cell has better growth potential than somatic cell, and it will be a useful tool for a transgenic animal production.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is known that oocytes can be activated without male contribution in vitro and develop to blastocysts which are used to isolate parthenogenetic embryonic stem (ES) cells. Differentiation capacity of the parthenogentic ES cells was rather lower than that of fertilized embryos derived ES cells, which might be the result of the absence of male genome. However, parthenogenetic ES cells might be useful research tool for genetic engineering and generating SCNT embryo derived ES cells. In our previous study, we reported that establishment of several bovine ES cell lines from in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos named JNU-ibES. Based on this data, the objective of this study is to generate parthenogenetic ES cells and to examine their stem cell characteristics. Total 107 parthenogenetic embryos produced at day 8 or 9 were classified into their developmental stages (full expanded x 40, hatched x 67). For producing ES cells, ICM and trophetoderm-rich clumps were mechanically dissociated and were cultured on mitomycin- C treated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cell drop and covered with mineral oil in DMEM medium containing 20% FBS, 5 ng/ml basic FGF, 1% nonessential amino acids, and 0.55 mM b-mercaptoethanol. We obtained 20 primary parthenogenetic bovine ES (pbES)-like cell colonies. And pbES colony formation was higher in hatched blastocyst (25.4%, 16/67) than expanded blastocysts (10%, 4/40). Among those colonies, 5 pbES cell lines were successfully established and they were named as a series of JNU-pbES. These pbES cells were positively expresssed pluripotency markers such as Oct4, Nanog, TRA-1-81, SSEA-1 and alkaline phosphatase. This result demonstrated that the establishment efficiency and characteristics of pbES cell line was very similar to those of ibES cell line.
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