
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 48

        2018.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the revised version of Waste Control Act to enter into force in 2017, Wastes could only be recycled assuming that the use of recycled wastes is safe for the environment and human health by environmental safety assessment. Even before this revision of the law, inorganic sludges could have been recycled as alternative materials for filler and cover materials by mixing with soil. However, in case of inorganic sludge from car-washing facilities, the revised law provides that the waste has to be landfilled. To assess the possibility of recycling this waste, we investigate the characteristics of the generation and concentration level of hazardous substances and evaluate the safety of recycling this material to assess whether this process meets the environmental standards. We obtained a total of eight sludge samples from car-wash shops, such as those in gas stations, car-repair shops and car-wash facilities. According to the results of leaching tests, most of the samples(8) fell under the detection limit and thus could be legally treated as general waste. However, in the results of contents some heavy metals, such as hexavalent chromium, lead, copper and zinc, exceeded the standards for soil contamination. We can conclude that the recycling of inorganic sludge from car-wash facilities could cause pollution in soil media when recycled and should not be recycled for filler and cover materials.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to verify safe and environmentally-sound recycling of blast-furnace slag in the cement industry. This was accomplished by analyzing the heavy metal contents of three kinds of raw materials: blast-furnace slag, Portland cement, and the substitutes, which were mainly input into the manufacture of cement. The research revealed that, in the five samples tested, the heavy metal level in the blast-furnace slag cements (5.90 ~ 8.38 mg/kg for Cr6+) is lower than the ordinary Portland cement (11.04 ~ 14.92 mg/kg for Cr6+). This suggests that both raw materials have low heavy metal contents compared with the 20 mg/kg limit enforced by the autonomic convention in Korea. As for the substitutes, there was no decisive effect on the overall heavy metal content because of the low input ratio of 2.5%. Therefore, it is of high utility value to recycle the blast-furnace slag in the cement industry, considering slag can dilute the overall heavy metal contents in the cement products.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        폐기물관리법 개정・시행(’16.7.)으로 폐기물의 재활용방식이 포지티브(허용행위 열거방식)에서 네거티브(제한행위 열거방식)로 전환됨에 따라 재활용대상 폐기물의 재활용 가능여부를 판단하기 위해 재활용환경성평가 제도를 도입하였다. 위 제도의 도입에 따라 폐기물의 재활용으로 인한 인체・환경영향을 사전에 파악하기 위해 지정폐기물에 함유된 유해물질의 용출・함량관리 이외에 유해특성 항목의 확대 및 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험 도입 등 평가항목 및 평가방법을 확대하였으며, 비매체접촉형 및 매체접촉형 재활용유형으로 분리하여 폐기물의 재활용으로 인한 토양, 지하수, 수질 등 환경매체의 영향까지 고려하도록 하였다. 본 연구에서는 재활용 제품에 대한 장기영향평가를 위하여 도입된 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험을 수행하여, 폐기물의 재활용으로 인한 지표수 및 지하수 등에 대한 영향여부를 평가하고자 하였다. 페로니켈슬래그를 시료로 하여 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험 분석결과 알루미늄을 제외한 모든 항목이 먹는 물 수질기준 미만 또는 정량한계 미만으로 나타났으며, 페로니켈 슬래그의 매체접촉형 재활용 시 중금속의 용출로 인한 환경의 영향은 미비할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 고액비(L/S ratio)에 따른 용출경향 파악을 위하여 폐기물 용출시험(L/S=10) 결과와 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험(L/S=2) 결과를 비교・검토하였으며, 검출경향은 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험에서 더 높게 검출되는 경향이 나타나, 폐기물의 재활용에 대한 장기 용출영향 평가 방법으로 적합하다고 판단하였다.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        폐기물관리법 개정(시행 ’16.7.21)으로 폐기물의 재활용방식이 포지티브(허용행위 열거방식)에서 네거티브(제한행위 열거방식)로 전환됨에 따라 재활용대상 폐기물의 재활용 가능여부를 판단하기 위해 재활용환경성평가 제도를 도입하였다. 이에따라, 2018년 1월 1일부터 재활용환경성평가 제도 중 매체접촉형으로 사용되는 폐기물은 새로운 재활용 유형인 경우이거나 기존 재활용유형 12만 톤 이상 또는 3만 제곱미터 이상의 규모의 경우 유해특성항목의 생태독성항목을 적용하도록 되어있다. 생태독성시험의 시행은 화학시험의 평가와는 달리 환경영향에 대한 부분을 종합적으로 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 현재 재활용환경성평가에서의 물벼룩을 이용한 급성독성(생태독성) 기준은 「폐기물 유해특성의 성질 및 해당 기준」에 TU 2.0을 초과하지 않도록 설정되어 있다. 그러나, 현재 재활용환경성평가의 생태독성의 경우 상향류 투수방식의 유출시험(컬럼시험)을 통하여, 고상시료를 액상시료로 변환시키는 시험방법을 사용하고 있다. 폐기물의 종류에 따라 생태독성시험 적용을 위해 pH 조정이 필요한 경우가 발생하여, 전처리 과정을 통하여 중화시킨 후 독성 분석을 실시하였다. 이에 본 연구는 매체접촉형 재활용에 이용되었던 석탄재, 폐석재, 폐토사 등을 대상으로 컬럼시험을 통해 얻은 유출액을 생태독성시험에 적용하여 재활용환경성평가의 생태독성항목에 대한 시험방법을 마련하고, 독성기준의 만족여부를 조사하였다.
        2017.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we analyzed the content of five hazardous heavy metals (Pb, As, Hg, Cd, and Cu) in cement products distributed in Korea over the last five years. The types and amounts of waste inputted into a cement kiln or added as alternative fuels and secondary raw materials were investigated, and the correlation between heavy metal content and input waste were analyzed. The measured heavy metal content in cement products were 26.9-95.0 mg/kg for lead, 6.08-19.15 mg/kg for arsenic, 0.0339-0.2617 mg/kg for mercury, 2.937-4.392 mg/kg for cadmium, and 22.25-267.42 mg/kg for copper. In addition, based on correlation analysis results between the heavy metal content of cement products and added input wastes, major wastes that affected the heavy metal content among the 11 types of waste were iron, coal ash, waste tires, waste plaster, desulfurization gypsum, and waste synthetic resin.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Coal ash from power plants is divided into fly ash and bottom ash, which are produced after burning bituminous anthracite coal at 1,600°C. Coal ash is composed of fly ash (82%) and bottom ash (18%); while most fly ash is recycled as ready-mix concrete admixture and cement additive, bottom ash is left unused in landfill sites located within power plant grounds. This has been studied less comprehensively than fly ash; therefore, our aim was to assess the recyclability of the bottom ash generated by two (A & B) thermal power plants and thus identify the characteristics of hazardous substances in coal ash that are generated in power plants and evaluate the environmental contamination likelihood in the recycling of the produced coal ash. Currently, emitters such as thermal power plants have various requirements for the recycling of coal ash (bottom ash and they are also required by law to consider how the country’s environmental impact may be affected by recycling large amounts of coal ash. The concentrations of hazardous substances contained in coal ash (bottom ash) are generally lower than the criteria for soil contaminants and the standard for hazardous substances contained in designated waste. We found no significant leaching of heavy metal and its concentration; however, the levels of heavy metals in coal ash were generally low. The results of column leaching testing for potential environmental impact assessment indicated that increased leaching time might lead to the reduced ionic concentration of coal ash.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 자원고갈문제의 해소와 효율적인 폐기물 관리를 위한 적극적인 자원순환정책의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이에 환경부는 자원순환법 제정 후 2020년까지 폐기물 발생량 대비 매립률을 3 %로 줄이고 폐기물 중 재활용 자원의 매립률도 최소화하기 위해 노력중이다. 2016. 07. 21 이전에 폐기물을 재활용하려면 폐기물관리법령에 반영된 66개 재활용용도와 방법에 부합되어야만 가능하며, 새로운 재활용 기술이 개발되어도 기술 검증, 법령개정 절차 이행 등 재활용이 허용되기까지 2년 이상의 시간이 소요되는 실정이었다. 이에 현행과 같이 제한된 몇 가지 재활용만 허용하고 나머지는 불허하는 허용행위 열거방식(포지티브 방식)은 재활용 극대화에 한계가 있으므로 재활용을 원칙적으로 모두 허용하고 환경이나 건강에 위해한 것만 불허하는 제한행위 열거방식(네거티브 방식)으로의 전환이 필요하였다. 이를 위해 폐기물이 원료로 제조공정을 거쳐 재활용되는 경우 해당 공정, 제품에 대한 환경보호 기준을 설정하고 이를 충족하는 모든 재활용 방식은 원칙적으로 재활용을 허용해 관련 신기술 개발 등 재활용 활성화를 유도하도록 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 폐기물이 토양·지하수 등 매체와 직접 접촉하지 않는 비매체접촉형 폐기물 재활용에 대한 재활용 환경성 평가기법을 마련하고, 이들 비매체 접촉형 폐기물의 재활용 기준(안)을 마련하고자 하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of using waste stone and waste stone sludge, generated by stone grinding operations, as substitutes for natural resources. In addition, the possibility of expanding the scope of safe recycling was confirmed via an environmental assessment. This assessment was carried out by measuring particle size distributions and physical and chemical characteristics, as well as via dissolution and content tests. Waste stones and powdered waste stone sludge generated from the I-, K-, and R-quarries located in the Geochang area were selected and sampled. The pH was weakly alkaline (7.74 - 9.7), and the water content ranged from 21.29% to 32.57%. Only the Iquarry sample exceeded the 30% water content limit. The Waste Control Act regulates the use of filler materials such as bottom restoration and lowland materials in the quarry to less than 30%. Leaching tests conducted using I-, K-, and R-quarry samples were analyzed. The samples did not exceed the controlled waste criteria for hazardous substances defined by the Waste Management Act. The limits for Pb, Cr, As, Hg, Cd, and Cr6+ are 3 mg/L, 3 mg/L, 1.5 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L, 0.3 mg/L, and 1.5 mg/L, respectively. Based on the results of content tests, only Cu (252 mg/Kg) exceeded the 1 area standard (150 mg/kg) for troublesome soil contamination defined in the Enforcement Regulations of the Soil Environment Conservation Act. Based on this environmental assessment, current policies allow expansion of recycling.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The chemical leak accidents cause a large number of casualties in the short term and secondary environmental pollution in the long term. In the case of the hydrogen fluoride (HF) leak accident in Gumi City, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, the fluoride ion concentration in crops located near the HF leak accident area was detected to be in the range of 99 ~ 13,029 mg/kg and in woody stems in the range of N.D. ~ 6,789 mg/kg. We also identified the correlation relationship between the range and the contamination degree. The order of degree of fluoride contamination of crops was leaf > stem epidermis > inside the stem. However, in another case of accidental HF leak in Hwasung City, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, because the concentration of fluoride ion in the crops was detected in the range of N.D. ~ 45 mg/kg, it is difficult to make a decision about whether HF affects the crops or not. In this study, with the suggestion of the identification of leak accident impacts by checking the contamination characteristics and condition of HF in terms of diffusion distance from the accident point, we prevent damage from secondary environmental pollution and prepare for similar accidents in the future.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Koreans have sedentary lifestyles and use under-floor heating called Ondol as home heating systems. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) caused by VOCs released from flooring material has been of significant interest in residential apartments. In this study, we measured exposure to VOCs by having test subjects breathe under conditions of high surface temperature. The results showed that the emission level of VOCs was high at 40oC in the early stage of the experiment. However, 20 days after the experiment began, the emission level was reduced by 0.9-4 times in each product at 40oC. The exposure to VOCs released from floor coverings was measured by taking into account the average respiratory rate, weight, and activity hour of test subjects and presuming that people are exposed to VOCs all the time while staying indoors. The level of emission from FJR of low-cost PVC floor coverings was the highest among the tested coverings, but the exposure to VOCs emission from the covering was relatively low at 0.025 mg/kg/day at 40oC. The amount of toluene detected from this experiment was the highest among VOCs emitted from floor coverings. The hazard quotient (HQ) of toluene detected in this test was over 20 times smaller than the risk characterization level of 0.1. It was, therefore, estimated that the emission of toluene from the floor surface would not be critically harmful to residents.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, content and leaching tests of heavy metals (14 items) were analyzed to evaluate the recyclability of the sludge from wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, this was compared with and examined with the standard of controlled waste, certification standards of compost materials, etc. In the results of the content test, Cr6+ (30.82 mg/kg) of waste from the leather, fur, and textile industries (EWC 04) and Cr6+ (103.13 mg/kg) of waste from the manufacture formulation, supply, and use of coatings (EWC 08) were higher than the proposed criteria of Cr6+ (20 mg/kg). The high level of Cr6+ concentration was observed because of the use of sodium dichromate and chromic anhydride in the materials of dyestuffs and pigments and ink in the EWC 04 and EWC 08 processes. The results on sludge in this study did not meet the standard of the Fertilizer Control Act and quality standard of fuels. In particular, the high levels of Pb and Cd was the main reason.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recycling technology research in the copper smelting industry is necessary because the recovery of valuable metals from generated waste can offset the cost of raw materials. The cost of imported raw materials, can exert a significant impact on profitability. In order to perform this research review of previous studies about the base characteristics of the target waste was needed. In this study, copper slag and copper alloy smelting slag generated in the process, along with slag, ash, and sludge, were analyzed for particle size, distribution of the waste, physical characteristics, chemical composition, and inclusion of heavy metals. Copper slag and copper alloy particle separation results were able to remove most of the metal pieces that were at least 1 mm in size. In this waste, zinc, copper-containing metal were less than 80%. toxic substances, such as cadmium, arsenic and mercury, were removed by utilizing a hydrometallurgical process. The data suggests that this industry should be able to take advantage of new technologies the recover valuable metals from copper smelting waste.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we looked into the levels and distribution characteristics of harmful substances found in imported coal ash to identify their possible impacts on the environment and human body in the process of recycling and to develop plans for their proper management. To this end, organic pollutants including heavy metals were analyzed from 19 samples of imported coal ash, and their potential impact on the environment was evaluated. To investigate the characteristics of the heavy metal content in the coal ash, a leaching test was conducted, and the result showed that the heavy metal concentrations in the coal ash were far lower than the permitted levels of hazardous substances in designated waste in Korea. In addition, a content analysis showed that the heavy metal content was lower than the level prescribed in the standards for area II levels of soil contamination. Since coal ash is recycled in cement kilns, levels of Pb, Cu, and Cd in the cement kilns were reviewed and compared against permitted levels of those heavy metals in other alternative fuels. Levels of Pb, Cu, and Cd in the coal ash were comfortably within the acceptable limits by Korean standards, but the level of arsenic was close to the limit. Given the fact that arsenic leached from the coal ash recycling process could have an adverse impact on both the environment and the human body, it is therefore necessary to monitor arsenic leaching from coal ash continuously . Levels of other substances that could be contained in coal ash, such as dioxin, PCBs , and PAHs, were also measured. The measurements showed that the levels of these substances were generally low or undetectable; therefore, the environmental impact of organic pollutants from coal ash recycling was considered insignificant.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focused on enhancing the mechanical properties and thermal stability of bio-composites with natural agricultural residues and improving the interfacial adhesion between polymer and biodegradable agricultural residual waste fibers. To achieve this purpose, we proposed superheated steam (SHS) treatment method as a novel pre-treatment of fiber for improved of compatibility in polymer matrix. The use of SHS-treatment was investigated as a method for improving interfacial adhesion between agricultural residual waste fibers and polymer and with the goal of enhancing mechanical properties. We selected wheat straw fibers for agricultural waste fibers to improve the surface modification. Wheat Straw Fibers (WSF) was treated with SHS in order to modify its characteristics for bio-composite applications. Treatment was conducted at temperatures 200oC and 230oC for each 1 h. SHS-treated WSF was evaluated for its chemical composition, thermal stability, morphology and crystallinity. Thermal stability of the fibers was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis and found that the degradation temperature of the fibers is increased after of the SHS treatment. In addition, SHS treatment contained in the WSF reduce the rate of hemicellulose components. The WSF is polar nature of lignocellulose due to the presence of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in cellulose and hemicellulose causes it to be incompatible with non-polar thermoplastics. SHS-treatment was found to be able to remove hemicellulose, which is the most hydrophilic and most thermally unstable component in WSF, since it has the lowest thermal resistance. Removal of hemicellulose makes the fiber less hydrophilic and this will potentially increase the compatibility of treated WSF and polymers and improves the mechanical properties and water resistance of composites.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Using of the recycled aggregates is strongly promoted to use the national resources efficiently and enhance the recycling rate of construction wastes. However, the negative impact is expected by the alkalinity elution characteristic to the water quality and soil ecology in the region where could be contacted by water like ground water, river, area nearby coast, and etc. For this reason, we developed the pH test method to use the recycled aggregate in the drainage layer and analyse the pH concentration of the sort of time change and particle size. By the ‘Korean Standard Method for Waste’, the pH concentration was ranged from 10.78 to 11.72, by the ‘Korean Standard Method for Soil’, the pH concentration was ranged from 10.73 to 11.97, by the developed pH test in this study, the pH concentration was ranged from 10.82 to 11.71. There was no difference in the pH concentration in relation to the stirring time and the spread of particle size.
        2015.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        시멘트 제품의 유해성에 대해서는 국회, 언론 및 환경단체에서 지속적으로 문제를 제기하여 2008년 8월부터 매월 1회 국내・외 시멘트 제품의 6가크롬, 비소, 카드뮴, 구리, 수은, 납의 함량(mg/kg)에 대해서 모니터링을 수행하여 관리하고 있다. 국내의 경우, 시멘트 제품의 중금속 기준이 마련되지 않아 유해성에 대한 우려가 반복되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 최근 3개년동안(13년도 ~ 15년 6월)의 시멘트 모니터링 데이터를 바탕으로 중금속 동향을 파악하였으며, 유럽, 일본 등 시멘트 국제 관리기준과 비교하였다. 수용성 6가크롬의 경우 국내에서는 2009년에 자율협약기준인 20mg/kg으로 설정한바 있으며, 이는 일본의 시멘트 업계 자율기준(20mg/kg 이하)과 동일하며, 납, 비소, 수은, 카드뮴, 구리항목에 대하여 현재 국내에서는 보조연료 및 대체원료 중금속 관리기준으은 제시되어 있지만(2011.9), 시멘트 제품의 기준은 설정되어 있지 않다. EU 국가의 경우 수용성 6가크롬의 기준은 현재 2mg/kg으로 강제 규제를 따르고 있으나, 이는 국내 6가크롬 시험방법과 다른 모르타르 용출 시험방법을 따르고 있어, 국내 6가크롬 시험방법과 비교검토가 필요하다. 2013년 1월 ~ 2015년 6월까지의 3년동안 시멘트 중금속 모니터링 평균 함량 결과(슬래그 시멘트 미포함), 6가크롬 8.5mg/kg, 납 47.7mg/kg, 비소 11.4mg/kg, 수은 0.057mg/kg, 카드뮴 2.84mg/kg, 구리 101.71mg/kg으로 나타났다. 스위스 시멘트 제품 중금속 기준으로 설정되어 있는 항목 중 탈륨(Tl)의 경우, 급성 호흡곤란증후군 및 인후염, 흉통발생을 유발하고, 스위스에서는 현재 2mg/kg으로 관리하고 있어 국내 중금속 관리항목으로의 검토가 필요하다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Phospho-gypsum (PG) is a by-product generated from wet process of phosphoric acid production. The recycling rateof PG is only fifteen percents for the recycling uses, such as cement retardant, gypsum board, plaster, functional fertilizer.In the result of pH analysis, PG, neutralizing gypsum, soil, and dredged soil were 3.5, 7.4, 8 to 8.8, and 7.8, respectively.In case of the electric conductivity (EC), PG, neutralizing gypsum, and soil were 2,990µS/cm, 2,230µS/cm, and84~99µS/cm, respectively. In heavy metal contents of PG, As and Cd could be measured under environmentalstandards in Korean Soil Environment Conservation Act. In inorganic elements of leaching PG, Ca and Na were 629mg/L and 13 mg/L, respectively, but As, Cd, and other elements were detected under the regulated levels in Korean WasteManagement Act. Also, among inorganic elements in PG, the leaching ratio of Mg and Cd were 7.3%, 1.3% respectively.In neutralized PG, leaching ratio of Mg and Cu were 1.9%, 1.4% respectively compared with other elements. Insequential batch leaching test, the leaching concentrations of As and Cd were rapidly decreased after 2 days. F− andCa were steadily decreased until 2 days and 8 days, respectively, and no more change since then. In case of SO42−, itfell at constant rate to 1,600~1,800mg/L. As seen in Ca leaching curve relating to pH value, the leaching decreasedwith increasing pH.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There is legal uncertainty and ambiguity with regards to the classification and disposal of sludge generated from glassetching process. Moreover, secondary effect on the environment such as corrosion of landfill construction by the sludgeproduced in glass etching process was observed in waste landfill site. As part of response to the parliament’s request forthe relevant data and local media coverage, exhaustive investigation of glass etching process was required. Accordingly,we conducted an exhaustive investigation of 8 glass etching manufacturers. Glass etching business is one of the businessesthat have seen rapid growth since 2010 with the development of semiconductor and electronics industry, and glass etchingproducers are mostly located in Gumi, Cheongju, Sejong, Gongju, and Cheonan cities. In this study, we investigated theharmful effects of wastes generated from the glass etching process, how those wastes are classified and treated, problemsarose from the process, and secondary effects on the environment observed in waste landfill site. The study found thatcyanide, lead, mercury, trichloroethene, and perchloroethene were not detected in the sludge produced from glass etchingprocess, and hexavalent chromium, copper, and arsenic were either not detected or reported at very low level, which wasbelow the threshold concentration level of designated waste. In contrast, pH of sludge produced from glass etching processwas between 1.7 and 2.3, pH of hydrofluoric acid used for glass etching showed acidic value of 1.5, which suggests thatthe classification system of such hazardous substance requires reconsideration.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Laws and regulations of radioactive waste management related to the Exemption system and the Clearance systembetween governing authorities in Korea and Japan were investigated to suggest better management of radioactive waste.Above both system, very low levels of radioactive wastes which have negligible risk can be decided on being Exclusionsystem and classified as a non-radioactive waste. As a result, the Exemption systems between two countries were similar,whereas the Clearance systems were different. With regard to laws related to the Clearance, Japan specify providinginformation and feedback among relevant authorities, but there is no specification in Korea. In addition, this study suggeststo develop accredited analysis methods to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of the measurement, because twocountries have not established the national accredited analysis method for determining the concentration of radionuclide.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study evaluated the applications of ecotoxicity for management plan on industrial waste, and suggested the strategy for assessment of the ecotoxicological characteristic. From the results of ecotoxicity for waste synthetic resin, sludge, slag, waste dust, etc. 20 industrial wastes, 15 waste samples were analyzed in ecotoxic. In particular, 8 waste samples (about 62%) among the 13 non-hazardous wastes were confirmed ecotoxic. Therefore, the additional studies are necessary by increasing the number of samples and confirming the various types of waste. The correlation coefficient of arsenic and vanadium was highly estimated that 0.68, 0.44, respectively. The ecotoxicity for wastes should be managed as a comprehensive toxic in the future. Because the wastes has the high potential ecotoxic by the possibility of containing hazardous materials with discharge process and the interaction of heavy metals, ions, salt, and pH and so on. The hazardous characteristic of waste for ecotoxicity should be evaluated through the ecotoxic analysis in 3 steps by the proposed procedure for assessment of ecotoxicological characteristic.
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