
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 37

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        모차르트(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756~1791)의 《음악적 농담》(Ein musikalischer Spaβ, K.522)은 1787년에 완성된 디베르티멘토이다. 이 작품에서 모차르트는 일부러 적절하지 못한 작 곡기법들을 사용하고 전통 형식에서 벗어나는 요소들을 통해 음악적인 풍자를 한 것으로 알려져 있다. 모차르트의 의도적인 실수로 보이는 것은 호른의 불협화음, 바이올린의 온음음계, 부속 화 음의 미해결, 병행 5도 진행과 같은 것들을 들 수 있다. 이 작품을 언급하고 있는 연구 논문들은 대부분 이런 표면적인 음악적 풍자에 관해 이야기하고 있지만, 구체적인 분석의 예를 통해서 설명 하는 경우는 찾아보기 힘들다. 본 논문에서는 고전 기악곡들의 형식을 기능과 연관해서 설명하고 있는 캐플린의 이론과 그가 제시한 유형들을 분석 모델로 삼아 모차르트 작품의 제1악장과 제3악 장의 악곡 분석을 통하여 악구 구조와 형식 측면에서 이 작품의 이례적인 점들을 음악적 풍자와 연관 지어 살펴본다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine how late Joseon art scene interpreted and reflected the concept of “The four masters of Yuan dynasty (元四大家, from this out I’ll mark it as a Yuan-sadaega)” into landscape paintings during the late 18th to the first half of the 19th century. This study employs a comparative approach, analyzing paintings created during this period in Korea and China, particularly those featuring Yuan-sadaega, while also investigating written records. The understanding of the Yuan-sadaega and their paintings began through the early 17th century Gosi's painting manuals(顧氏畵譜). Through Heo Guseo (許九敍)'s works and literary records, It can be observed that the perception of Yuan sadaega's artworks and artistic aspects during at least the late 18th century was established within the art community. Notably, a distinct shift in the understanding of painters and the composition of Yuan-sadaega is observed in the trends of the late 18th and first half of the 19th century. In the late 18th century, the use of dwelling in the mountain(山居) image into landscapes in Yuan-sadaega compositions is evident, particularly in works by artists like Won Myeong-ung(元命雄) and Jeong Su-yeong(鄭遂榮). This trend is rooted in the contemporaneous significance of the art scene that produced a variety of paintings with the theme of ‘benevolence and daily life and in the shared understanding of the Yuan-sadaega as recluse(隱士) within the artistic community. This collective perception of the Yuan-sadaega seems to have been influenced by the influx of theories and writings on painting by Dong qi chang(董其昌) and by the circulation of painting manuals. The early 19th century, a new a new type of painting emerged alongside Bangjak(倣作, paintings of creative imitation) about the Yuan-sadaega, known as ‘Bangjak about Yuan dynasty painters(倣元人山水圖). Through the works of Kim Jeong-hee(金正喜) and Heo Ryeon(許鍊), it is noteworthy that various scenes are depicted under the same theme. This reflects the establishment of universal values and standards for literary painting within the art community. This process led to the term ‘Ni-hwang(倪黃, abbreviation of Ni zan and Hwang gong wang)’ emerging and the concept expanding under the term ‘Yuan-in’ (元人, the symbol of Yuan art scean). As a result, the desired artistic style pursued by the contemporary artistic community was encompassed under the universal concept of ‘Yuan-in,’ and ‘Bangjak about Yuan dynasty painters’ came to embody this comprehensive theme
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 20세기 초반부터 후반까지 등장한 콘체르토 그로소 작품들을 선별하여 연구하 고, 작품들에서 나타나는 특징을 통해 이들 작품의 제목에 콘체르토 그로소가 사용된 이유를 찾아 보았다. 본 연구를 위한 작품의 선정 기준은 시대적 흐름과 변화를 살펴보기 위하여 최초로 콘체 르토 그로소라는 제목을 사용한 작품을 시작으로 하여 연대순으로 작품명에 콘체르토 그로소가 들어간 것들을 선별하였다. 연구의 대상이 된 작품들은 블로흐, 본 윌리엄스, 빌라로보스, 카웰 그 리고 슈니트케의 콘체르토 그로소들이다. 연구의 결과 바로크 콘체르토 그로소처럼 리토르넬로 형식이 적용된 작품이나 고전의 협주곡 형식을 그대로 따르는 작품들을 찾아 볼 수는 없었다. 그 렇지만 작품별로 악장 구성이나 기법적인 면에서 바로크적인 특색이 나타나고 있는 것을 발견하 였다. 즉, 20세기 콘체르토 그로소 작품들은 바로크적인 요소가 20세기적인 기법과 융합되어 고유 한 특성으로 완성되었다고 볼 수 있다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 신경숙 소설을 정신분석학적 측면에서 살펴보았다. 신경숙의 소설은 결핍과 욕망의 존재인 인간의 근본속성에 대해 그려내고 있으며 그 과정에서 여주인공의 히스테리적 심리 구조를 보여주고 있다. 히스테리자는 아버지를 사랑하며 아버지의 욕망의 대상이 되고자 하나 그것은 금지이기 때문에 다른 방식으로 자신의 결여를 메꾸려 한다. 또한 히스테리적 오이디푸스 구조를 유지하기 위해 자신은 언제까지나 충족될 수 없는 결핍의 상황을 만들어내는 환상을 가진다. <딸기밭>에서 주인공과 인물들의 관계는 프로이트의 연구에서 ‘도라의 사례’와 유사한 욕망의 구조를 보여준다. ‘나’는 정상적인 오이디푸스과정을 거치지 못한 인물로 욕망의 결핍으로 방황하는 도라의 모습과 겹친다. 나의 욕망은 희미하게 존재조차 잊어버린 아버지의 자리를 채우지 못하고 대신 완벽한 여성성을 향유하는 ‘유’에게로 향한다. ‘유’라는 욕망은 자유롭고 부드러운 여성성이다. 어느 것에도 만족을 구할 수 없고 순수하게 자신으로부터 발생하는 욕망을 가질 수 없던 ‘나’는 사랑에 대한 욕망조차 유를 통해서 얻었던 것이다. <바이올렛>에서 주인공 오산이는 아버지의 존재를 경험한 적이 없기에 상실에 대해 슬퍼하거나 애도할 수조차 없는 인물로 그려진다. 오산이는 동성친구 남애를 통해 아버지에 대한 슬픔이라는 정서를 대신 충족하려고 하지만 그 관계가 깨어지고 성인이 되어서는 금지된 사랑을 꿈꾸는 남애를 동경한다. 소설의 결말에서 <딸기밭>의 주인공이 자신의 과거를 망각하고자 하는 것과 <바이올렛>에서 오산이가 자신의 욕망이 실현되지 못하는 것에 대한 좌절로 자기파괴를 시도하는 것은 히스테리자로서 환상을 유지하는 심리기제가 파국의 상황에서도 여전히 작동한다는 것을 의미한다. 이러한 히스테리적 주체의 상황은 신경숙의 작품에서 일관되게 나타나는 소통의 단절, 고독감, 소외된 타자로서의 인물, 주제적 측면에서의 죽음 등과 관계가 있다. 소외되고 타자화되는 인물들의 고통과 방황, 그리고 인물간의 관계들은 정신분석학에서 히스테리자의 전형적인 주체 형성과정을 보여주는 욕망의 흐름에 따라 움직이고 있었다. 신경숙 소설은 온전히 자기 자신의 욕망의 주체가 되지 못하는 히스테리자의 공허한 내면을 적나라하게 그려내면서 인간의 실존적 불완전함에 대해 돌아보게 한다.
        2011.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        심포니 콘체르탄테는 고전시대의 전성기인 18세기 후반에 등장한 기악음악으로 두 명 이상의 독주자와 오케스트라를 위한 다 악장 구성의 작품이다. 이 장르는 공공음악회가 활성화되어 있었던 프랑스의 파리를 중심으로 1770년경부터 발달하였으며, 초기 작곡가들은 프랑스의 작곡가들과 만하임 악파들이였다. 이 장르는 관현악 작품에서도 독주자들의 화려한 연주 기교를 보고 싶었던 당시 청중들의 취향이 반영되어진 것으로, 거의 대부분이 큰 음악회장에서 연주되었다. 따라서 당대 뛰어난 기술을 가진 연주자들과 활발한 활동을 하던 당대의 작곡가들은 파리를 중심으로 활동하였고 작품을 출판하였다.본 논문에서는 고전의 협주곡에 비하여 상대적으로 낮은 관심을 받고 있는 심포니 콘체르탄테에 관한 첫 번째 연구로, 먼저 18세기와 19세기의 이론서에서 나타나는 용어의 정의와 그 쓰임새에 관하여 살펴보고, 심포니 콘체르탄테 장르의 창시자로 알려진 프랑스 작곡가 다보의 작품과, 가장 많은 심포니 콘체르탄테를 남긴 작곡가 깜비니의 심포니 콘체르탄테 작품을 선정하여 그 첫 번째 악장을 분석하여 그 특징을 살펴보고, 또한 동 시대에 작곡된 모차르트의 심포니 콘체르탄테 작품도 분석하여 그 구조적 특징을 비교하여 본다. 이러한 분석적 비교를 통하여 고전을 대표하는 비엔나 악파 모차르트의 작품과 프랑스 작곡가들 작품 사이에서 발견되는 특징은 무엇이며, 공통점과 차이점을 구분하여 악곡 장르에 대한 보다 명확한 설명을 제공하는 것이 이 논문의 목적이다.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of mourning being manifested in the poetry of Kim Jongsam. His poems take a particular position in the modernism of the 1950s. They are distinguished from the traditional lyric poems in the 1950s, the modernist poems trying to deal with the changes of the times, and the participatory poems that took active interest in the reality after Korean War. Those characteristics come from the patterns of mourning, which is his reaction to loss, being actively manifested in his poems. In his paper titled "Mourning and Depression," Freud presented two kinds of reaction to loss; unlike those who experience common mourning to accept the absence of someone lost and resolve conflicts through grief, those who suffer depression keep letting someone lost inside them and deny the loss. Kristeva segmented such a particular reaction process; those who suffer narcissistic depression take the event of loss as a more primitive loss of the object. As a result, the loss of the object becomes the loss of the world and remains as a chose that cannot be easily sublimated into a symbol or metaphor. A juxtaposition or substitution metaphor is used in a process of such a situation being organized with poetic language, and that is a way of mourning by an ego that is not capable of viewing the world as a whole and reflecting itself. Kim's poems are comprised of the images created by calling the object absent in reality through a diaphora. Their characteristics, namely "death consciousness," "fantasy," and "embodiment of absence," are the results of such mourning patterns being poetically manifested since what he experiences through the loss of the object is the loss of something primitive present beyond concrete reality. What he confines inside himself, denies whose loss, and takes care of represents fundamental nothingness about existence. Thus such a world is not a passive reaction containing a death impulse but an active one in that it does not give up fundamental desire for existence and refuses to forget the loss. The study found that Kim's poems would claim more persuasive power when the uniqueness of his world view was understood in the aspect of mourning for loss. They become beautiful when things that are absent are embodied and organized with images. Such aesthetic embodiment succeeds thanks to his mourning attitude toward the lost world.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        활성글루텐을 첨가한 쌀가루에 검의 첨가가 쌀가루의 신속점도측정기(RVA) 호화양상과 farinograph 반죽특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 검의 첨가에 의해 쌀가루의 RVA 최고점도는 증가한 반면 setback은 약간 감소함을 나타내었다. 활성글루텐을 첨가한 쌀가루에 검의 첨가는 farinograph 수분흡수율을 증가시키고 반죽의 안정도를 증가시켜 반죽을 강하게 하는 효과를 부여하였다. 쌀가루에 활성글루텐을 14% 첨가하고 검, 유화제 및 효소제를 복합처리하여 쌀빵을 제조한 후 쌀빵의 부피와 저장 중 경도변화를 조사하였다. 쌀가루에 첨가하는 활성글루텐의 양이 감소함에 따라 쌀빵의 부피가 감소하였지만 검, 유화제 및 효소제를 복합첨가 함으로써 쌀빵의 부피를 현저히 개선시킬 수 있었다. 활성글루텐만을 첨가한 쌀빵은 저장 중에 경도가 급격히 상승하였으나 검, 유화제 및 효소제를 복합첨가하여 제조한 쌀빵은 저장 중에 경도의 증가 폭이 현저하게 감소함을 나타내었다. 따라서 적절한 검, 유화제, 효소제의 복합처리는 쌀빵의 부피와 경도 변화 등 쌀빵의 품질에 매우 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 평가되었다.
        2003.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective : This study was conducted as a policy task on the distribution of occupational therapy in community health centers.Method : A questionnaire was sent to 242 community health centers nationwide and (a total of) 135 questionnaires was returned between November 15, 2002 to December 20, 2002. We used frequency analysis and cross analysis for the questionnaires, generated by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version. a statistic analysis program.Results : 1) They do not promote rehabilitation programs for the disabled person significantly in community health centers. 2) Little has been carried out for occupational therapy in the com-munity health centers. The absence of occupational therapist attributes to the lack of knowledge on occupational therapy by outpatients, the lower demand, the lack of budget for hiring occupa-tional therapist, and the lack of understanding on the role of occupational therapist. It also shows that the occupational therapy is currently performed comprehensively by other department. 3) The need for occupational therapists in the community health center was more than one person. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that appropriate occupational therapy program in the community health center includes the occupational therapy for the disabled person living at home, the occupational therapy for the disabled person in the rehabilitation program in the community health center, and the education on occupational therapy for the disabled person and their families.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 5-day germination test is applicable to detect biological changes in irradiated wheat and barley at low doses. Seeds were irradiated at below 0.5 kGy, husked and placed on distilled water-moistend filter paper in a covered Petri-dish. Water was supplied everyday. To evaluate the growth rate, the length of shoots and roots was measured during germination. In wheat, the shoots of all samples grew well during 5 days, but the shoot length and the daily growth extent decreased with increasing doses. The roots of non-irradiated wheat showed the highest daily growth extent during 5 days and the root length was over 20 mm at 3rd day. In barley, the growth of shoots and roots was retarded at 0.3 kGy or more after 3 days. It was concluded that if the root length was 20mm or longer within 3 days, wheat and barley were identified as non-irradiated. The germination test was proved a promising screening method for the detection of irradiated wheat and barley.
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to assess the food-purchase behavior of 197 Taejon full time housewives 30 to 49 years of age. Food purchase was assessed using a questionnaire and the resulting data were analyzed using SPSS programs. Demographic data revealed that most of the households have three to five family members and that the Engel Indices of the participating households were mostly between 10 and 30%. Noticeable results of the food purchase assessment are as follows. In the grain and grain products items, the low-education group purchased more rice and barley than the high-education group, whereas the high-education group purchased more glutinous rice, brown rice, bread, macaronis and spaghetti than the low-education group. In the vegetable items, the low-education group purchased more Chinese cabbage and radish than the high-education group, while the high-education group purchased more head lettuce, broccoli and sweet pepper than the low-education group. In the meat items, the beef purchase was higher in the high-education than in the low-education group, while the pork purchase was higher in the low-education than in the high-education group . In the processed meat items, ham was the most favorite purchase item regardless of the education level. In the fish and shellfish items, Pacific cod and Alaska pollack were purchased more in the low-education than in the high-education group, and salmon and dried icefish strip were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. No items in fruit group showed significant differences in the purchase amount between the low-education and the high-education group although the latter purchased more imported-fruits such as melons, kiwis, grapefruits, and oranges. Dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter were purchased more in the high-education than in the low-education group. It was also found that both the number of food items and the consumption of foods coming from animals were higher in the high-education than in the low-education group.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The germination test was used to detect biological changes in irradiated rice and glutenous rice at low doses. Grains were irradiated at below 0.5 kGy, husked and placed on distilled water moistend filter paper in a covered petri-dish. A germination test of 20 grains was carried out at room temperature for 5 days. The shoots and roots of non-irradiated rites grew well in comparison with those of irradiated rites above 0.3 kGy. The roots of rites were more sensitive to irradiation than the shoots, and the growth of roots was significantly decreased with the increasing doses. In glutinous rites, the growth of shoots and roots was retarded by irradiation at 0.2 kGy or more after 3rd days. We concluded that if the shoot or root length is 10 mm or longer within 5 day, the rites and glutinous rites are identified as non-irradiated.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to examine the effect of food irradiation education on college students' knowledge and acceptance of food irradiation. The instrument for the knowledge and acceptance of food irradiation was administered before and after food irradiation education, to 150 students majoring in food and nutrition or food technology in the Chungnam National University. Before the education approximately 93% of the respondents did not know that radioactivity dose not remain in food after irradiation; whereas, after education half of them thought that radioactivity dose not remain in irradiated food. Knowledge about food irradiation has improved through education. The education significantly increased all the mean scores of need for food irradiation and willingness to use irradiated foods for the six food groups (p<0.01). The education significantly decreased the mean scores of concern about the irradiated food for all the six food groups (p<0.01). Although the responses to irradiated foods are, in general, negative or neutral even after education, the mean scores of acceptance of the irradiated foods have improved through education in all the six food groups (p<0.01). In conclusion, this study showed that food irradiation education may positively affect the college students' knowledge and acceptance of food irradiation, and that the development of both the appropriate detection methods to identify irradiated foods and the education programs to enlighten the college students are needed.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to examine the knowledge and acceptance of food irradiation in order to provide baseline data required in the development of food irradiation education programs for college students. 150 students majoring in food and nutrition or food technology in the Chungnam National University were chosen for a survey. The results are as follows. First, college students' knowledge about food irradiation is scanty. Knowledge assessment showed that 56% of the participants had previously heard of food irradiation. 68% of the respondents thought that radioactivity remains in food after irradiation and 25.3% of them were not sure whether radioactivity remains in food after irradiation or not. Only half of the respondents thought that nutrient loss due to irradiation is equal to or lower than that due to cooking or freezing. Second, approximately 56% of the respondents showed that food irradiation is somewhat or strongly needed for meat or fish; whereas, over 60% of them showed that food irradiation is not needed for grain, vegetable and fruit. Almost 40% of the respondents were seriously concerned about irradiation of vegetables and fruits; whereas, they showed less concern about spice irradiation. More than half of the respondents were not willing to use irradiated food in all the six food groups. Third, the correlation analysis showed that the need of food irradiation is negatively correlated with concerning about the irradiated fish and fruits, but positively correlated with willingness to use irradiated food in all the five food groups, except in spices. Concern about the irradiated food is negatively correlated with willingness to use irradiated food from all the six food groups. Fourth, almost all the respondents (over 90%) agreed that the irradiated food labeling is required as well as the development of proper methods to identify irradiated foods.
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