
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 47

        2024.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the microstructure and piezoelectric properties of 0.96(K0.456Na0.536)Nb0.95Sb0.05-0.04 Bi0.5(Na0.82K0.18)0.5ZrO3 (KNNS-BNKZ) ceramics based on one-step and two-step sintering processes. One-step sintering led to significant abnormal grain (AG) growth at temperatures above 1,085 °C. With increasing sintering temperature, piezoelectric and dielectric properties were enhanced, resulting in a high d33 = 506 pC/N for one-step specimen sintered at 1,100 °C (one-step 1,100 °C specimen). However, for one-step 1,115 °C specimen, a slight decrease in d33 was observed, emphasizing the importance of a high tetragonal (T) phase fraction for superior piezoelectric properties. Achieving a relative density above 84 % for samples sintered by the one-step sintering process was challenging. Conversely, two-step sintering significantly improved the relative density of KNNS-BNKZ ceramics up to 96 %, attributed to the control of AG nucleation in the first step and grain growth rate control in the second step. The quantity of AG nucleation was affected by the duration of the first step, determining the final microstructure. Despite having a lower T phase fraction than that of the one-step 1,100 °C specimen, the two-step specimen exhibited higher piezoelectric coefficients (d33 = 574 pC/N and kp = 0.5) than those of the one-step 1,100 °C specimen due to its higher relative density. Performance evaluation of magnetoelectric composite devices composed of one-step and twostep specimens showed that despite having a higher g33, the magnetoelectric composite with the one-step 1,100 °C specimen exhibited the lowest magnetoelectric voltage coefficient, due to its lowest kp. This study highlights the essential role of phase fraction and relative density in enhancing the performance of piezoelectric materials and devices, showcasing the effectiveness of the two-step sintering process for controlling the microstructure of ceramic materials containing volatile elements.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In South Korea, the history of the qualifications has been matured with industry development. Since National Technical Qualifications Act was enacted in 1973, the government makes an effort to develop the ability for improving socioeconomic status and the contribution of qualifications to industry. As the industry has been diversified and globalized, the government has efficiently and systematically operating the qualification by enacting Framework Act on Qualifications in 1997. And then, the qualifications are classified into national qualifications, private qualifications, and foreign qualifications. However, it is hard for national qualifications to abolish or establish a qualification by each organization and the privileged license acquisitors as the qualifications are separately operated by the laws and the organizations and lack consistency. For private qualifications, it is harder to organize even by the government because of the entry barriers by each qualification association. For those reasons, it is necessary to organize the system adapted in the changing job market and operated by the organization managing the qualification system with consistency. This research indicates the inefficiency of the qualification system because the work-study parallelism National qualification system, enacted in 2020, is like the qualification system in business in terms of the general operating system and the operator, except the institute and the law related. Therefore, we analyze the work-study parallelism National qualification system and the qualification system in business and suggest the efficient method to operate and the future research plan regarding the whole qualification system.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The domestic professional engineer qualification system has been changed after the enactment of the law in 1963. However, the domestic professional engineers have been unaccepted and unrecognized internationally. In addition, the domestic professional engineer system is operated in accordance with the individual laws of each ministry, but the official qualification examination is conducted by the Human Resource Development Service of Korea. Thus, the domestic professional engineer system has many problems in system itself and operating. In this research, we compare the domestic qualification system with the systems of other foreign countries, and propose how to improve the qualification system. This study limits the scope to the qualification examination for PㆍE. We suggest 3 ways to improve the qaulification examination; (1) The structure of the qualifications, (2) The testing method, and (3) The unification of the qualification system and operation.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The National Competency Standards(NCS) has been developed a good curriculum to reflect the demand in the industry. NCS is defined as systemizing the knowledge, skill, and attitude required to perform a task in the industry. It is an effort to reduce the gap between educational requirements and occupational requirements. However, when NCS is applied, the task level is changed to the title of qualification according to the policy outcomes for the government project. And, the NCS has been emphasizing the purpose of license acquisition, rather than using the standard for tasks in the industry. It means that the misuse of NSC hinders utilizing it as the original purpose of standardizing a task. It requires the customer to study the required competency unit with a no-choice option. Moreover, it makes it hard for companies or industry autonomically run the NCS. Therefore, we define the operational range in terms of the education field, the qualification field, and the career field to diffuse and apply NCS, and suggest the effective utilization method.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, primary school (also junior high school) is compulsory and free since 2004. But it looks high school is also compulsory, as over 80% of adults has a high school diploma currently. For 20 years improving high school education is only education-oriented, rather than occupation-oriented. And, the mismatch between the occupational requirement and the lesson from school is getting larger. To resolve this issue, the Korean government builds and utilizes National Competency Standards(NCS) to realize a competence-oriented society. With NCS, the government enables to run of a work-study program and tries to suggest the fundamental solution to improve occupational ability and the unemployment of young people. However, the prejudice against the education level and occupation is still engrained, and it is hard to match the education-career-qualification based on NCS. Therefore, we study NCS from the definition to the utilization, suggest an improving method to flexibly utilized the standards in the fields, and continuously improve and develop the NCS.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가정에서 가족의 식생활을 책임지고 있는 주부들은 식품안전과 관련된 정보에 매우 민감하여 주부들에게 어떤 정보를 제공했을 때 안심하고 식품을 구매하는지를 알아보는 것은 매우 중요하다. 이 연구는 건강신념모형에서 건강행동을 촉진한다고 알려진 지각된 위협, 행동평가, 자기효능감 같은 요인들이 주부들의 실제 식품안전 인식과 행동에 얼마나 영향을 미치는지를 알아보기 위해 이루어졌 다. 본 연구는 191명의 가정주부를 대상으로 이루어졌으며, 건강신념모형의 주요변수인 지각된 이익과 지각된 장애, 자기효능감, 지각된 심각성과 지각된 개연성 그리고 식품안전 행동에 영향을 미친다고 알려진 건강지향성과 지식수준을 측정하기 위한 설문지가 사용되었다. 일반적 특성을 분석한 결과를 보면 교육수준이 높을수록 그리고 대도시에 살수록 식품안전에 대한 위협을 더 많이 느끼고 안전한 식품을 구매하려는 경향이 더 높았다. 또한 연구 변수간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과를 보면 안전한 식품에 대한 지식이 더 많을수록 그리고 건강에 대한 관심이 높을수록 상대적 이익이나 자기효능감도 높으며 그에 따라 안전한 식품을 구매하려는 경향이 높은 경향을 보였다. 한편 건강신념모형에 근거한 식품안전 행동에 대한 개념모형을 구조방정식분석으로 검증한 결과 적합한 모형 적합도를 보였으며 구매행동에 지각된 위협보다 지식수준과 상대적 이익이 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때 주부가 안전한 식품을 구매하도록 돕기 위해서는 방송이나 신문 같은 공적 경로를 적극 활용하는 식품안전에 대한 정보의 지속적인 제공으로 지식수준을 높여주고 위해성 정보보다는 예방이 가능한 정보 제공으로 안전한 식품을 구매하려는 노력이 실제로 가정의 건강을 지키는데 도움이 된다는 점을 홍보해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식품첨가물의 안전관리확보를 위해 국내 식품 중 사용빈도가 높은 소르빈산류 및 안식향산류를 대상으로 모니터링을 한 후 일일추정섭취량을 평가하였다. 일일추정섭취량은 식품 중 보존료의 농도와 국민건강·영양 조사 자료를 이용하여 국민평균, 성별·연령별 상위섭취자(95th) 그룹으로 분류하여 산출하였고, 이를 JECFA에서 제시한 ADI와 비교하여 국민의 섭취 수준을 확인하였다. 그 결과 분석된 보존료의 국민평균 일일추정섭취량은 소르빈산류 221.60 μg/kg·bw/day, 안식향산류 27.30 μg/kg· bw/day로 산출되었으며, ADI 대비 각각 0.89, 0.55%로 섭취수준은 안전한 것으로 확인되었다. 상위섭취자(95th)의 소르빈산류 일일추정섭취량은 1140.27 μg/kg·bw/day로 ADI 대비 4.56%, 안식향산류 일일추정섭취량은 194.95 μg/ kg·bw/day로 ADI 대비 3.90% 수준으로 소르빈산류 및 안식향산류의 상위섭취자 섭취수준도 안전한 것으로 평가 되었다. 성별에 따른 차이는 안식향산류의 경우 남자가 여자보다 조금 높았으나 소르빈산류는 성별에 따른 차이를 보이지 않았다. 연령별 섭취수준은 소르빈산류 0.52~2.01%, 안식향산류 0.15~1.23% 로 평가되었다. 따라서 모든 그룹에서 소르빈산류 및 안식향산류의 섭취수준은 ADI를 초과하지 않아 안전한 것으로 평가되었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop an appropriate management for safety of children snacks. In this study, monitorings of food additives such as four kinds of sweeteners (sodium saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose) which are sold in children snacks at stationary store around the school were performed. 92 samples (34 ice cakes, 52 beverages and 6 candies) were analyzed for sweeteners. Contents of 4 kinds of sweeteners in ice cakes, beverages and candies were 0.41, 0.47, 0.00 mg/kg for sodium saccharin, 0.00, 20.54, 197.09 mg/kg for aspartame,0.00, 28.10, 0.00 mg/kg for acesulfame potassium, 9.99, 1.40, 0.00 mg/kg for sucralose. Results of risk assessment for sweeteners were expressed as EDI (Estimated Daily Intake) comparing with ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake). The ratio of high risk group for sweeteners intake (95th) were 0~2.66%. The results of this study indicated that each EDI of four kinds of sweeteners sold at stationary stores around the school is much lower than each ADI in general. Consequently, the children snacks are thought to be safe for consumption.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey was conducted to develop an appropriate management for safety of children snacks. In this study, monitorings of food additives such as nine kinds of tar colors (tartrazine, sunset yellow FCF, brilliant blue FCF, indigo carmine, new coccine, amaranth, erythrosine, allura red and fast green FCF) which are sold at stationary store around the school, were performed. Eighty two samples (3 snacks, 71 candies, 4 chocolates and 4 beverages)were analyzed for tar colors. Results of risk assessment for tar colors were expressed as EDI (Estimated Daily Intake) comparing with ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake). The ratio of high risk group for tar color intake (95th) were 0-3.56%. The consumptions of tar colors from domestic and imported products for nine kinds of tar colors in candies were not significantly different. The results of this study indicated that each EDI of nine kinds of tar colors sold at stationary store around the school is much lower than each ADI in general. Consequently, the children snacks are thought to be safe for consumption.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This case study examined 10 Korean English teachers who were involved in small group work (SGW) for the purpose of improving their own English language proficiency. Their beliefs about and practices of SGW were closely observed as they actually went through a SGW. A total of 10 teachers (three groups) teaching at elementary or middle schools participated in the SGWs for one year. In the SGWs they were supposed to meet once a week in groups, give a presentation in English on a selected topic, and discuss the topics presented. Throughout the research period, they were interviewed and surveyed periodically. The result of the study showed that teachers generally had positive beliefs about SGWs and were very willing to go on with it in the same way they used to or in a little modified way. Especially, the teachers revealed strong conviction that the most powerful aspect of SGW was that it kept them motivated to continue learning, which has rarely been the case when they tried to study individually.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          제조업에서는 보다 합리적으로 생산량을 결정함으로써 고객에 대한 납기 준수는 물론, 기업 내부의 비용을 감소시키기 위한 노력을 끊임없이 하고 있다. 합리적인 생산량의 결정은 기업 내적으로는 낭비를 제거하고, 생산 흐름의 안정성을 유지하여 주며, 기업 외적으로는 공급사슬 전체의 자재흐름을 원활히 해주고 고객의 기호 변화에 빠르게 대처할 수 있도록 한다. 이에 본 논문은 보다 높은 고객 만족도와 비용의 절감을 위해서 재고 유지비용과 생산준비비용만을 고려하
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