
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        통일선교를 준비하는 우리들에게 생애사적 증언에 기초한 북한의 정치·사회·경제·문화는 물론, 복음 환경과 같은 상황적 이해가 매우 중요하다. 졸저의 생애사 주인공 강철수(가명)는 북한이탈주민으로서 현재 남한에서 기독교 복음사역을 하고 있다. 이 연구는 강철수가 복음을 수용하고 북한선교 사역자가 되기까지의 생애사를 로젠탈 (Ronsenthal)생애사 연구방법으로 분석했다. 특히 강철수가 복음을 접하게 된 계기, 수차례의 탈북, 체포 및 수감생활 등 한국에 입국하기 전까지 생사를 넘나들던 시기, 그리고 한국 입국과 그 이후 신학대학원에서의 공부와 북한선교사역의 시작 등 현재까지의 그의 생애사를 분석했다. 분석결과 중국에서 복음을 전해 준 두 분의 영적아버지와 한국에서 북한선교의 비전을 심어 준 영적어머니와의 만남이 가장 중요한 요인으로 드러났다. 강철수의 신실한 믿음은 준비 된 인적자원 (human resources)과의 만남이라고 할 수 있는데, 이를 통해 우리는 통일선교 시대를 맞이하여 사람을 준비하는 일의 중요성을 새롭게 인식할 수 있는 것이다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There had been many influential protestant missionaries in the last 130 years in the history of the Korean Protestant missionaries but there had not been one who was more influential then John Ross from Scotland. John Ross was not only a missionary in China, but he made the Korean translation of the New Testament. A publication which already existed in Korea years before the American Protestant missionaries came to Korea. It is very rare for any country to have such a missional history of this manner. Nevertheless, the fact remains that there is very minimal data about John Ross in the Korean Church history. In this paper, the Fulfillment Theology from the position of the Missiological Theology is dealt with as we try to better understand John Ross. As he witnessed the emphasize of the Confucianism’s ancestral worship in China, he began to better understood the Fulfillment Theology from the position of the Missiological Theology.In this paper, the life and ministry of John Ross along with his missiological attitude towards other religion and the relationship of Confucianism and Christianity are dealt with. In particular, this paper deals with the efforts of John Ross as he searched for the contact point of Christianity in Confucianism and his desire to lead the contact point to Jesus Christ in his work. His method was to increase the efficiency of the witness of the Gospel.John Ross, in his 39 years of missionary work in China baptized over 4000. And through his faithful efforts his work is still evident in China today as DongGuan Church and DongBook Seminary in Shenyang, China are actively operating. Thus, there is a great significance in studying the Fulfillment Theology from the position of Ross's Missiological Theology. If we obtain a better understanding of Ross's Missiological Theology, it will not only be beneficial to Christianity but essential in witnessing to other religions. The literature review method was used for this paper, as major writings of Ross and primary data founded was used. In addition, to gain a better understanding of John Ross and his work, Ross's home and his grave site in Scotland was visited 10 times and his main mission field, Shenyang, China 15 times.