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        검색결과 15

        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양의 파랑은 지구온난화 및 기후변화의 중요한 지표 중 하나로 인식되고 있다. 기후변화와 동아시아 몬순의 영향을 직접적으로 받는 황해 및 동중국해역에서의 유의파고 및 파향의 시공간 변동성 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 유럽중기예보센터(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts; ECMWF)에서 제공하고 있는 5세대 모델 재 분석장 (ECMWF Reanalysis 5, ERA5) 자료를 활용하여 황해 및 동중국해역에서의 유의파고와 파향의 공간분포와 계 절 및 경년변동을 포함하는 시공간 변동성을 분석하였다. 모델 재분석자료를 활용한 유의파고와 파향의 변동성 분석에앞서 이어도 해양과학기지 관측 자료와의 비교를 통하여 정확도를 검증하였다. 평균 유의파고는 0.3-1.6 m의 범위를 보 였으며 북쪽에 비해 남쪽이 높고 연안에 비해 황해 중심부에서 높은 공간분포 특성을 보였다. 유의파고의 표준편차 또 한 평균과 유사한 양상을 나타내었다. 황해에서 유의파고와 파향은 뚜렷한 계절변동성을 보였다. 유의파고의 경우 전반 적으로 겨울철에 가장 높았으며 늦봄 또는 초여름에 가장 낮았다. 파향은 계절풍의 영향으로 겨울철에는 주로 남쪽으로 전파되었으며 여름철에는 북쪽으로 전파되는 특성이 나타났다. 유의파고의 계절변동은 여름철 태풍 등의 영향으로 해마 다 연 진폭의 큰 변화를 가진 강한 경년변동성을 보였다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해수 속의 용존 유기·무기물과 플랑크톤 등의 상호 작용은 해수의 색과 광학적 특성을 결정한다. 동중국해에 위치한 이어도 해양과학기지(I-ORS) 주변의 해역은 서쪽으로 양자강 저염수, 남쪽으로 대마 난류에 영향을 받아 한반도 주변의 해수 순환과 광특성 변동 연구에 적합하다. 본 연구에서는 MODIS/Aqua로 관측한 위성 원격 반사도와 NOMAD 실측 원격 반사도를 이용하여 2016년 1월부터 2020년 12월까지 I-ORS 주변의 해수의 원격반사도를 스펙트 럼 특성에 따라 23가지의 유형으로 분류하였으며, 이어도 해양 과학기지 주변 해역(d ≤ 10 km)의 위성 일치점 자료 59,532개를 이용하여 연구 해역 수형의 계절 변동 특성을 제시하였다. 각 관측 지점에서의 원격 반사도 스펙트럼은 분 광 각도법을 이용하여 기준 스펙트럼과의 유사도를 비교함으로써 가장 근접한 기준 수형으로 분류 하였으며 분광 유사 도가 10o 이내일 때만 유의미하다고 판단하였다. 연구 기간내 I-ORS 주변 해역에서는 상대적으로 맑은 해역에서 잘 나 타나는 수형이 50% 이상으로 가장 빈번하게 관측되었다. 계절별 수형의 도수분포에서 여름과 겨울의 분포 양상이 다르 게 나타났고, 특히 여름에는 맑은 해수에서 주로 나타나는 7 이하의 수형이 주로 출현한 반면에 겨울에는 전체 4% 미 만으로 존재하였다. I-ORS 주변을 비롯한 동중국해의 수형의 공간 분포 특성을 고려할 때 I-ORS는 해수 수형의 전이 대에 위치한 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 한반도 연안에서의 수형 변동을 분석함으로써 해수의 광학 특성 이해을 이해 하고 인공위성 해색 변수의 정확도 향상을 위한 토대 마련에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        금오열도 연안에서 출현하는 동물플랑크톤 계절별 군집의 변동 양상을 이해하기 위해 그들의 출현 양상과 환경인자를 2003년 8월부터 2004년 4월까지 계절별로 실시하였다. 조사기간 동안 출현한 동물플랑크톤은 모두 44개 분류군이 출현하였고, 출현 개체수는 15~28,183 inds. m-3의 범위를 보였으며, N. scintillans가 가장 우점하는 분류군이었다. 동물플랑크톤 주요 분류군은 N. scintillans를 포함하여 P. parvus s. l., A. omorii, Oithona spp., Aidanosagitta crassa, 십각류 유생, 요각류 전기유생, 요각류 후기유생이었다. 종 다양도 지수는 여름철과 봄철에 낮게 나타난 반면에 가을철과 겨울철에는 높게 나타났다. 결과적으로 금오열도 연안의 동물플랑크톤 출현 양상이 계절에 따른 수온, 염분, Chl. a 농도와 함께 일부 내만종들에 기인하여 변동될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the mRNA expression of apoptosis-related and imprinted genes and methylation pattern of the differentially methylated region (DMR) of H19 gene in day 35 of SCNT pig fetuses. The day 35 of natural mating (control) or cloned (clone) pig fetuses were recovered from uterus. Endometrium from dam and liver from fetus were obtained, respectively. mRNA expression was evaluated by real-time PCR and methylation pattern was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing method. The Bcl-2 mRNA expression in clone was significantly lower than that of control (p<0.05). The mRNA expression of H19 gene in both endometrium and liver was significantly higher in clone than that of control, respectively (p<0.05). The level of IGF-2 mRNA in liver of clone was significantly lower than that of control (p<0.05), whereas the mRNA expression of IGF2-R gene in liver of clone was significantly higher than that of control (p<0.05). The DMR of H19 was lower methylation pattern in clone than that of control. These results suggest that the aberrant mRNA expression of apoptosis-related and imprinted genes and the lower DMR methylation pattern of imprinted gene may be closely related to the inadequate fetal development of cloned fetus.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Legume and rhizobia symbiosis plays an important role in conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. On a global scale, this interaction represents a key entry point for reduced nitrogen into the biosphere, and as a consequence this symbiosis is important in both natural and agricultural systems. Symbiotic development of nodule organ is triggered by chito-oligosaccharide signals (Nod factors) from the bacterium which are perceived by the legume root. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underlie Nod factor perception is one focus of legume biology. Although forward genetics has proved to be an important tool to identify key players in Nod factor perception, we still know relatively little regarding the functional networks of genes and proteins that connect the earliest steps of Nod factor perception to immediate downstream outcomes. To elucidate genes and proteins that link Nod factor perception to cellular and physiological responses we are taking a discovery-based strategy based on whole transcriptome profiling using RNA-seq analysis in the roots of Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Functional characterization of a number of candidate genes is currently in progress to further examine their role in nodulation such as generating transgenic plants
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology is being used for more effective genetic mapping and genome analysis. In this study, we performed whole-genome sequencing on the genomic DNA of Milyang23 and Gihobyeo using NGS and developed new cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers based on the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in coding sequence between these varieties. Approximately, sequences of 60x coverage of the Nipponbare reference genome on average were obtained following Illumina sequencing. Totally, 1,726,798 SNPs between Milyang23 and Gihobyeo were detected. Among them, 149 SNP were selected for CAPS markers and located on genetic map with previously reported 219 PCR-based DNA markers. This map was applied to the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for stem internode diameters, culm length and panicle length in rice with MGRIL population. Newly 6 QTLs were detected for culm length (CL) and stem diameter (ID) traits including the first internode diameter (I1D), third internode diameter (I3D), and fourth internode diameter (I4D). Among those QTLs, qI1D5 and qCL5 had relatively higher LOD score and explained 8.99% and 4.24% of total variation. This study showed that the NGS allowed the rapid discovery of a large number of SNPs for CAPS marker. Only very small portion of SNPs through re-sequencing were used in this study. Furthermore, the results of QTL analysis described above shows relevance of molecular markers in mapping genes for useful traits.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Legume and rhizobia symbiosis plays an important role in conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. On a global scale, thin interaction represent a key entry point for reduced nitrogen into the biosphere, and as a consequence this symbiosis in important in both natural and agricultural systems. Symbiotic development of nodule organ in triggered by chito-oligosaccharide signals(Nod factors) from the bacterium which are perceived by the legume root. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underlie Nod factor perception is one focus of legume biology. Although forward genetics has proved to be an important tool to elucidate key players in Nod factor perception, we still know relatively little regarding the functional networks of genes and proteins that connect the earliest steps of Nod factor perception to immediate downstream outcomes. To identify genes and proteins that link Nod factor perception to cellular and physiological responses we are taking a discovery-based strategy on large-scale transcriptome profiling using RNA sequencing in the roots of Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Functional characterization of a number of candidate genes is currently in progress to further examine their role in nodulation.
        2009.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The short-term variations of the mesozooplankton community structure were investigated in Gamak Bay during summer season, 2006. The study was based on a comprehensive survey constituting from 12 stations on June 19, July 28, August 4, and August 29, respectively. Mean of temperature and chlorophyll a concentrations in the surface layer were significantly higher than those in bottom layer, and those concentrations were significantly higher in the inner bay than those in the outer bay. A total of 40 taxa including 19 copepods were observed in Gamak Bay during summer season. Mean abundance of total mesozooplankton varied from 1,859 to 26,111 indiv. m-3. The dominant species were Noctiluca scintillans, Penilia avirostris, Evadne tergestina, Paracalanus parvus s. l., Acartia omorii and Cirriped nauplii and cyprii in Gamak Bay, and they contributed 90% of mean abundance of total mesozooplankton. Noctiluca scintillans was high after the rainfall. Cluster analysis showed that the mesozooplankton community could be divided into 4 distinct groups, indicating rapid change of the community in the short-term of this survey. The relative contribution of each group of the N. scintillans, P. avirostris, E. tergestina, and P. parvus s. l. showed differences during the phytoplankton bloom period. The mesozooplankton community compositions were highly associated with water temperature, and salinity in physical conditions, and food organisms affect short-term variations in mesozooplankton composition. Interestingly, protozoa N. scintillans, and Cladocera appeared to be one of the key organisms to extinguish the phytoplankton bloom. Therefore, this study suggests that N. scintillans, and Cladocera could be a key player to control the mesozooplankton community structure during summer season, 2006.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The data of temperature, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton and NOAA/AVHRR satellite data were analyzed about 7 stations around Wando Island area on August 30, 2005. The sea water temperature range was from 15.19℃ to 24.97℃, and there was a cold water mass from the station 1 to 5 around the outside of Chungsando Island, the water temperature was lower at the bottom than surface. The salinity was 32.41~34.03, DO was 7.40~9.14 mg/L, but the concentration of chlorophyll a was 1ug/L higher at the bottom than surface. Total phytoplankton appeared from the whole stations were 47 genus, 80 species and diatoms were dominant. A lot of dinoflagellates Ceratium furca and diatoms Thalassithrix spp. mostly appeared in the cold water mass were turned up from the station 1 to 5. 4 groups of phytoplankton clusters were shown in the surface, and 3 groups of phytoplankton clusters were shown at the bottom according to the water temperature. On the ground of the result analyzed with NOAA/AVHRR satellite data, the SST around Wando Island was 22~25℃, it was formed by thermohaline front latitudinally.