
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 49

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낫또(natto)는 일본의 전통 콩 발효식품으로 혈전용해, 면역증강, 항고혈압, 항비만, 항균, 항산화, 항당뇨등의 다양한 효과를 가지고 있어 소비가 점차 증가하고 있다. 그러나, 낫또용으로 이용되는 콩 품종의 성숙 종실에는 소화 불량, 알러지 유발 및 가공 적성을 저하시키는 P34, lectin, Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor (KTI), 7S α′subunit 및 lipoxygenase 단백질과 같은 항영양성분도 포함되어져 있다. 따라서, 본 연구는 이러한 성분에 대하여 penta null 유전자형(p34leticgy1lox1lox2lox3)을 가지면서 종자 크기가 중소립이고 노란색 종피와 제색이 노란 또는 옅은 갈색을 가진 낫또용 콩 계통을 육성하기 위하여 진행되었다. 64 및 22C1 모본과의 교배를 통하여 제색이 노란 및 옅은 갈색이면서 종자 크기가 소립인 81개의 F2 종자가 선발되었고 그 중에서, P34 단백질 함량이 매우 낮은 18개의 F2 종자가 선발되었다. 18개의 F2 종자로부터 초형, 성숙기, 종피색, 제색 및 백립중이 양호한 2개의 F2 개체(BL1 및 BL2)가 최종 선발되었다. BL1 선발 개체의 성숙기는 중간이었고 종피색은 노란색이며 제색은 연한 갈색을 보였고 백립중은 12.4g으로 소립이었다. BL2 선발 개체는 성숙기가 조생이었고 종피색과 제색은 모두 노란색은 보였으며 백립중은 12.6g으로 소립이었다. 선발된 두 개체는 모두 대표적인 항영양성분인 P34, lectin, KTI, 7S α′subunit 및 lipoxygenase 단백질에 대하여 모두 열성인 penta null 유전자형(p34leticgy1lox1lox2lox3)을 가진 것으로 확인되었다. 선발 개체는 낫또용 콩 품종으로 육성될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        콩 종실에는 레시틴, 아이소플라본, 사포닌, 루테인, 안토시아닌 및 플라보노이드와 같은 생리활성 성분과 약 40%의 단백질이 들어 있어 최근 식물성 대체 단백질의 주요 재료로 이용성이 점차 증가되고 있다. 그러나 lipoxygenase, Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor (KTI), lectin, 7Sα′subunit 단백질 및 stachyose와 같은 알레르기를 유발시키고 품질 및 기능성을 저하시키는 성분들도 존재한다. 본 연구는 갈색 종피와 penta null 유전자형 (lox1lox2lox3tilecgy1rs2)을 가져 성숙 종실에서 lipoxygenase, KTI, lectin 및 7Sα′subunit의 4가지 단백질이 모두 없으면서 stachyose의 함량이 매우 낮은 콩 계통을 육성하기 위하여 진행되었다. 5개의 자원을 이용하여 창성된 육종집단으로부터 갈색 종피와 penta null 유전자형을 가진 6개의 F2 종자가 선발되었다. 농업형질이 양호한 계통을 선발하여 F7 계통에서 lipoxygenase, KTI, lectin 및 7Sα' subunit의 4가지 단백질에 대한 부재를 확인하였다. 선발계통은 갈색종피와 자주색 꽃 및 유한신육형이며 배꼽색은 흰색이고 성숙 자엽색은 노란색이었다. 선발계통의 경장은 68cm 정도이며 백립중은 29.2g으로 대립이었고 stachyose의 함량은 3.8g/kg으로 매우 낮았으며 수량은 2.75ton/ha 정도였다. 선발된 계통은 성숙 콩 종실에서 콩 가공적성과 품질 및 기능성을 저하시키는 lipoxygenase, KTI, lectin 및 7Sα′subunit의 4가지 단백질이 모두 없으면서 난소화성 당으로 알려진 stachyose의 함량이 매우 낮은 유색콩 품종 및 중간모본으로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        콩[Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 종자에는 수용성 탄수화물 11%, 단백질 40%, 지방 21% 정도의 3대 영양소가 골고루 함유 되어 있고, 콩 종실 단백질은 양과 질적인 면에서 식물성 단백질 중 가장 우수한 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나, 성숙 콩 종실에는 Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor (KTI) 단백질, P34 단백질, 7S 단백질 등 품질과 기능성을 떨어뜨리는 성분이 다수 존재하고 있다. 본 연구는 콩 및 콩 제품의 품 질과 기능성을 떨어뜨리는 성분인 7S α' subunit 단백질과 Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor (KTI) 단백질이 유전적으로 없으면서 (cgy1cgy1titi 유전자형) 갈색종피 색을 가진 콩 계통을 선발하기 위하여 진행되었 다. 3개의 모본 (장려품종, PI506876, Gaechuck#2)을 이용한 육종집단으로부터 갈색종피, 노란자엽 및 7S α' subunit 단백질과 KTI 단백질이 없는 개체를 선발하였다. 선발개체에 대하여 7S α' subunit 단백질과 KTI 단백질의 유전적 고정과 농업형질 평가를 통하여 갈색 종피를 가지면서 cgy1cgy1titi 유전자형을 가져 7S α' subunit 단백질과 KTI 단백질이 없는 농업형질이 양호한 계통을 선발하였다. 선발된 계통의 초장은 65 cm 정도였으며 백립중은 24.2 g으로 중립이었으며 종피색은 갈색이고 제색은 하얀 색이며 성숙 자엽색은 노란색이었다. 본 연구를 통하여 선발된 계통은 7S α' subunit 단백질 및 Kunitz Trypsine Inhibitor (KTI) 단백질이 동시에 없는 유색콩 품종 육성을 위한 중간모본으로 이용 될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        성숙 콩 종실에 함유되어져 있는 raffinose와 stachyose 성분은 난분해성 올리고당이며, 인체 내에서는 분해 및 흡수가 되지 않고 장내 가스나 소화불량을 일으킨다. Raffinose와 stachyose의 함량이 적은 콩 계통을 육성하기 위한 기초 정보를 얻기 위하여 59개의 유전자형을 이용하여 2년간 포장에서 재배한 후 raffinose와 stachyose의 함량을 분석하였다. Raffinose의 2년간 평균 함량은 3.353~10.271g/kg의 범위를 보였고 육종계통 Da-7에서 가장 낮았으며 PI506592 유전자원이 가장 높은 값을 보였으며 59개 유전자형에 대한 평균값은 5.035g/kg으로 나타났다. Stachyose의 2년간 평균 함량은 2.468~36.745g/kg의 범위를 보였고 육종계통 10S31에서 가장 낮았으며 PI283327 유전자원이 가장 높은 값을 보였으며 59개 유전자형에 대한 평균값은 17.222g/kg으로 나타났다. Raffinose 성분은 3.6~7.2g/kg의 범위에서 52개의 유전자형이 분포하였고, stachyose 성분에서는 12~24g/kg의 범위에서 39개의 유전자형이 분포하였다. Raffinose의 함량에서는 년차간 부의 상관관계를 보였고, stachyose의 함량에서는 년차간 정의 상관관계를 보였다. Raffinose와 stachyose의 함량간에는 정의 상관관계을 보였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벼의 수량과 품질은 등숙기의 고온에 의해 영향을 받는다. 본 연구는 남부지방에서 벼 조기재배로 인한 고온 등숙에 벼의 수량과 미질이 적합한 벼 품종 선정을 위하여 수행하였다. 조생종 14품종을 파종 후 20일인 4월 20일에 이앙하여 수확 후 수량과 도정된 쌀의 품질을 조사하였다. 쌀 수량은 단위 면적 당 영화수가 가장 많았던 운광이 가장 많았고 주남조생, 조광, 황금보라, 만나, 운미, 밀양238 및 조아미 순이었다. 완전미 수량은 밀양247이 가장 높았고, 조광, 만나, 산들진미 순이었다. 단백질 함량은 6.0∼6.9% 범위를 나타내었고, 밀양247, 산들진미, 조아미, 만나, 보석 및 조광 품종이 취반미윤기치가 비교적 높게 나타났다. 따라서 남부지방 평야지 벼 조기재배시 산들진미, 조광, 만나 그리고 밀양247이 적합한 품종으로 판단된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean cultivars with genetically low levels of stachyose enhance the utilization of soybean in food as well as feed uses. The objective of this research is to obtain the information on indirection selection of soybean lines with low stachyose content using DNA marker based on RS2 (rs2) gene. Two genetic populations were developed from the crosses of three parents (116-13 parent : low stachyose content, PI417227 and PI506903 parents: normal stachyose content). Twenty F2 plants of RS2_ genotype and twenty F2 plants of rs2rs2 genotype from each populations were harvested. Content of stachyose was detected by HPLC. Stachyose contents (g/kg) of 116-13, PI417227, PI506903 parents were 3.7, 23.7, and 17.8, respectively. In population 1, stachyose content 20 F2 plants with RS2_ genotype was 14.8 – 24.1 and stachyose content 20 F2 plants with rs2rs2 genotype was 2.1 – 4.7. In population 2, stachyose content 20 F2 plants with RS2_ genotype was 12.4 – 19.7 and stachyose content 20 F2 plants with rs2rs2 genotype was 2.1 – 5.0. Mean difference between RS2_ genotype and rs2rs2 genotype in population 1 and 2 was highly significant. From this results, selection of genetic lines with low stachyose content by DNA marker based on RS2 (rs2) gene will be possible.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is an important dietary source of protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and other nutrients for humans and animals. Raffinose and stachyose are the main antinutritional factors in soybean seed. They are carbohydrates belonging to the raffinose family of oligosaccharides, which are not readily digested in humans and cause flatulence or diarrhea. The genetic reduction of the raffinose and stachyose contents in mature soybean seeds will improve the nutritional value of soybean. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic traits with 10 F6 strains selected from breeding populations derived from a cross among seven parents. The contents of raffinose and stachyose in mature seeds were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. Agronomic traits such as flower color, flowering date, harvesting date, lodging, plant height, seed coat color, hilum color, 100 seed weight, and yield were evaluated. Ten intermediate parents showed low raffinose and stachyose contents. The intermediate parent 883-1 had a small seed size, six intermediate parents (15A1, 15D1, RS-5, RS-33, RS-64, and RS-70) had a medium seed size, and two intermediate parents (14G20 and RS-21) had a large seed size. The intermediate parent RS-21 had a black seed coat and a green cotyledon. Four intermediate parents (883-1, 14G20, RS-5, and RS-21) had elite agronomic traits. The new intermediate parents developed through this study will be used to develop improved soybean cultivars with low contents of raffinose and stachyose.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is an important source for protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and many other nutrients to humans and animals. Lipoxygenase protein is the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. Soybean cultivar, "Choseon" with yellow medium seed size and free of lipoxygenase 2,3 protein was developed. "Choseon" was selected from the population derived from the cross between cultivar, "Jinpum 2" and germplasm, PI408155. "Choseon" has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, a determinate growth habit, and light yellow pods at maturity. The seed of "Choseon" has yellow hilum and yellow seed coat color. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 34.2 and 16.9%, respectively. "Choseon" has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and bacterial pustule. "Choseon" matured in 5 October with plant height of 51 cm and a 100-seed weight of 15.1 g. Average yield of "Choseon" was 2.66 (Ton/ha) on the regional yield trials of 2013 at 4 locations. "Choseon" has been registered as a soybean cultivar (registration number: 5985, registration date: April 11, 2016) by Korea Seed & Variety Service, Republic of Korea.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean is the main source of protein and oil for human and animal nutrition. However, antinutritional factors in the raw mature soybean are exist. Lipoxygenase protein is the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, ‘Jinyang’ with yellow seed coat and free of lipoxygenase 1,2,3 protein was developed. It was selected from the population derived from the cross between ‘Jinpumkong2ho’ and GS301. ‘Jinyang’ has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, a determinate growth habit, oval leaflet shape, and light brown pods at maturity. The seed has yellow hilum and yellow seed coat color. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 33.5% and 16.6%, respectively. It has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. ‘Jinyang’ matured in 1 October with plant height of 65cm and a 100-seed weight of 21 g. Average yield of ‘Jinyang’ was 300 - 330 kg/10a in 2010 - 2012. ‘Jinyang’ has been registered as a new soybean cultivar (registration number: 4279, registration date: Dec. 28, 2012) by Korea Seed & Variety Service, Republic of Korea.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important crop for protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and many other nutrients to humans and animals. But, antinutritional factors in the raw mature soybean are exist. Raffinose and stachyose are main antinutritional factors in soybean seed. Both raffinose and stachyose are carbohydrates, belonging to the raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFOs). RFOs are not readily digested in humans and cause flatulence or diarrhea. The objective of this research is to obtain the information on raffinose and stachyose content according to genotype and environment. A total of twenty two soybean genotypes (11 cultivars, 3 germplasms and 8 breeding lines) were selected. Each genotype was grown in the field for two years with two replications and harvested in bulk at natural maturity for two years. Content of raffinose and stachyose was detected by HPLC. The raffinose content (g/kg) of 22 genotypes was 2.68±0.21 - 5.87±2.43 in year 1 and was 3.24±0.37 - 9.05±0.16 in year 2. The stachyose content (g/kg) was 4.23±0.98 - 27.68±9.90 at year 1 and was 5.11±1.09 - 25.32±0.35 in year 2. Genotype and environment have highly significant effects on raffinose and stachyose content. Three genotypes (Da-7, 116-13, and RS-78) have low stachyose content at 5% significant level in two years. A positive correlation (R2=0.1985*) between raffinose and stachyose was observed in year 2. These informations are valuable in soybean genetics and breeding program related with raffinose and stachyose content.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean proteins are widely used for human and animal feeds worldwide. The use of soybean protein has been expanded in the food industry due to their excellent nutritional benefits. But, antinutritional and allergenic factors are present in the raw mature soybean. P34 protein, referred as Gly m Bd 30K, has been identified as a predominant immunodominant allergen. The objective of this research is to identify the genetic mode of P34 protein for the improvement of soybean cultivar with a very low level of P34 protein. Two F2 populations were developed from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" x PI567476 and "Gaechuck2ho" x PI567476 (very low level of P34 protein). Relative amount of P34 protein was observed by Western blot analysis. The observed data for the progeny of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476 were 133 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 35 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=1.157, P=0.20-0.30). For the progeny of "Gaechuck#1" and PI567476, the observed data were 177 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 73 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=2.353, P=0.10-0.20). From pooled data, observed data were 310 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 108 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=0.156, P=0.50-0.70). The segregation ratio (3:1) and the Chi-square value obtained from the two populations suggested that P34 protein in mature soybean seed is controlled by a single major gene. Single gene inheritance of P34 protein was confirmed in 32 F2 derived lines in F3 seeds, which were germinated from the low level of P34 protein obtained from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476. These results may provide valuable information to breed for new soybean line with low level of P34 protein and identification of molecular markers linked to P34 locus.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Dwarfuess and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein in soybean is useful traits for basic studies. df2 and ti gene control dwarfness and the expression of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein in soybean, respectively. The objective of this research was to verify genetic linkage or independent inheritance of df2 and ti loci in soybean. The F2 population was made by cross combination between "Gaechuck#2" (Df2Df2titi genotype, KTI protein absence and a normal growth type) and T210 (df2df2TiTi genotype, a dwarf growth type and KTI protein present). A total of 258 F2 seeds were analyzed for the segregation of KTI protein using SDS-PAGE. And so, 198 F2 plants were recorded for the segregation of dwarfness. The segregation ratio of 3 : 1 for Ti locus (201 Ti : 57 titi) and Df2 locus (143 Df2 : 55 df2df2) was observed. Segregation ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 (116 TiDf2: 44 Tidf2df2: 27 titiDf2: 11 titidf2df2) between df2 gene and ti gene was observed (x2 =3.53, P = 0.223). These results showed that df2 gene was inherited independently with the ti gene in soybean.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lipoxygenase and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein are the main antinutritional factor in mature soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, "Gaechuck#2" with yellow seed coat, lipoxygenase2,3-free and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein-free was developed. It was selected from the population derived from the cross between "Jinpumkong2ho" and C242. Plants of "Gaechuck#2" have determinate growth habit with purple flowers, tawny pubescence, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum, oval leaflet shape and brown pods at maturity. Seed protein and oil content on a dry weight basis were 40.7% and 18.7%, respectively. It has shown a resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. Gaechuck#2 matured in 4 October with plant height of 54cm and a 100-seed weight of 24.4g. Average Yield of Gaechuck#2 was 230 - 250 kg/10a in 2005 - 2007.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lipoxygenase and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein of mature soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed are main anti-nutritional factors in soybean seed. A new soybean cultivar, "Gaechuck#1" with the traits of black seed coat, green cotyledon, lipoxygenase2,3 and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein free was developed. It was selected from the population derived the cross of "Gyeongsang#1" and C242. Plants of "Gaechuck#1" have a determinate growth habit with purple flowers, brown pubescence, black seed coat, black hilum, oval leaflet shape and brown pods at maturity. Seed protein and oil content on dry weight basis have averaged 39.1% and 16.2%, respectively. It has shown resistant reaction to soybean necrosis, soybean mosaic virus, Cercospora leaf spot and blight, black root rot, pod and stem blight, and soybean pod borer. "Gaechuck#1" matured on 5-10 October with a plant height of 50 cm. The 100-seed weight of "Gaechuck#1" was 23.2g. Yield of "Gaechuck#1" was averaged 2.2 ton/ha from 2005 to 2007.
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