
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        라오스 정부는 산림의 황폐화를 방지하고 그동안 훼손된 산림 자원의 복원을 위해 외국 자본에 의한 조림사업을 유치하는 노력을 하고 있어, 라오스는 우리나라의 해외 조림목 공급선 확대라는 정책 목표에 부합하는 지역으로 볼 수 있다. 이렇듯 조림 투자 가능성이 점차 확대되어가고 있는 환경 아래, 조림 투자 사업의 경제적 타당성을 미리 가늠해 보는 과정은 투자 의사 결정에 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 차지한다. 본 연구의 기본적인 목적은 라오스 조림 투자 사업에 대한경제적 타당성을 실증적인 차원에서 평가하는 것이다. 모든 투자 사업을 계획할 때에는 B/C ratio나 IRR 등과 같은 타당성지표를 계산하여 사업의 경제성 여부를 판단하게 된다. 그러나 그러한 경제적 타당성 분석 결과의 신뢰성은 분석에 적용되는 편익 항목과 비용 항목이 얼마만큼 현실적인 조건을 충실히 반영하느냐에 의존하게 되며, 투자 사업이 진행됨에 따라 나타나는 여러 불확실성이나 항목의 변동을 감안하는 데에는 큰 제약이 있는 것이 현실이다. 더욱이 사업이 진행됨에따라 사업 기간 중 발생하는 편익과 비용의 변동 사항을 적절히 반영하여 경제성을 재평가한다면, 나머지 사업 기간 중의 투자 계획 수정 과정이나 동종 업계의 투자 의사 결정, 나아가 정부의 관련 정책 의사 결정 과정에 기여하는 바가 크다고 할 수 있다. 이상과 같은 목적에 부합하는 연구를 수행하기 위하여, 본 연구에서는 현재 해외에 진출하여 조림사업을 추진하고 있는 기업 중, 라오스에 진출한 M산업을 분석 대상으로 선정하였다. M산업은 조림 면적이나 사업비 규모 측면에서 상대적으로 소규모의 투자 업체로 간주되는데, 2002년부터 3여 년 동안의 사업 준비기간을 거쳐 2005년 라오스에 진출한 소규모국내 업체이다. 현지 조사를 바탕으로 가정한 비용 항목과 편익 항목의 각 수치를 최대한 보수적인 관점에서 적용하여 경제성을 분석한결과, IRR은 19.62로 나타나 최근에 자본의 기회비용으로 간주될 수 있는 시중 이자율을 크게 상회하는 것으로 나타났다.한편 8%의 할인율에서 B/C ratio는 1.54로 나타나 1원의 투자에 대응하여 0.54원의 순수익을 기대할 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 이 때 미래 순수익 흐름의 합계인 NPV는$4,529,182로 나타났다. 분석에 적용된 할인율이 각각 5%부터20%까지 상승함을 가정할 때, B/C는 1.70으로부터 0.99까지하락하는 것으로 나타났으며 동시에 NPV는 $6,773,935로부터 -$39,155까지 하락할 수 있음이 분석되었다. 민감도 분석 결과 편익의 크기가 20% 가량 증가할 때, IRR은 24.69%까지 상승하는 것으로 나타났다. 반대로 편익의 크기가 20% 가량 감소할 때, IRR은 13.53%까지 하락하는 것으로 나타났다. 비용 항목 변동의 경우 주요 비용 항목의 크기가 각각 10% 및 20% 씩 감소할 때, IRR은 각각 18.86% 및 18.13%로 하락하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 현재의 국내 자본의 기회비용 수준을 8% 정도로 감안했을 때 모든 시나리오의 분석 결과가 이를 크게 상회함으로써 민감도 분석 결과 또한 다양한 가격 조건 하에서도 본 사업의 경제성은 충분히 확보된 것으로 판단할 수 있다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is one of the most widely cultivated important edible mushroom species. In the breeding of new button mushroom, ‘Seolgang’ was developed by crossing two monokaryons ‘CM020913-27’ and ‘SSU423-31’. Because of the secondarily homothallism, only a small percentage of the basidia produce 3 or 4 spores, which are mostly haploid (n) and do not fruit. Single spore cultures derived from these types of spores produce a vegetative mycelium that also contain a variable number of genetically identical nuclei per cell called monokaryon. The lack of clamp connections between monokaryon and dikaryon required a series of mycelial culture and fruiting test. After crossing, hybrids were cultivated on a small scale and on a commercial scale at a farm. For this, the spawn was made by a commercial spawn producer and the spawned compost by a commercial compost producer. Mycelial growth of ‘Seolgang’ on CDA was better at 20℃ and 25℃ when it was compared with that of ‘505 Ho’. The mature cap shape of new strain ‘Seolgang’ is oblate spheroid and the immature cap shape is round to oblate spheroid. The cap diameter was 41.2 mm on average. In comparison with white strain ‘505 Ho’, the strain had a yield that was 9% higher. It produced fruiting bodies which had a higher weight on average per fruiting body and were 19% firmer with a good shelf life. Days of fruiting body were 3-4 days later than those of ‘505 Ho’. The physical characteristics such as elasticity, chewiness, adhesiveness were better than that of ‘505 Ho’. Genetic analysis of the new strain ‘Seolgang’ showed different profiles compared to ‘505 Ho’, CM02913-27, SSU413-31, when RAPD primers A02 and O04 were used.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A Pleurotus ostreatus strain ‘CM0109068’ showing gray and semispherical in color and shape of pileus were examined in its tetrapolarity of mating types. Single basidiospores were isolated from its fruiting body and monokaryotic mycelia were obtained from each isolate. Mating experiments were performed using 22 monokaryons to provide mating compatibility data. Pairings were performed in the petri dishes on PDA and they were allowed to grow at 25℃ until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections and the crosses were considered dikaryotized when clamp connections were found at the growing margin of either side of the interacting monokaryons. The tested monokaryons resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility in intrastrain crosses. Compatible matings were distinguished from incompatible ones by the rapid growth and gross morphology. The dikaryotic mycelium colony was also confirmed microscopically by the presence of clamp connections from incompatible pairings. The four classes of tester strains representing the four incompatibility types were chosen from intrastrain mating tests. The mating tests with the tester strain were performed for the determination of the rest monokaryons and as a result of these tests it was found that the strain share the same A and B incompatibility factors showing tetrapolar incompatibility characteristics.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pleurotus ostreatus ‘Miso’ is a mutant strain showing white color in pileus from the known parent strain ‘Wonhyeong 1’. Shape and several other characters also vary with culture conditions. Mating experiments were performed to understand interstrain mating relationship using monokaryons of the parent and the mutant strains. All monokaryons were grown from single spores isolated from freshly collected fruit bodies. Pairings were performed in 90 mm petri dishes on PDA. They were allowed to grow at 25 until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections. The parent and the mutant resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility in intrastrain crosses. In interstrain crosses, each monokaryotic tester strain of the parent strain was out-crossed to monokaryotic tester strains of the mutant. As a result of these crosses it was found that both strains share the same A and B incompatibility factors yielding 25% compatibility.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        New white button mushroom (Agricus bisporus) 'Seolgang' was developed by crossing two monokaryons 'CM020913-27' and SSU423-31. Because of the secondarily homothallism, only a small percentage of the basidia produce 3 or 4 spores, which are mostly haploid (n) and do not fruit. Single spore cultures derived from these types of spores produce a vegetative mycelium that also contain a variable number of genetically identical nuclei per cell called monokaryon. Because of the lack of clamp connections between mono- and dikaryons, a series of mycelial culture and fruiting test were progressed. After crossing, hybrids were cultivated on a small scale and on a commercial scale at a farm. For this, the spawn was made by a commercial spawn producer and the spawned compost by a commercial compost producer. Mycelial growth of 'Seolgang' on CDA was better at 20℃ and 25℃ when it was compared with that of No. 505. The mature cap shape of new strain 'Seolgang' is oblate spheroid and the immature cap shape is round to oblate spheroid. The cap diameter was 41.2 mm on average. In comparison with white strain 505 Ho, the strain had a yield that was 9% higher. It produced fruiting bodies which had a higher weight on average per fruiting body and were 19% firmer with a good shelf life. Days of fruiting body were 3~4 days later than that of No. 505. The physical characteristics such as elasticity, chewiness, adhesiveness were better than that of No. 505. Genetic analysis of the new strain 'Seolgang' showed different profiles compared to No. 505, CM02913-27, SSU413-31, when RAPD primers A02 and O04 were used.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study was to breed new white strains of Agaricus bisporus with high yield and high quality by single spore crossbreeding program. In Agaricus bisporus the compatibility of strains is controlled by one mating type factor and different alleles are needed for fertility in . Fertile vegetative mycelium called heterokaryon consists of a network cells, each of which has a variable number of two genetically distinct nuclei with opposite mating type. In the basidia, specialized cells on the lamellae, a normal meiosis takes place after nuclear fusion and produces two spores, each containing two non-sister nuclei (n+n). Fruiting tests show that these single spore cultures can produce mushrooms, i.e. that they contain both mating types. Because of this secondarily homothallism, only a small percentage of the basidia produce 3 or 4 spores, which are mostly haploid (n) and do not fruit. Single spore cultures derived from these types of spores produce a vegetative mycelium that also contain a variable number of genetically identical nuclei per cell called homokaryon. Other characteristics of A. bisporus is the lack of clamp connections in heterokaryons. The typical life cycle and the lack of differences between homo- and heterokaryons are a serious drawback in breeding. Therefore, the availability of uninucleate self-sterile homokaryons is a pre-requisite for producing hybrids in crossbreeding program. Two homokaryons were isolated from two parental strains, SSU413 and CM0299021. They were crossed and cultivated on a small scale and on a commercial scale at a farm. For this, the spawn was made by a commercial spawn producer and the spawned compost by a commercial compost producer. The mature cap shape of new strain CM021002 is oblate spheroid and the immature cap shape is round to oblate spheroid. The cap diameter ranged from 30-43mm, with an average of 39mm. In comparison with white strain 505 Ho, the strain had a yield that was on average 9% higher. It produced fruiting bodies which had a higher weight on average per fruiting body and were 19% firmer with a good shelf life.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Single basidiospores were isolated from a Pleurotus ostreatus strain collected in Boryeong, Korea showing gray and semispherical in color and shape of pileus. Mycelial growth and several other characters were good to be a breeding material. Mating experiments were performed using 23 monokaryons to provide mating compatibility data. Pairings were performed in 90 mm petri dishes on PDA. They were allowed to grow at 25℃ until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections and the crosses were considered positive when clamp connections were found at the growing margin of either side of the interacting monokaryons. The collected strain resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility system in intrastrain crosses. Compatible matings could be visibly distinguished from incompatible ones by the rapid growth and gross morphology. The dikaryotic colony was also confirmed microscopically by the presence of clamp connections from incompatible pairings. The four classes of tester strains representing the four incompatibility types were chosen from intrastrain mating tests as expected. The mating tests with the tester strain were performed for the determination of the rest monokaryons. As a result of these tests it was found that the strain share the same A and B incompatibility factors showing tetrapolar incompatibility system.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Agaricus bisporus is a nutritious edible fungus that is cultivated worldwide. Because of its secondarily homothallic life cycle, 90% or more of the basidia lining the gills at fruit bodies are predominantly two-spored, with each spore receiving two of the four meiotic nuclei. Such homothallic system results in scarcity of monokaryotic basidiospores in its progeny but the availability of uninucleate self-sterile homokaryons is a pre-requisite for producing hybrids in breeding program. This experiment screened 64 single spore isolates collected from CN0210-021, which is white button mushroom cultivated in Chungnam area. They were germinated on PAD meduium at 25℃. After 30 days of incubation colony diameter and morphology type of each isolates was determined. Based on growth rate, 5 strains showing very slow growing morphology than that of parental heterokaryotic strain were selected. Out of 5 slow growing isolates, 2 of them fruited and the rest 3 isolates did not fruit, which were considered as putative homokaryons. These data will provide the outcrossing sources that could be used in commercial breeding programs later. However, in the identification of homokaryotic strains, there is no direct morphological distinguishing features such as a clamp connection that would permit the reliable sorting between homokaryons and heterokaryons. Traditional method to verify a homokaryon thorough the fruiting trial is also time-consuming and not perfect. Therefore, to accelerate the breeding of Agaricus bisporus, quick and reliable methods such as molecular markers to identify the infrequent homokaryons from heterokaryons are needed to be carried out.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pleurotus ostreatus 'Miso' is a mutant strain showing white color in pileus from the known parent strain 'Wonhyeong No. 1'. Shape and several other characters also vary with culture conditions. Mating experiments were performed to understand interstrain mating relationship using monokaryons of the parent and the mutant strains. All monokaryons were grown from single spores isolated from freshly collected fruit bodies. Pairings were performed in 90 mm petri dishes on PDA. They were allowed to grow at 25℃ until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections. The crosses were considered positive when clamp connections were at the growing margin of either side of the interacting monokaryons. The parent strain 'Wonhyeong No. 1' and the mutant strain 'Miso' resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility system in intrastrain crosses. Normal compatible matings could be visibly distinguished from incompatible ones by the rapid growth and gross morphology. The resultant dikaryotic colony was also confirmed microscopically by the presence of clamp connections from incompatible pairings. In interstrain crosses, each monokaryotic tester strains of the parent strain was out-crossed to monokaryotic tester strains of the mutant. The four classes of tester strains representing the four incompatibility types were chosen from each mutant and parent strains. As a result of these crosses it was found that both strains share the same A and B incompatibility factors yielding 25% compatibility.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers, such as PCR-based and SNP-based markers, are extremely useful for plant genetics and crop breeding. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been widely applied in plant breeding to improve crop yield, quality, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. To develop gene-based (or -specific) molecular markers, three different approaches have been used in Brassica species: Known-gene-based, RNA seq/Exon-based and RNA seq/Intron-based molecular marker development for several years. Using these techniques, molecular markers have been developed to identify flowering time, anthocyanin accumuation and abiotic stresses in B. rapa and B. oleracea. Markers were distributed in exons as well as introns, and coding sequences and untranslated regions (UTRs). All markers developed have been transformed into SNP marker after HRM confirmation. I will discuss efficiency, accuracy, and potential problems and contribution of these markers for Brassica breeding.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cold stress, which includes chilling (<20℃) and/or freezing (<0℃) temperatures, adversely affects the growth and development of plants and significantly constraints the spatial distribution of plants and agricultural productivity. Cold signal in plants is transmitted to activate C-repeat/drought-responsive elements-binding factor (CBF)-dependent and independent transcriptional pathway. In Arabidopsis, cold-regulated genes have been estimated to constitute ~4% to 20% of the genome. Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis), like Arabidopsis, is a member of the Cruciferae family. With expectation that Chinese cabbage has similar cold-responding process as Arabidopsis, transcriptome profiles were examined in two comparable DH lines, Chiifu and Kenshin, using 24K microarray and expression of some of genes was analyzed by RT-PCR. Hundreds genes showed over two fold change upon freezing treatment, but only four genes specific for each line. Most of examined CBF-dependent and -independent pathway related genes have a similar expression patterns between Chiifu and Kenshin, except BrICE1 (inducer of CBF expression 1), MYB15, BrRAP2.1 and BrRAP2.6 (ethylene-responsive transcription factor 2.6). The BrICEL (inducer of CBF expression 1 like) showed specifically expression in Kenshin. The expression levels of vernalization related genes (BrRTV1, BrVRN5, BrVIN3L, VIP3 and VIP5) showed no difference between Chiifu and Kenshin and did not response to freezing treatment in our experiment. We will discuss more detailed expression data on poster.